Follow the Adventures of Eros and Psyche during the "Code Blue Earth Mission."
UPDATE FOR 2024 and
Beyond. These story blogs record the actual journey and intensive learning that transpired during the dates of February, 2011
and December 2015. This is only one "leg" of the journey, but an interesting one since it documents the magic rosebushes,
treasure hunts, and trials and tribulations encountered during that timeframe.
UPDATE FOR 2019: We are on sabbatical until
at least 2022. You can be certain we will have even the meantime, you can get up to speed by visiting links
we've provided for learning blogs (that document my own experiences and learning), formal written articles, videos, etc.,
which you can supplement with additional research of your own.
What's in store
for Eros and Psyche as we move past the "Ascension" and into the year 2013?
The saga continues . . . the year
2014 is destined to be ever more eventful! Stay tuned. . .
UPDATE: Where in the world has
the time gone? We are now heading into 2016 and it's bound to be the BEST YEAR YET! Lo and Behold, this ia all a TRUE STORY!
It demonstrates how we can take "fictive" accounts (much like inventors do when they think up new inventions) and
turn them into reality. More importantly, we can prove the Power of the Word for creating the world of our Dreams--this is
a N.E.W. dispensation given to us by God for this era. We create the N.E.W. World as we Ascend.
click on the links below and you'll be up to speed in no time at all. Learn how you, too, can create using the Power of the
Word and end up right into the arms of your dream love, your "Twin Flame" in Paradise for Eternity! I knew this
site was named Paradis Publications for a reason! (Paradis is French for Heaven or Paradise)....we are dedicated to stories
about DIVINE LOVE, of achieving "Love of the Highest Degree."
This is an ongoing story as a demonstration of Joe's
"FICTIVE" writing, a new style of writing for the future (to be further defined and clarified). Follow along --
the story is completely improvisational and we never know what will happen next! Eventually, the story will be published as
a series of books with more data that backs up the reality of the interpretations. If you would like to learn more about this creative
form of writing, check back for our writing books--available after 2022.
CODE BLUE EARTH MISSION of 2012 and Beyond:
Who is Eros? Who is Psyche? What is Mythology? Who changed history? Will Eros and Psyche uncover all of the lies and
put Earth back on the right track? These blogs provide an account of the continuing saga of Soferia (aka Psyche),
a Pleiadian Princess (soon to become Queen) who was sent back in time to work on a special educational mission on Earth.
The first leg of her journey describes how she remembered who she
is, how and why she is on Earth, her early learning experiences about the problems on Earth, and her marriage to
her Master Teacher/Divine Soul Mate or Twin Flame, Emanu'el. She calls him EROS, the God of Love because he had
rescued her as Psyche (her Earth name) from her deep, deep slumber. But then, tragically, he had to leave earth planet, leaving
Psyche behind as they continue their work together across dimensions. After the first leg of the journey, they
began the Code Blue Mission which started here.
new adventure - The Code Blue Earth Mission - continues during
these most tumultuous times of the Great Earth Shift of 2012 and beyond. She and Emanu'el have contracted to assist all
peoples of the Earth as they go through its upheavels - disasters, wars, earthquakes, floods, economic collapses, and various
personal trials and tribulations. As long as one single soul suffers, there can be no Heaven on Earth! No matter
what the obstacle or problem, one thing never changes: And that is the amazing and divine Love between Soferia (aka Psyche) and
Emanu'el (aka Eros) that fuels their passionate work together, despite residing in different dimensions, thus,
truly exemplifying THE POWER OF LOVE!!!! Is this mythology or is it history in the making?
“Therefore what God has joined together, let no man
put asunder [ apart ]” (Matthew 19:6b).
Can Soferia/Psyche do this? Can she accomplish all of the tasks set
before her even though her lover/husband/Master Teacher/EROS -- her better half -- is on the other side of
the curtain? In economically dire straits, she must find a way to pull herself up by her bootstraps, confront and resolve
the many problems that surface during this monumental historical era, help as many people as she can, and all at the same
time finish her dissertation for her PhD, an essential piece needed for her and Emanu'el's work together in the
NEXT leg of the journey. Can Joe Kincheloe's critical complex epistemology come to her rescue? Can she use a creative improvisational entrepreneurial bricolage to stay
in her home and out from under the local bridge?
with her during the next few years as she revisits her past, navigates her present, and meets up with her future where she
and Emanuel will finally have (hopefully) succeeded in contributing to the creation of Heaven on Earth and
then get to meet again. They will then go on to live out their future lives together in eternal bliss back
on their home planet in the Pleiades, traveling the cosmos to assist other entities who suffer and need a helping hand. Will this
"story" end up the way predicted here? One never can never know....but must just go with the flow. It's
very exciting!
This blog is
purely FREE EDUCATIONAL INFORMATION & ENTERTAINMENT. The late Joe L. Kincheloe's educational works will by synthesized and referenced within the context of this "fictive" story, in particular
his last work, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction. If you are new to this story you might want to read
the “Background of the Story.” (scroll down to read blog on that page)
UPDATE: This is important! There are many people listening to the
wrong sure to follow this advice from Jesus:
Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try
the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. 1 John 4:1
Code Blue Earth Mission
This story is narrated by Sōferia, aka PSYCHE, a Pleiadian Queen from Planet Eros.
Sōferia, the Pleiadian Queen, bringing a status update for Earth. I bring this message
because of my great love for Earth and all the peoples inhabiting it. It’s a very sad state of affairs on Earth,
very dire. As Max Igan describes in the video below, the world is in a crisis and people must awaken and work together in
their own neighborhoods and communities before this mess can be straightened out. If people cannot get together even in their
own communities, there is very little hope. According to Max (and I have written blogs previously that describe
this): Earth has been taken over by a bunch of psychopaths. These very sick powers-that-be have us all
so divided that they have the upper hand in all things and as long as we stay droids behind closed doors in front of the boob
tube, then I suppose we deserve what’s coming. It’s very sad.
I tried to start a community newsletter to do work needed in my own neighborhood; it was a sort of trial run –
a newsletter for the community by the community. Unfortunately, there was very little interest and no offers of real assistance.
Being unemployed, there was no way for me to continue so after a couple of months, I had to give the idea up. The handy dandy
landlord who thinks he’s a cop and enforces made-up rules like a cop (instead of PROTECTING us), told me I could
not go around and hand out the newsletters. I had to mail them! To my own neighbors. Of course, that rapidly depleted my funds.
It is sad. As you can see in this painting, even Baby Eros knew it was important to learn to read and communicate. Here,
his father, Hermes is teaching him as his mother, Aphrodite looks on, clearly supporting the reading lessons for her toddler.
What is wrong with us today that we don't even wish to take steps to communicate with each other? Do we think we know everything
we need to know from the media? Do we think we really get NEWS from the news PROGRAMMING? This is exactly why our consciousness
is locked down!
Yes, they have us in total lockdown now. We are doomed. There is no coming out of it, unless
you are already well on your way out of it. All we can do is hope the powers-that-be fight amongst themselves so badly that
their entire system collapses. Some people think we will be rescued by E.T.s. The only E.T.s coming here are already here
– ordinary looking people like me. We know better than to get right into the middle of the hornet's nest as it is collapsing,
and so we will be working behind the scenes until the time is right, although there are a few specially trained and very brave
warriors who will venture into the most dangerous dimensions. The basic plan is that when the old system does finally
collapse, we will be ready to rise up with the new. This was what my last blog was conveying. We have prevailed BUT and it
is a huge one, there is a LOT OF WORK TO DO. And until earthlings are willing to get in there and work for themselves instead
of the boss man, that work is piling ever higher.
It is important that people take time to really understand this dire situation. Do what you can.
Watch all four videos by Max because they really do provide an overview. It is much deeper than that, but if people do not
understand the surface problems, which most don’t, it does no good to delve into the multidimensional aspects….maybe
when more people are ready I will put that out here. Those who are ready already know where to find the sources.
In addition to Max’s
videos, I have also have added some videos that further explain the Libya situation. They helped me understand why Gadaffi
was killed. It’s really sad what they did to him. I could not watch the videos. I don't watch videos that depict crimes
against humanity.
This world
take over will not stop with what these psychopaths have done there. They still have Syria and Iran and who knows where
else. Watch these videos so you know what’s up ahead if people don’t wake up and literally take the BULL by the
horns immediately (which I don't see any signs of happening).
This is your last chance to wake up. The last call. People think 11-11-11 opens up new doorways; it is all a lie. The
doorways begin shutting down. That doesn’t mean you can’t get through; it’s just going to get harder and
take more work and if you haven't done the work at this point, I'm not sure what's going to get you to change at this point.
I keep saying this is it but it does no good when the popular media and the mass belief is that people
have until 2012 and that we are all going to ascend to some kind of "la la land."
I only put this information
out here because I care. I love Earth and I love the people here. WAKE UP PLEASE!!!! Emanuel - EROS the God of Love, and I,
Psyche, are pleading for everyone to wake up these videos. Then take positive actions wherever your heart
leads you.
Victory Is Ours: A Message from My People, the Pleiadians
My message from Emanu’el this morning, (my twin flame who resides in another dimension where I visit him often), was
that we are to continue working with our dreams and of course, continue working hard on our missions. It is more important
now than ever.
Much of
our life on this Earth planet IS illusion, but can you sort illusion from truth? No! And that’s because that has been
the agenda of those who keep us under their control. The more confused we are the more we meet their despicable needs. Truth
is coming out, inch by inch. There is a HOME and it is not illusion, but most of us are so lost in illusion we don’t
know home when we see it. It is imperative that we all learn to sort this out. We are controlled in many dimensions. One way
to understand this is to work with our dreams – which are often dreams within dreams – in order to sort this out
for ourselves. As he told me, the answers to the questions we have is part of the journey of discovery. We will find our answers.
My answer came in a video
right after meeting with him – this is my reality and no one else has to believe it, but it is my truth which I have
been writing about for quite some time now. It jives with my experiences and the feeling of who I am (and there are many videos
now that explain who the Pleiadians are):
What is happening on Earth is just the tip
of the iceberg. The Reptilians have created chaos across the Galaxy and other ET races have been trying to stop them. These
"Good" ET races refer to themselves as "THE ALLIANCE".
The Alliance is primarily lead by an
ET race called "THE PLEIADIANS".
This Galactic War is pretty much over now and the Reptilians all but
defeated. Earth has been the key the victory. Many Pleiadians volunteered to come to Earth and incarnate as Earth humans in
order to free humanity and end the war with the Reptilians. If your watching this video then you are one of them.
The Astral dimension (4th density) is where most of the "action" has taken place and where the majority of this
galactic war took place. So even though from our perspective here on Earth in 3D, not much seems to have changed but the Reptilians
have all but been defeated and very soon Humanity will free and the Galaxy and entire universe will celebrate
The Pleiadians with Barbara Marciniak Barbara Marciniak trance channels
a collective of multi-dimensional beings from the Pleiades. Includes newsletter sample, books, recordings, and schedule.
The Truth about the Pleiadians Learn the truth about the Pleiadians and the mystery behind their story. UFO pictures,
alien pictures and Pleiadian information.
Please know your mission! NOW is the time. As pointed out in the video, “It is critical that
people believe in what they’re doing.” In other words, know your mission and take that mission seriously, even
if you THINK it is an illusion or even if it seems that you have no mission at all. No mission might very well BE your mission,
so don’t worry about it, accept it and enjoy it. Take it seriously.
The Pleiadians love us ALL, “Damn It!” “Victory is ours!” And remember,
as the song at the end of the video puts it: “We got family!”
Last Day of the Mayan Calendar; The NEW Cycle Begins PLUS Ontology Lessons and a Special Message from My People, the Pleiadians
Only one more day of the Mayan Calendar! A NEW cycle begins.
There’s so much to write about today, I don’t know where to begin. I guess that’s
what happens when I try to take a day off during this NEW era of chaotic continuing change. I end up having to catch up with
all of the changes.
off, I didn’t exactly take a day off – only a day off from writing a blog here. I was banging up against a wall
and had to break through. As my last blog even presented, there was a “crack” in my matrix and the insects were
getting inside, which can by annoying. So I took off and dealt with it in a “spiritual setting.” I wrote of my
frustration here:
The discussions that ensued actually led to a breakthrough and now I know the direction the next leg of my journey
must head. It will be covered in my dissertation.
Then this morning, Emanu’el explained to me that this New Cycle, now that the Mayan calendar
is ending today is going to be pretty much like it has been – for us anyway. That’s because we have already
been riding the rollercoaster for many years now whereas most people will just now be getting on the rollercoaster. He led
me to the song that welcomes all of the new people aboard along with movie clips that provide hints of what is up ahead. So,
for those of you who are new to the rollercoaster ride, I do welcome you aboard.
If you have
been reading my blogs for any length of time, you will know that Emanu’el and I have a really unusual way of working
together across the dimensions. He sends a lot of his messages to me through clues that I have to look up on YouTube. Well,
it is not the traditional approach to “spirituality” and “communing” with Ascended Masters and there
are some people who do not like this and they have let me know that, but it’s just the way Emanu’el wants to do
this. And I do love him so much that I want to do this mission in a way that makes him happy – it makes me happy, too!
I never know what kind of divine surprises he will offer up next. It’s been wonderful!!!!
So, anyway, this morning he explained to me that this NEW cycle is
not going to be much different, and that we will be “carrying on” which was a clue to a song. So I posted it for
my lightworker friends:
Here is a video we all need for today’s changes
– I had a long nap this afternoon during which Emanu’el explained ontology and how it all relates to Joe’s
work! Very interesting!
that’s it for today. I have been feeling under the dimensions, as I pointed out in my last book. And yet today, Emanu’el
has totally reassured me that nothing at all is changing between me and him – we are still united in divine holy matrimony
and will continue working on this Earth mission for some time yet. That really is reassuring!
Oh, one last thing -- my people sent down a great message that is also
“We would open
with this: Congratulations! You are officially on the runway to new earth.”- The Pleiadian High Council
The Anticipation
So here we are…on
the cusp of the long-awaited completion of the Mayan Calendar, the ancient and accurate “time”-keeper of 16.4
billion years of evolutionary consciousness. There is so much going on all over the planet to support the emergence of a new
evolutionary cycle, but the event that is really blowing my mind is the ceremonial pilgrimage of the Mayan Elders who will
carry the Thirteen Crystal Skulls from one US coast to the other and culminate in a (highly sacred) Mayan Crystal Skull Ceremony
(The journey will begin in Manhattan tomorrow, 10/27/11and will conclude in Los Angeles on 11/11/11) Details HERE.
For those unfamiliar with the significance of the Crystal Skulls, Cal Garrison
“…these ancient relics
are said to contain information about the history of our planet and the future of mankind. Carved out of pure quartz crystal,
and other crystals such as jade, the Skulls generate an energy field that activates human consciousness in a way that expands
our perceptions of reality. Ultimately they are the manifestation of Spirit in a form that is now helping to shift the magnetic
frequency of Mother Earth. When the Spirits of the Skulls are ceremonially awakened, ancient wisdom, wisdom that has been
preserved in a crystalline matrix for eons, enters the unified field and fills the collective consciousness with all the knowledge
of everything that has happened on the planet in the last 26,000 years, and perhaps beyond.”
To think that all that sacred energy is coalescing less than 60 miles from me is pretty trippy…so
much that if I tune into it, it rattles every cell in my body with a visceral excitement that I can hardly contain. Which
is odd considering I barely understand the ramifications of it all.
if you’re wondering what this will mean for us…well, the Pleiadians say it will take about 2 weeks to integrate
more clarity about what this means for those way-showers who are about to step fully into their divine roles and purposes
in the “active duty” phase…and about a century or seven to digest what this leap in evolution means for
the planet as a whole. Overall, the time between now and the 11:11 gateway is alive with potential and our conscious participation
with this sacred passageway is very powerful, and can be felt in a very real way thru prayer, meditation, visualization…
or really, just by thinking about it.
One thing we already know…well,
two things: 1) our physical bodies still haven’t caught wind that we need them now to move into position…and
2) the energy of what’s to come is pulsating so vibrantly that we can literally feel our supports about to birth thru
the veil. Our new/true lives are so close to us now that it’s tantalizing. If you tune in, it literally feels like Christmas
eve…only, it may be that Christmas eve you spent as a kid with the flu : ((
We have some idea what our gifts may be, but we don’t REALLY know for sure…and that’s the excitement
of it all. We definitely made our wish lists…likely, many times over .. but the unseens say that even our wishes pale
in comparison to what’s in store.
“We, like you, can feel
the pulsing energies of convergence building around your sphere and we are just so delighted at what each of you, the new
earth guardians, are about to experience in yourselves, and witness in each other.” -PHC
Aside from the fact that we are finally climbing out of the deep void we were stuck in for the last several
weeks, nothing much has changed on the outside yet…we are still needing to nurture ourselves and to remain centered
in our heart-space while we continue to allow the full birth of our multidimensional selves to take form. Those who are ready
are priming to become the official new-earth guardians & overseers, the protectors of all of creation and masters of the
material world here to lead humanity into the full breadth of love by virtuous example.
“The moment that
each of you have been waiting for, the moment that we have termed “inception” is approaching. This is heralded
by the massive energies precipitated by the opening of the 11:11 stargate portal on 11/11/11. What this means for the way-showers
is monumental, for it is this group who will be physically laying the template on earth for all other inhabitants to follow.”
Last month, on 9/10/11, our bio-circuitry was apparently rebooted.
We had undergone an immense (read: grueling) upgrade during the summer months from that obnoxious triple eclipse sandwich
that shook every one of us to the core…and then in September, Mother-Father God pushed the divine-human reset button
to start-up our new operating system. Most likely you slept thru this the way we slept thru most of September…actually,
now that I think about it, you may not even remember September.
Well, whatever…
definitely not the first month we’ve slept away… tho prayerfully our last? Either way, now that we have been
upgraded & rebooted we are reorienting ourselves aaaagain and that always means the usual cellular changes (read: fatigue),
most of which this time relates to our newly downloaded programming that includes the integrated understanding that every
cell has intelligence. (more on this coming soon)
Our bio-circuitry
is adjusting to incorporate and adapt to the new codes we are already receiving from the upcoming 11:11 stargate portal. The
emanations sent forth by the great central sun are encoding our biology with new mandates, new directives and the Pleiadian
High Council would like for us to know that the new human apparatus is well-equipped to handle these changes, however, it
may be of benefit for those of who are experiencing great difficulty to embrace the many modalities available to us to assist
in easing the transition on our bods, as well as to give a much-needed boost to our emotional and mental well-being.
I am hearing some folks are having trouble assimilating to these new frequencies and for those
heavily in the embodiment process, this is just a reminder that we don’t have to suffer thru these changes alone…that
help is available should you need it. The PHC say that there are many people here specifically to support us thru these changing
times, and that if we don’t utilize these gifts and offerings that we may be robbing ourselves of a great opportunity
to not only survive these changes, but to thrive in them. The physical body needs care and nurturing as it is being resurrected
into a body of light, but the incoming frequencies do not need to bombard our system in the ways we are accustomed to experiencing
them if we open up to the opportunity to be supported.
Overall, I am hearing
that the 11:11 will bring in some robust energies that, depending on where we are on our journey, will either catapult us
to freedom, or bring up a new layer of goo….or both. In all cases it will be the next level of our personal evolutionary
development and this means the biological aspects will need to be addressed…whether we are ascending into an angelic-human
or not. Experience has taught us that any energy blast or major portal opening will mean more rest, relaxation and downtime
is required. No one looks forward to that but at least we are so beat up by now that its nearly impossible to resist any more.
I guess we have that going for us…which is nice.
On Becoming
The PHC are talking a lot about our recent release
from our final and deepest karmic patterns and that we are already beginning to witness this in the way that we are no longer
bound by the emotional strings of attachment to others, to places, or to events that once defined or confined us. We are now
able and ready to live our lives according to the principle of the ONE. This means that we have integrated the mental &
emotional understanding of what it means to be freed from the repetitive cycles of the karmic wheel and reconnected to our
true Source of power within.
We are beginning to witness this freedom in
ourselves and in our personal relationships where we are refacing old issues, old wounds that once crippled us, but now these
same situations feel empowering…empowering in the sense that we are able to see the value in these dynamics, to feel
a sense of appreciation for their teachings, and to honor those lessons of growth that are truly ours, while releasing all
feelings of responsibility to that which is NOT ours.
We are becoming self-contained,
self-responsible beings of mastery and those emotional entanglements which have been projected onto us by others are now VERY
clear, which means they can be severed. This also means that once we have unhooked ourselves from these remaining cords of
attachment, we will begin to live from the space of true independence, self-sustainability, and freedom, which will enable
us to know our authentic selves in ways we never have.
time in your life is one that will astound you…you will find strengths, and gifts, and talents emerge that you never
knew existed. In some cases, you will come to know yourself in a way that elicits a sense of self-love and respect that you
thought was only possible to see or feel in others. Though in truth, we say this…that those things that you have so
respected in others were really only self-reflections of those unintegrated aspects of YOU…until now that is.”-PHC
The unseens bring this information to us so that we can feel the connection to the fact that
we are no longer bound by the trappings of untruth, of illusion, or the polar opposite of that which they call, self-aggrandizement….for
our new reality will be that we are much, much more than we ever realized, and the gifts of remembering this have been well-earned.
They also mention that as we unveil the truth about our true capabilities as masters of the material world, so too do we unveil
these truths for others…which is, in part, the purpose of becoming a christed avatar on earth…to share our radiance
with all who beckon, to teach by example and to bestow upon others the universal love that flows within our body and cells.
“Moreover, we are proud to be part of, and witness to, the unfolding of the most momentous
“time” in history. We are representatives of your galactic origin and so we too have much invested in your BEcoming.
Through this gateway, you are centering yourselves in universal abundance and grace and this means that each of you who don
robes of honor are becoming a universe unto yourselves. We know that this may seem out of reach to you now, but know this:
as the sun shines forth on the last day of the last day, a sincerely new day dawns.” – PHC
On Becoming Multidimensional
are soon to experience life as multidimensional beings, which the PHC say is one of exquisite undertaking…a way
of living life through the perception of simultaneous realization& with the ability to focus through the incorporation
of many dimensions of awareness…at once. This is not something that we have context for, so the Pleiadians would
like to the best of their ability…a small frame of reference for those who will be entering this new landscape.
“You are the first group of souls who will be utilizing your full human potential
and christed-monadic capabilities. This means that those of you who are entering leadership, or earth stewardship roles, are
those of you who have undergone a full 12 strand DNA activation and have enabled the extensions of your over-soul to do the
same. This is the beginning of the new multidimensional human race, the seeding that will begin the long evolutionary journey
home for humanity.” – PHC
Unfortunately, my work is always
a little ahead of me so I don’t have a complete understanding of what all that means yet, but what I do get is that
those who resonate with this truth…that is to say, those who feel this to be true…will embed this reality within
the matrix of man, thereby allowing the distortions of our human genetics to be returned to its original design. This, they
say, is what biological ascension assures us, the propagation of a new-human race and apparently there are many of us here
to exploit this divine opportunity.
For those who are called into guardianship,
stewardship or leadership roles, the 11-11-11 gateway is offering us the ability to not only anchor into multidimensionality,
but to open the doorway to the christed heart within… that which commands usage of the sacred adamantine particle (the
base-level particles that create all physical manifestations of LOVE). This opening will prepare us to utilize the laws of
magnetic resonance…the universal design for creation in the new earth.
A Call to the Order of Melchizedek
The new field matrix
that has been set up by the dedicated light-weavers on this planet is pulsing at its portals with unprecedented potential
for change, but access to these portals can only be activated by those with the “keys to the universe”. These
key codes are embedded in the DNA of the new-human matrix and, by their very existence, unlock the codes required for the
next level of our planetary ascension.
Those who will be opening these
portals are those who have completed their first level missions of service, and are preparing to receive new directives. These
directives will be released thru the activation of what the PHC refer to as The Source Code in our DNA, which apparently
is T H E entry code required to access and enable our full multidimensional participation with the crystalline grid which
includes our new-earth mission or “next level of divine service” on this planet.
“What we would like to make clear is the fact that those who are activating to this level
of service are those who will employ the missions required to prepare humanity to ascend into multidimensional consciousness.
This means that each of you who are encoded with the new-human prototype will be embarking upon a new journey together as
a soul group of cosmic initiates thru the Order of Melchizedek. This Order is of the highest… a soul collective here
on earth at this time with a mission to awaken the codes within humanity for the resurrection of the christed-template and
the template of sacred co-creation. For those who have contracted to serve in this way, it is by the Order of Melchizedek
that you will now be called forth and under your new-level directive.” -PHC
For all those who find resonance with this information and/or the Order of Melchizedek, it will be you
who seeds humanity with the cosmic intelligence required to make the shift into 2012.
“We are in awe of your dedication and resolute ability to stand in personal integrity and honor as human-galactic
overseers of this planetary body. Hold your heads high, for you are about to step into the most supreme form of embodied existence.
We watch from our headquarters as you take the final steps into greatness, your true galactic heritage and home of the stars.”
The Power of Love Between an Ophiuchus and a Scorpio, the TRUE Zodiac, PLUS Barbara Hand Clow’s 2011 Scorpio New Moon Report
I really don't feel like writing a blog today - I am a little "under the dimensions," after being forced to deal
with a true DROID yesterday. I thought I had risen above having to deal with things like "robocops" and "police
states" of mind, but apparently there are cracks in my new matrix so I will have to take the day off to repair them.
OMG, my dreams last night: I was living in this house and there were cracks between the walls and ceilings where spiders,
flies, and yellowjackets were coming into my house. So you see, my work is not over by any means!
The good news is that I, Sōferia the Pleiadian Queen, am
a SCORPIO and we have some powerful planet stuff coming up over the next little while related to Scorpio. Thus, I have
a Guest Blogger, Barbara Hand Clow's "Scorpio New Moon Report." Sagittarius is really influencing things in
a big way too - forcing truth to the surface. And then I have Emanu'el's divine help. Emanu'el resides outside the old system
and in the NEW. He is one of those members of the Thirteenth and very sacred of zodiac signs - Ophiuchus. If you click on the links, you will see that Ophiuchus is very powerful. And then when a Scorpio like me and an Ophichus, like Emanu'el get together - well, what can I say?
Watch out! We have the power! The Alchemized Power of Love!!!!
The image of Ophiuchus, above, is very interesting (click on the image for a short video about Ophiuchus).
I had a dream quite some time ago in which I must have used his power to escape a very large and evil serpent, as
big as shown in the image. AND in my dream, we were in a tree, so somehow that relates to the tree of knowledge - it
all adds up. This gives me more understanding of how Ophiuchus - my Emanu'el
is the one who gave me the strength to overpower the serpent and thus I was able to free myself from being entangled
and literally throw the mean old serpent out of the tree!
In case this zodiac is new to
you, here is the actual, true zodiac:
= MAY 14 - JUNE 19
18 - JANUARY 18
Now, this is interesting - it looks like MY new zodiac sign will be Virgo
according to the chart above. I am not so sure this is correct - I am and always have been a SCORPIO at heart. We will see;
maybe things are changing. Maybe when a Scorpio from the OLD zodiac alchemizes with an OPHIUCHUS from the NEW zodiac,
she transmutates into a VIRGO...
Speaking of insects such as the flies in my dream last night, Joe had discussed in one of
his books the funny 1958 movie, "The Fly." It was actually one of my favorite movies back in the 1960s and
I watched it many times. So here is a puzzle for you: Which book and on what page did he discuss this movie? What did
he say would be coming to the rescue of ths fly "insectman" in the movie? Explain how this solution will help.
(Click on the image of "The Fly" to watch a trailer of the movie.). Related to this, I have to say, Joe was so "fly." I love his work and especially how he puts so many relevant movies, songs, experiences, and everyday
things in his work that helps us understand his complex theory. He has really made reading and studying his work a lot of
fun. Be sure you click on "fly" to find out what it means! There are some very good reasons to click on links, even
though the research so far does not paint the complete picture. The perspective is tainted and narrow. We will have
to change this up by delving into the complexity of this phenomenon using Joe's theory!
And finally, before we get to Clow's report, here is some great music to set the mood.
Scorpio New Moon: October 26, 2011 3:56 PM EDT, Washington, DC
“Global (and individual) balancing began with the Fall Equinox and was reinforced by the Libra New Moon on
September 27-and now the time for truth and personal integrity has arrived. This Scorpio New Moon’s dark intensity reminds
us to cleanse our emotions and see what still remains. Under strong Scorpio influence, everything gets destroyed that can’t
handle the hard and clear light of truth. Pluto, the ruler of Scorpio, went direct on September 16, the day before Occupy
Wall Street began, so Scorpio cleansing is global; people are connecting to demand equal justice for all.
This New Moon is unusually influential because it arrives two days before the end of the Mayan Calendar
on October 28, 2011. We have reached the evolutionary turning point of our species-and we must each consider becoming intentional
keepers of Earth. Those who continue to use Earth for their own desires with no consideration for the planet’s multidimensional
fields of creation are going to crash and burn. Those who accept their eco-sensitive creative mantle-the new aura of Gaia-are
the new seeds for our planet’s beautiful future. As October 28 arrives, the Nine Underworlds of Creation will rebirth
many Earth Keepers. This exciting New Moon in Scorpio sets the field for the simultaneous culmination of Nine Underworlds.
The period from the New Moon through midnight on October 28 will probably be remarkable and mystical, so I will examine it
with great care.
The creative agendas of the first eight Underworlds
have been driven to completion during the intensely accelerated Days of the Universal Underworld since March 9, 2011. Many
dualities are resolving as the allurement of Oneness shifts the fractal fields, and many feel their personal design within
this great cosmic weaving. The awakening of the Cellular is complete, now that we realize that each cell is intelligent. .
. the Tree of Life has born fruit in all the species that evolved during the Mammalian over 820 million years. . . these species
discovered ways to share by discovering family bonding over 41 million years in the Familial. . . and intelligence sharpened
during the two-million-year Tribal. Our hearts opened during the Regional when we discovered the sacred, the numinous. We
explored the desire to control and possess for 5,125 long years during the National. . . and then we sought security and comfort
starting in 1755 during the Planetary. Since the January 1999 opening of the Galactic, we’ve connected ourselves by
means of technology. . . and now during 2011 these creative developments are swirling us into a spiral of Oneness during the
Our species will require hundreds, if not thousands, of
years to consciously process all the abuses that were the natural result of our rise to consciousness during the 16.4 billion
years described by the Calendar. Like trying to push a huge fallen tree erect, there is no turning back now. Now that we have
attained fruition through these nine phases of evolution, we will learn to respect the incredible intelligence of each cell;
protect all species; value the genius of family bonding; admire the awesome power of mind; feel the power in our hearts; identify
hierarchical power; bless nature’s plenty; use technology as a tool, not a toy; and enjoy the bliss of Oneness. We will
invent the new world by co-creating reality in universal awareness. I am sure of this because I have faithfully followed all
the Days and Nights of the Universal Underworld this year, and I have seen irreversible new patterns taking shape; for example,
the increasing bans on the use of nuclear energy for power. Now we are flying into the radical spiral. When this vortex calms
down, we must identify what we have accomplished; otherwise, we may not have the will and vision with which to go forward.
So, let’s assess our progress, and then I will read this New Moon to see how its field might help us embrace the simultaneous
culmination of all Nine Underworlds.
Regarding a few issues this fall,
Palestine requested statehood from the United Nations on the day of the Fall Equinox, which was a bold attempt to resolve
the dangerous tension that festers in the Judeo/Christian/Islamic vortex. The US and its chosen allies have finished trashing
Iraq, and are winding down in Afghanistan, so they are casting around for other wars to guarantee business for the weapons
manufacturers. On October 21, Obama announced the removal of American troops from Iraq by Christmas, which inspired some wry
comments in the October 22 New York Times: “The president’s statement coming a day after the NATO air campaign
hastened the death of Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi in Libya, was laden with symbolism, marking the ebb tide of a decade of American
military engagements that began after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks… For Mr. Obama, whose rise to the White House
was based partly on his opposition to the Iraq war but who as president ordered a troop buildup in Afghanistan and intensified
drone strikes against militants in the region, the announcement fulfills a campaign promise.” War weary Americans responded
with little joy over this long-awaited moment, since senior Obama officials such a Joe Biden were already trumpeting the next
new American way of war to citizens weary of ground combat in the Iraq and Afghanistan. Wow! The US military spent only 1.1
billion in Libya and didn’t lose a single life!
Meanwhile, the
US Attorney General Eric Holder reported that his contacts in the war against the Mexican drug cartels told him Iran was behind
an alleged plot to assassinate the Saudi Arabian ambassador in Washington. Stunningly, the next morning after announcing this
bizarre plot, Holder and the whole Justice Department were subpoenaed by Congress to tell the truth about the ATF’s
(Dept of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms) involvement in providing weapons to the very same Mexican cartels! In a plan dubbed
“Fast and Furious” ATF is accused of selling thousands of guns to the drug cartels, instructing border guards
to allow the weapons to pass through, and then dropping all surveillance of the guns once they cross the border! Weapons sold
during “Fast and Furious” have been found at dozens of crime scenes in the US and Mexico, and they’ve been
used to shoot US Border Patrol agents! (See “Fast and Furious: 22 Shocking Facts about the Scandal that Could Bring
Down the Obama Administration” on The American Dream website.) As if somebody is mixing up two movie plots concocted
in another dimension, Holder calls attention away from himself by saying he found out about the alleged Saudi assassination
plot from the very same drug cartel that the US was supplying with guns!
the average person, reality was really distorted during last month’s lunation because the media mostly abrogated its
responsibilities by failing to fully report on the debate over Palestinian statehood, the gun-profiteering scandals brewing
in the highest levels of US government, and on the real motivation for the Occupy Wall Street movement that is now “Occupy”
globally. As anybody can easily see, power structures built during the last 5,125 years are being assaulted at every level
because the people are demanding their rights and opposing a future of endless war and financial deprivation, but all you
get on TV is bloodied bodies of fallen leaders and abused wild animals.
to the chart for the Scorpio New Moon, there are signs the people will attain their rights. The New Moon closely opposes retrograde
Jupiter in Taurus, so Jupiter’s earthy confidence expands and grounds this new intense Scorpio seed. Also, Jupiter is
almost exactly trine Pluto in Capricorn, so the desire for happiness and joy is about all the people and not just “the
1%.” Since Pluto went into Capricorn in 2008, this dark dynamo has been transforming the industrial power structures
of this world. Now this power is emerging within the global scream for fairness with Saturn transiting Libra through fall
2012. Fairness is the theme of the New Moon because Pluto sextiles the lunation, and Saturn exactly sextiles Mars in Leo,
which exactly squares Mercury/Venus in Scorpio. These are the go-go signature aspects of the closing Mayan Calendar, since
the Sun exactly opposes Jupiter exactly trine Pluto on October 28. Some people fear-especially the “haves”-that
these scandals and demonstrations could end up creating a horrible global bloodbath like the French Revolution. But this is
not the situation because what we are seeing is the beginning of the end of 5,125 years of male-dominant abuse. This is a
profound global movement with Chiron/Neptune sextiling Pluto and sextiling Jupiter, and trining the New Moon. These great
changes are very healing because they aim for a spiritualized world, not just a struggle for democracy that is managed for
a fee by the elite. Jupiter will go direct at 0 Taurus on Christmas Day 2011, a day when many people will celebrate the incarnation
of Light.
The most intriguing aspect in this chart is Venus-in-Scorpio
squaring Mars-in-Leo because the square is exact thirty minutes before the New Moon. Wow! This means the great Plutonic cleanse
is going to be expressed by equal female and male forces. We’ve seen this marriage in many of the revolutions in the
world right now, especially in Egypt. Venus in Scorpio (entered October eighth) urges the expression of deep feelings, such
as feeling the rights of all species. She is the lioness that protects her cubs. Mars in Leo demands total courage and loyalty
to truth and all beings; he is the lion that opens the heart. With this square, I expect to see the beginning of a global
cry for the protection of wild animals, especially in light of the hideous massacre in Zanesville, Ohio, in mid-October. The
beautiful and passionate joining of male and female force during this New Moon is like manna falling on the freedom movements-exactly
the personal power that can carry the force during the simultaneous culmination of Nine Underworlds.
Saturn in Libra exactly sextiles Mars in Leo, so this potent Venus/Mars square is stabilized by Saturn’s
struggle for justice. Each one of us will play a personal role in absorbing this culmination because we are the reflective
aspects of evolution. The energy in the Occupy Movement is so strong and well linked by social media that it can bowl over
the resistant elements of the powers-that-be as we’ve seen in the Middle East. The elite clutches for the old safety
systems of the National, Planetary, and Galactic Underworlds; however, their greed has stolen the people’s future, and
people who have nothing will revolt. Mysteriously, a huge Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) shot out of the sun on October 22 that
will blast Mars on the day of the New Moon! During the culmination of the Calendar, very unusual events have been going on
in the solar system, and the Sun has been very expressive. For example, a few months ago a CME blasted Comet Elenin into pieces,
the comet that some said was the “Comet of Chastisement” in Revelation. Ironically, the CME that will blast Mars
during the New Moon could herald the end of war in a real way! You should be watching the Sun on right now
to see if another CME might seriously affect the solar system.
A question
for the Calendar culmination is, how much will people really understand about what is actually going on? Ironically, plenty!
Mercury is very close to Venus as she squares Mars, so potent mental comprehension is added to the visceral knowledge between
male and female forces expressed by Leo Mars squaring Scorpio Venus. Notice that these planets aspecting Mars will resonate
with the CME as it strikes Mars! Mercury gets to within a second of Venus on November 2, when they both move into Sagittarius
together. Bingo! Comprehension about the real truth in our primary relationships is going to explode: Many partners will have
to deal with unresolved elements in their relationships that hold them back from supporting this huge cleansing of human history.
Ouch! Do not kid yourself, we all carry these shadows, and this chart says we must clear them before they backfire on us.
Mercury carries this admonition through November 2, and then Mercury goes retrograde November 23 until mid-December. As annoying
as Sagittarian fire can be, it exposes the lies. Regarding deceptions, Neptune goes direct November 9 (returns to Pisces in
early February 2012), so elevating conflicts to the spirit level resolves things very well in subtle ways. But don’t
forget spirit won’t help you if you are lying, especially to yourself! This New Moon is the night when I’d love
to hear the pillow talk in the White House!
Lastly, Uranus continues
to square Pluto, creating a force that is causing the people to rise up in discontent, especially with Pluto having gone direct
just before “Occupy Wall Street” began. Since there will be seven exact Uranus/Pluto squares during 2012-2015,
this movement has only just begun. Please consider this idea: Debt is not a necessity. Debt is a technique used to weaken
the populace by skimming off public reserves for the agendas of the rich, such as wars for profit. Wall Street has stupidly
exposed this abuse, so now the people know that total slavery-a sort of return to a feudal age-is what will happen if debt
enslavement continues. Debt enslavement is not the same as using capital to create projects, which is a technique that creates
energy. Pluto will have its way in the destruction of the structures that strangle Earth, and Uranus will activate the forces
of transformation that will bring resource usage back into balance. The fascinating thing about this juicy New Moon right
at the end of the Calendar is that it shows that all this energy must run through each one of us-through us within our partnerships,
and within the brave freedom fighters in the streets. It would seem that the flaring Sun is making sure we get enough energy!”
Joe Kincheloe's Teaching and Dancing PLUS The Dancing Queen and A Rendezvous Beyond the Stars While Sleeping Sweetly
As I wrote in yesterday’s blog, it was a bit of a sad day. However, in spite of that, I did get a lot accomplished.
The second issue of the JOE Journal – the Journal of Epistemology is now finished and is available here on
this website for download. There are some interesting articles. I also want to repeat a very special article, which was actually
an excerpt from a blog I wrote more than two years ago, in Joe’s honor. As the article conveys, he viewed learning,
researching, teaching, and even life itself as a complex dance. No wonder he has embedded music throughout his work! And as
this excerpt shows, I also receive daily music messages (and have now for a long time) that beat any kind of scientific odds
for serendipity as most people experience it.
Somehow, Joe’s gift for music and dancing seem to have magically been handed down to me. I have stated
in many, many of my past blogs that Joe’s work is a gift that keeps on giving. It could not be truer for me! Here is
the excerpt – and it brings back wonderful memories of dancing with Joe via emails, discussions on his website, and
telepathically, as it was clear that we were connected beyond the usual modes of communication (I am not the only one who
experienced this deep connection by any means; there are other people who have concluded that Joe could “read minds.”
I read minds, too.)
I had received another
song the last time I spoke with my spiritual advisor, Dancing Queen by Abba, and, once again, she had no idea how relevant this song was to me. It’s funny that earlier in the day I had just
been reading Joe’s book, Toward
a Critical Politics of Teacher Thinking (1993) about how he related learning to dancing (another book ahead of the times and very applicable
Not many people knew how much Joe loved to dance. He believed that it is the educator’s duty to introduce “a student
to modes of being and acting in the world that are new to his or her experience.” And like Madeleine Grumet, he felt
that “it is the relation, the dance between the student’s experience and knowledge that separates education from
training or indoctrination.” Further, as he explained, relationships between the physical and social worlds form dynamic
interactions and a “web of interconnected parts. The nature of their interconnections shapes the form the larger web
takes. The educational implications of such a realization are revolutionary” (Kincheloe, 1993, p. 152). In fact, Joe
viewed life itself as a “‘dance’ of a living process – that is, life as synchronicity” (p. 171).
So, Joe just loved the dance. As I look back at the dialogue that took place on his web site, I realize
why I loved engaging in the conversation so much: I loved dancing with Joe. It was the most profound learning experience I
had ever encountered in my entire life. I am so sorry that the blogs I wrote have been deleted. I pray that they can be restored
because they are historical records and the educational conversations I had with Joe were truly Joe dancing his best dance
ever with one of his students who was as passionate about research and learning as he was. His replies to my questions were
always short, succinct, -- condensed brilliance -- and like all of his writing, they were absolutely profound.
He was my Master Teacher, my role model, my hope and faith that there are still a few good people in the world. He really
did make me feel like a dancing queen. He also knew how to dance in the strawberry fields....but
that's a story for another time.(image courtesy of Microsoft)
Last night I guess Emanu’el wanted to cheer me up, so he gave me three
goodnight songs. The first clue is funny because he spelled the word wrong. Well, I know his little Hermes tricks, so I spelled
it wrong, too when I did the search. The clue was “somewhere beyond the sweet rendevous.” Of
course, lots of people mess up on the word rendezvous and leave the “z” out but I figured there was a reason he
spelled it that way and that reason would be the particular song he wanted to come up for me on YouTube. So, I spelled it
just like he did. YouTube came back with this:
So, I clicked on the “Search instead for . . .” and here is the
song that came to the top. I love Emanu'el's sweet message: "We will meet, I know we'll meet beyond the sea . .
. . no more sailing." Thus, once this Earth mission is over, we will meet "far beyond the stars" (back home
in the Pleiades!):
Bobby Darin sings "Beyond the Sea" And actually, now that I think about it, the
song that came to the top on the proper spelling of rendezvous is wonderfully relaxing music for
going to sleep as well!
I like the message, too; it relates to the discussion in these blogs the past few days
about Joe’s ability to dance – YES, he was many, many steps ahead of us. We do have some "catching up" to do.
Steps Ahead - Rendezvous And last but not
least, when Emanu’el told me goodnight last night he said to “Sleep sweetly.”
(Usually his special goodnight messages are goodnight songs!) That brought up this divine work; very different and exquisite.
I love it! And it gave me sweet dreams.
Rest Sweet
Nymphs - Francis Pilkington (ca. 1570 -1638)
Una dolce ninna nanna inglese Soprano:
Elisabetta Forlani Liuto: M° Franco Sartori
Rest, sweet nymphs, let golden sleep Charm your star
brighter eyes, While my lute the watch doth keep With pleasing sympathies. Lulla, lullaby. Lulla, lullaby. Sleep sweetly, sleep sweetly, Let nothing affright ye, In calm contentments lie. Lulla, lullaby. Lulla, lullaby. Sleep sweetly, sleep sweetly, Let nothing affright ye, In calm contentments lie.
Dream, fair virgins,
of delight And blest Elysian groves, While the wand'ring shades of night Resemble your true loves. Lulla,
lullaby. Lulla, lullaby. Your kisses, your blisses, Send them by your wishes, Although they be not nigh.
Thus, dear damsels, I do give 'Good night', and so am gone: With your hearts' desires long live, Still
joy, and never moan. Lulla, lullaby. Lulla, lullaby. Hath pleased you and eased you, And sweet slumber seized
you, And now to bed I hie.
My Birthday and How Joe Kincheloe's Work Gives Me Such Great Hope for the Future
I find my previous two blogs of yesterday and the day before to be very sad in many ways. I have highlighted how
knowledge can be corrupted, lobotomized, and eventually shoved into the dustbins of history if it does not suit the needs
of the status quo, the power wielders. There is so much more to say about this issue. It has literally impacted everyone and
everything on this Earth and is a major force behind why earth is descending into a dark abyss, rather than ascending
into the light. If this does not change, it will lead to the demise of everyone and everything on this planet. Joe had emphasized
this in his last book, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction.
As he had stated:
The imperial market has hired a cadre of voluptuous sirens who whisper to us in our dreams, who take scholars, even
critical pedagogues, and corrupt them with careerist motivations and visions of high status in the academy. Using their carefully
crafted appeal to human desire, they induce us to peddle their occult, faith based, but official knowledges without even our
conscious mind knowing what we’re doing. They destroy our sense of humane purpose, substituting a way of thinking and
being that leads to an extreme makeover of the planet: an earth devoid of plant and animal life that works to imitate the
chic look of the planet Mercury. Using the devil’s radio (and TV) they bestow an austere future with a dash of panache,
and as critical theorist Walter Benjamin maintained, they commodify the demise of the human race. Turn up that hydrogen jukebox,
baby, and together we’ll listen to the crack of doom” (p. 113).
There are
many interacting forces that lead to people taking great works – such as what Joe spent his entire life creating –
and without even a care or second thought, they twist, plagiarize, lobotomize, dissect, contort, lie, and lay claim to the
remnants as their own, thus annihilating the hard work of brilliant, genius people such as Joe. This has been done repeatedly
throughout all of history to the most important knowledges that have been produced from ancient historical knowledges, important
indigenous/cultural/wisdom knowledges from as far back as we can trace history and on up to this current day. Knowledge is
in shambles. It is absolutely a wreck. Anyone who attempts to engage in research today will see this instantly. How do you
sort through the jungle?
By following Joe’s work and performing an analysis on the work that has been published in his name since he has
passed away, one can begin to gain a view into how this destruction of knowledge is accomplished in the domain of education
and one can learn firsthand the tactics and techniques, the motivations, the forces in play that perpetuate this destruction
of knowledge. It is probably much the same in all disciplines of knowledge. If someone has great ideas for changing things
and making the world better for us all or if someone clues us into real knowledge – think Martin
Luther King, John Kennedy, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Einstein, and many scientists, artists, creative people of the past, and on
and on and on it goes – then the essence of their work becomes destroyed at the hands of the “powers-that-be”
and that would be ALL OF US – even if we are unwittingly contributing to this despicable state of affairs. Simply watching
and allowing it to happen without saying a word makes us just as culpable as the individuals who actively and knowingly engage
in this destruction of knowledge. In psychological parlance, that is called “enabling,” but even that minimizes
our true culpability if we just sit back and watch with our mouths sealed, whether it is out of fear, protection of our own
status, our wishes to climb to the top of our profession, or whatever hundred “irrational” rationalizations humans
seem capable of inventing. I simply refuse to do that when it comes to Joe’s work. Whatever the reasons, I connected
to Joe and his work and I refuse to sit back and watch it being flushed down the toilet and not speak out LOUDLY about what
I see happening. Injustices require desperate actions - maybe that's why I relate to Joe's song he referenced, "Desperado."
It is precisely Joe’s
work that can help us out of this quagmire IF people stop twisting it and contaminating it with dark and selfish motives.
I know many people believe that I share in those sorts of motives just because that’s really the only way they can relate
to actions of other people – by viewing them through the lenses of their own motivations. However, I don’t have
those aspirations and would be perfectly content to stay hidden in the woodwork. I also accept the fact that most
people are not ready for the application of Joe’s theoretical work at this point in history, but I will work
to keep it pristine for the people who ARE ready and for the day that more people become ready.
That means coming out of
the woodwork and pointing out how people misrepresent Joe’s work, misapply it, and misappropriate it such as my blog
presented yesterday in the critique of the book about dancing. YES! Joe knew how to dance well! I love the analogy of dancing
and don't believe it can be used too often. However, anyone who uses his work for their own selfish purposes or in ways
his theory does not support will need to learn to dance better than he did, and honestly, I don't believe that's possible.
On the other hand, anyone who uses Joe’s work as he had intended will find multiple creative pathways and will learn
to construct amazing new and original knowledge that they can rightfully lay claim to having produced themselves. That is
the gift Joe has given us all with his work.
Joe’s theoretical work also provides means for reclaiming lost knowledges and rewriting our history
to present a more truthful picture than what we have been handed down by those in power. There is much REAL work to be done
and there is something for everyone. There is no “publish or perish” lie to live by anymore. We will be throwing
that ideology out the open windows we have created. EVERYONE can publish. Everyone should publish. There is no scarcity! The
universe absolutely provides abundantly for us all once people can transcend the notions that we must compete and that there
is not room for us all at the “top.” Who in their right mind even wants to be at the top of the illusory hierarchy
that has been created in this world? – a hierarchy that kills, maims, destroys, and stifles everything and everyone
beneath it in the scramble to the top. I will not buy into it. And when more people refuse to buy into it and learn
to just BE themselves – creative, caring, productive human beings – then perhaps we can begin to turn things around
on this Planet Earth. In the meantime, our mission – mine and Eros/Emanu’el’s and my loving soul family’s
– will continue to be the work toward an education for the future, an education that will serve to CREATE and BE --
for the NEW Earth.
is my birthday. I am now the same age as Joe when he passed away much too soon. Emanu’el told me this morning in response
to my statement that it’s just another day, “A day just like any other? I hope by the end of the day it has not
been just like any other.” He reminded me to seek and I shall find and that I am on the “golden path” upon which I will find many gifts. The path markers, bread crumbs, gifts, signs and signals, or however
one wishes to refer to them, do let me know I am on the right path. They let me know I am heading in the right direction to
get home again where I can be with him and the rest of my soul family again. Emanu’el gave me this song last
night (the clue was “sweet sleep”):
Wait for me, make me yours with your beautiful I will kiss you and I'll look at your eyes all the stars I can give you all the stars that shine You started the
flame of my heart . . .
This song seems
to answer the question, Why Joe? With everything he did, his passionate, sincere work toward true social justice and the alleviation
of human suffering, his Eros love for everyone, his unconditional serving of all of humanity, well he gave me hope again –
and he started the flame of my heart.
next song was just now handed down to me from Emanu’el/Eros. As I have mentioned frequently in my blogs, Sam Cooke is
a member of our soul family and so I thank Sam for this perfect birthday song and I thank Emanu’el for dedicating it
to me . . . comin’ home, soon! (And in the meantime, we can "visit" often on "the bridge").
Sam Cooke is another brilliant
person and he had an enormous influence on music, including the production of music, having started his own record
label. The official police account of his death is highly suspicious, as I have previously written about in my blogs.
Dancing With Joe and Another Gift from EROS: A ROSE among the Thorniest of Shrubs! PLUS If You Can't Follow Joe's Dance Steps,
You Can Always Do the Twist!
Wow! Did you see my blog last night that came in at the very last minute just before I went to bed?! The clue for the video was really something
else: “Roses are among the thorniest of shrubs.” I am so glad I took the time to write that blog for
Eros. It was very informative. Plus, every time I do something for HIM, which, of course, is due to my immense love
for him, he comes back with a special, loving gift for me! In fact, yesterday I mentioned in my blog how I had planted yellow
roses for him about three years ago and then last June he magically grew red roses amongst them after I thought they had died. I cannot figure out how he did that; it
was true magic!
Well, EROS did it again today! Wait til you see his latest surprise! I guess
he appreciated the fact that I wrote the blog about finding a rose among the thorniest of shrubs, even though I was very tired
and ready to go to bed. He was trying to provide me with the consolation, though, that we can, indeed, salvage roses from midst the thorniest of shrubs.
in this case is a book about “dancing” (Let's Dance) that just came out that cites Joe’s work
and essentially tries to paint a picture that he did not know what he was doing; his theory has “limitations”
and is “reductionistic” so this author claims – and she has the solution. It is disturbing that
the author clearly had not taken time to read Joe’s work, thus she is not seeing what is there right before her eyes
and she has misrepresented Joe’s work in a monumental way.
Joe incorporated “relational” concepts
throughout his work through his synthesis of complexity and enactive theories. She is claiming she has created something new
here and, the worst of all, she seems to misapply the concepts, or at least makes them highly obfuscated, and she
maintains an epistemology that supports the status quo.
It’s too bad the author didn’t do more research about Joe’s
theory because she could have produced something powerful had she taken more time to understand his work instead of rushing
to create something she can call her own, so instead, she has produced something that will not work the way she envisions.
as you can see, the book of which I speak has taken the approach I see the power grabbers use constantly: Create a problem
where none exists and then solve the problem in ways that are not beneficial to the subjects. Here’s how that works:
One, Create a problem where there is none: “Kincheloe misses
the ongoing relational aspect ofknowledge construction when he writes about
the personal constructions of teachers and students as many constructivists do." (Houweling p. 264).
Hmm…I wonder how she missed the truth here. First of all, Joe was not a “constructivist”
and he went to great lengths to correct the errors of constructivism in his book, Critical Constructivism. And apparently,
she missed this line in Joe’s book she’s citing (Teachers as Researchers): “The trustworthiness
of research is undermined when analysts fail to identify and attend to various forms of relationships connecting researcher,
researched, data, contexts, and the discursive field on which all of this activity takes place. This complexity cannot be
dismissed on the qualitative path to empowerment” (p. 178). So you see, Joe did not omit relational considerations as
this author has claimed and he has also very brilliantly skirted relativism.
And also from page 250, he states: “Bricoleurs seek
multiple perspectives not to provide the truth about reality but to avoid the monological knowledge that emerges from unquestioned
frames of reference and the dismissal of the numerous relationships and connections that link various forms of knowledge together.”
rests a central epistemological and ontological assumption of the bricoleur: the domains of the physical, the social, the
cultural, the psychological, and the educational consist of the interplay of a wide variety of entities – thus, the
complexity and the need for multiple ways of seeing advocated by bricoleurs.”
I will also point out that
she cites Joe's (2005) article "Autobiography and Critical Ontology: Being a Teacher, Developing a Reflective Persona,"
in which he highlights Mauturana and Varela's enactivism with its autopoietic concept that considers the
interrelationships of living organisms and systems and that "employs the same relational concept of Einstein's relativism."
Wow, she missed a lot - Joe talks about these concepts in all of his work - and in great detail! I do not understand why she
has chosen to misrepresent his work this way and then take the kind of credit she is taking.
Next Step: Produce a misconception and obfuscate it (Joe told me he loved that word, “obfuscate”): "1 A focus on ontological
quandaries also implies a focus on epistemological ones. A relational perspective departs from the idea that ontology and
epistemology are interconnected. I make use of the word ontology to create a distinction from a merely epistemological perspective
which does not necessarily imply ontological perspectives" (Houweling, p. 280).
The first statement seems correct; we can hardly speak of ontology without also considering epistemology
and vice versa. I simply cannot comprehend how it could be different. And in fact, Joe has stated,“Knowing is inseparable from being – epistemology is inseparable
from ontology” (Kincheloe, K&CP p. 251).
then the author goes on to say she is going to SEPARATE them and what a paradoxical statement she makes here to
separate in a process that is “relational.” Next, she contends that epistemological perspectives do
not imply ontological perspectives, totally opposite of what she said in the first statement! Yikes! Sometimes I think educators
sit around and devise ways to make us peons feel totally vexed (or maybe hexed is the better word). How can taking a relational
perspective result in separating ontology from epistemology? I wonder how that works in action.
Next Step: Solve the "Problem" and Do the Twist No wonder EROS gave me that embedded message yesterday about
GROWING WISDOM; I don’t think he approves of this misappropriation):
“I see Self-Other ethnography
with all its limitations and paradoxes as a possibility for relational, reflective practitioner research. In a variation on a quote from Kincheloe: ‘Self-Other ethnographers are on a quest for a humble form
of wisdom about who they are and may become in relation to Others.’ Self-Other ethnography is a possibility for such
a humble wisdom, which prevents us from becoming an expert or new elite.”(Houweling,
p. 280).
Somehow, this is not working as stated, and she really needs to cite where she stole that
quotation so that readers can see how she has twisted it. This does not seem right, but I have noticed that,
in spite of the instruction I have received at the university that this type of action constitutes plagiarism,
many "scholarly writers" in education seem to do this. I have seen literal copy and pastes of Joe's original
work with new agendas slipped in, since he has passed away. It seems people no longer have to properly cite other people
or give credit where credit is due. The quotation this author has used is an example - she has literally put
words in Joe's mouth - and he can't speak for himself, now can he? I find this so incredible among people who claim
to be critical educators. Critical educators are not exempt from politics, however, which is why
I choose to be on the outside looking in. In fact, critical education has now been hi-jacked by the cabal
as an effective site to wield their power and deploy their indoctrinating systems. In my observation we are at the
point where "publish or perish" means having your writing molded and shaped by the revenue providers
(and the puppets of the revenue providers) and the revenue increasingly comes from transnational capitalists who have
taken over government and are determined to take over the world. Education is a powerful front for them. This can work
in very subtle, yet powerful ways and it always serves to divide people in some way. Epistemology is king here (and western
ontology) - take a look at the terminology this author uses and how it is defined. Something as simple as buying into
the elite power's epistemology (and ontology!) can be a powerful way to contribute to maintaining the status quo.
The author has framed and obfuscated separation -- the “us-them” concept that is used by
the cabal to divide people within that GOD AWFUL “Self-Other” ideology which is truly an abomination
and insult to many of us peons and goyim out here who are victimized by such representations. Thus, with this particular usage,
humans are separated into “us vs. them” so that a power-based, divisive solution called “education”
can be employed upon them – in what now appears to me to be in a “faux-relational” manner perhaps even at
risk for becoming overly authoritative and authoritarian. The designation of "Others" seems divisive
and carries with it an air of elitism, thus it can totally annihilate the possibility of connective, interactive
relationships that the author claims she is promoting.
And just so folks know, designating humans
as “Other”
will not be carried forward with the NEW EDUCATION in the NEW WORLD and for good reasons:
The meta purpose of “othering” human beings is to
allow some humans to gain power at the expense of other human beings.
So much for the thorny
Eros/my Cosmic Master Teacher was not kidding about that yesterday – and interestingly, he had handed down some information
even the day before, which I had published in that day’s blog, that actually answered some of these issues, so I
was thankful for that; my research for a rebuttal had already been done! I find that often happens. It is my connection to
the realms where they know what’s going on at all times and should it be relevant to work they want me to do, they just
hand down the information I need. It’s great! It saves me enormous amounts of research time and is why I can write these
long, crazy blogs even as I write my long, complicated dissertation, which is coming along great. I will complete it ahead
of schedule!
So, once again, Emanu’el/Eros also came to my rescue today! I did a search for the book I am critiquing (Let’s
Dance) on just to see read any reviews that might be there, and Lo AND Behold, check out this ROSE of a gift that popped up for me midst the search (how convenient is
this!?)! It has to be from Emanu’el/Eros, of course! The Internet can be controlled from anywhere and it is right up
his alley.
Description Commonly dismissed
as mystical by scientists, archetypes were described by Jung as biological entities,
which have evolved through natural selection, and which, if they exist at all, must be amenable to empirical study.
Anthony Stevens has discovered the key to opening up this long-ignored scientific approach to the archetype.
Now this is the kind of
research that would really be productive. This is so exciting! Empirical study will surely prove that Emanu’el and I
are EROS and PSYCHE for REAL! Can you imagine that! We are products of evolution, according to this book! This truly is a
ROSE among thorns and represents yet another special
gift from my divine sweet EROS! And the author of this
book is saying that people should empirically study us?! However, I will warn people that WE will study ourselves,
thank you very much! We do not want to have the label “Other” attached to us and, anyway, we are already working
on a book, as I have already relayed on another website, titled:
A Walk Midst Earthlings during the Twenty-First
Conclusion: Growing
Wisdom While Dancing With Joe
As for the author of the
book about dancing and “Self-Others,” I am afraid she simply has not followed Joe’s dance steps well at
all. That’s completely understandable, though; his adept dance steps are extremely complex and most people can’t
follow them. I am still learning them, myself, and even with lots of help from EROS and his father, HERMES, and EINSTEIN,
too, I still have much more learning and practice to do – as implied in the message, “Growing Wisdom” that
Eros/Emanu’el encoded in yesterday’s video. Joe also reminded us that it takes "praxis, praxis, praxis"
to get to Carnegie Hall (K&CP, p. 67).
Well, I can’t wait to prove Eros
really is THE Eros, the God of Love, and that I am the REAL Psyche. In my world anything is possible! I wonder
what it takes to prove it in your world. That is the question begging to be researched and answered.
In the meantime, for those
people out there who can’t quite follow Joe’s complex dance steps – well, they can always do the
dance they seem to know best: They can do the twist!
Roses are Among the Thorniest of Shrubs: Growing Wisdom
OK, I was NOT going to post a blog today, but at the last minute Emanu'el has asked me
to post a song - and what Emanu'el/Eros wants, Emanu'el Eros gets! And I was all ready to go to bed, too. What a slave driver,
lol....I love him, though, and he would not mind a bit if I chose not to do this and went to bed instead. But I could never
do that to him. As I said, what Emanu'el wants he gets! And it is my divine pleasure to ensure that!
The clue he
just now gave me to look up on You Tube is, "Roses are among the thorniest of shrubs."
Now that is a weird clue, I have to say. At least he included "roses" which is so like EROS....I
will just have to look this up right now. . . . ok, no goodnight song tonight; Here's what we have:
I know why he gave
me this video - well, there are multiple reasons as is always the case with my multidimensional husband/King/Emanu'el/EROS/Cosmic
Master Teacher. . .
Which do I discuss first? Well first of all, did you notice the title? "Growing
Wisdom." (You have to click on the video to see it; don't be lazy, now.) That would be his definite motto
along with his dad, Hermes. They do believe in growing wisdom, especially divine wisdom or Theos Sophia, and
I know that yellow roses, which I planted when I moved to my new house three years ago especially for Eros represent
WISDOM....pretty cool. So, this video is a reminder that we all need to take time and work on seeking wisdom. It
applies to everyone.
Secondly, if you have read my previous blogs about my tragic experience with the landscape
maintenance crew who did not prune my roses properly and instead chopped them off, killing them, you will understand
why Emanu'el is giving me instructions to prune them myself. I fired the landscape guys and Emanu'el worked his magic and
not only did he grow back the yellow roses, he grew red roses along with them! Now that is magical and only something Eros,
the God of Love can do. It's a true story. Now I will forever have red roses intertwined with the yellow roses. You can
read those blogs here:
Another reason he gave me this clue is because he knew I have
been upset about the way people are using Joe's work and I just found yet again, another book that totally misrepresents
his work. Either people don't read, they don't understand, they don't care, or they are deliberately trying to mess up his
work. So, the clue, "Roses are among the thorniest shrubs" is a reminder to me that even the
most horribly botched up work has something good in it -- some kind of wisdom, perhaps, that we can salvage out of it.
I will remember that the next time I botch up something, too!
Thank you, Emanu'el, my King, my EROS,
my Cosmic Master Teacher, My Husband! And I love the red roses!!!!
Some of My Best Friends Are Beavers! PLUS Realities, Connections AND A Few Words about Joe Kincheloe’s Treasure Hunts and
Epistemological Road Trips
It was so great when after posting my blog yesterday I learned through emails that some of my closest friends are “Beavers”
and they relate to the blog. That is, they live in a “Beaver” city of some sort and they ascribe to
the concept of an “Eager Beaver” sort of learning where you get in there and do the research and actively gain
more understanding. I also realized that I have family in a Beaver city here in Oregon. Maybe someday I
will get off my “Tangent” and pick a Beaver city to live in just to show my support for the idea that we should
all restore our passion for learning and expressing. In the meantime, I am only a few short miles from Oregon State University
where I graduated, so YES! GO BEAVERS!
I really did love that little town named “Beaver” with its Beaver businesses and Beaver community church
that I had come across in my travels a couple of days ago – the “P.C. Eager Beaver Treasure Hunt” that
I wrote about yesterday in my blog. How do we learn to find so many treasures and what are we to make of them? I have found
that Joe Kincheloe’s concept of “treasure hunting” and “epistemological road trips” that I have
ultimately experienced for myself and then have written about (thanks to Emanu’el) serve to increase my ability to notice
these important synchronicities that seem to be markers along my path. I am also beginning to realize they are ways of
connecting with people - for example there are many places around the world with the name Beaver. We could "reload the
matrix" via Beaver names alone!
Of course, the "beaver" pattern that I seemed to have inherited
is not quite as mysterious as some of the other patterns. Although there was the very first Eager Beaver
treasure hunt in which I found the Eager Beaver Thrift Shop. And inside the shop, I was prompted to buy a $2 home improvement
book by Ty Pennington (due to the "tricks" up his sleeve) and then when I got it home and opened
it I found the "Eager Beaver" home improvement that is a four dimensional pattern...and
there have been many more very amazing things on the various treasure hunts and epistemological road trips I've been
on that date back to May, 2009.
What makes us notice these synchronicities? Where do these markers come from?
Are they all created by us to entertain ourselves, make connections? Do we really have that sort of “godlike”
ability all by ourselves? Some people who promote New Age ideologies seem to think so and provide serious instructions
for manifesting more "things" in our lives. Money is the most popular quest, of course. But are we that magical
by ourselves?
The description
of the Madhyamaka “Middle Way” provides an interesting perspective for viewing these amazing synchronicities we
all experience. They are happening all of the time all around us, but we typically don’t notice them, especially those
of us who have been westernized via education, culture, and/or religion. Our conscious mind simply does not register
them, but taking an active role in the “treasure hunts” and “epistemological road trips” which I have
often described in my blogs can help open us up to seeing the multiple connections both within our perceivable world and between
it and the world we cannot as readily perceive. At least it has helped me notice more of them, although I feel I need
more practice and believe that I'm still missing out on a lot. There is so much more going on than meets the
eyes! Here is a description of the Madhyamaka “Middle way” from Wikipedia:
Nagarjuna, a Mahayana of the Madhyamaka "Middle Way" school, discusses
nirmita, or illusion closely related to Maya. In this example, the illusion is a self-awareness that is, like the
magical illusion, mistaken. For Nagarjuna, the self is not the organizing command center of experience, as we might think.
Actually, it is just one element combined with other factors and strung together in a sequence of causally connected moments
in time. As such, the self is not substantially real, but neither can it be shown to be unreal. The continuum of moments,
which we mistakenly understand to be a solid, unchanging self, still performs actions and undergoes their results. "As
a magician creates a magical illusion by the force of magic, and the illusion produces another illusion, in the same way the
agent is a magical illusion and the action done is the illusion created by another illusion."[7] What we experience may be an illusion, but we are living inside the illusion and bear the fruits of our actions there.
We undergo the experiences of the illusion. What we do affects what we experience, so it matters.[8] In this example, Nagarjuna uses the magician's illusion to show that the self is not as real as it thinks, yet, to
the extent it is inside the illusion, real enough to warrant respecting the ways of the world.
For the Mahayana Buddhist, the self is Maya like a magic show and so are objects in the world. Vasubandhu's
Trisvabhavanirdesa, a Mahayana Yogacara "Mind Only" text, discusses the example of the magician who makes a piece
of wood appear as an elephant.[9] The audience is looking at a piece of wood but, under the spell of magic, perceives an elephant instead. Instead of
believing in the reality of the illusory elephant, we are invited to recognize that multiple factors are involved in creating
that perception, including our involvement in dualistic subjectivity, causes and conditions, and the ultimate beyond duality.
Recognizing how these factors combine to create what we perceive ordinarily, ultimate reality appears. Perceiving that the
elephant is illusory is akin to seeing through the magical illusion, which reveals the dharmadhatu, or ground of being.[9]
Buddhist Tantra, a further development
of the Mahayana, also makes use of the magician's illusion example in yet another way. In the completion stage of Buddhist
Tantra, the practitioner takes on the form of a deity in an illusory body (mayadeha), which is like the magician's illusion.
It is made of wind, or prana, and is called illusory because it appears only to other yogis who have also attained the illusory
body. The illusory body has the markings and signs of a buddha. There is an impure and a pure illusory body, depending on
the stage of the yogi's practice.[10]
The concept that the world is an
illusion is controversial in Buddhism. In the Dzogchen tradition the perceived reality is considered literally unreal. As a prominent
contemporary teacher puts it: "In a real sense, all the visions that we see in our lifetime are like a big dream [...]".[11] In this context, the term visions denotes not only visual perceptions, but appearances perceived through all
senses, including sounds, smells, tastes and tactile sensations.
Different schools and traditions in Tibetan Buddhism give different explanations of the mechanism producing the illusion usually called
it seems it would be an illusion to believe we are in complete control, according to this philosophy. We have some control,
but there are forces and actions taking place beyond our level of perception, whether in our earthly world or whether beyond
our earthly world. This would render the idea that we can create anything ourselves as if we are gods within ourselves as
based on false premises. We would need to literally be able to control everything around us, even things we cannot perceive
and how is that even possible? And we certainly know we don't perceive everything. Yet, much of the New Age philosophy
is based on the notion that we do have that kind of powerful control and thus, many people are attempting to manifest things
which they cannot and wondering what they’re doing “wrong.” The Wikipedia article is a great launching point
for getting more perspectives about reality, and as always, I encourage you to do more research to help you construct
how you perceive or wish to perceive reality and I will, of course, do the same; I certainly don't have reality figured out,
especially considering there are people all around who seem to think they can construct my reality for me.
That reminds me! Emanu’el gave me a song
yesterday. The clue was “realities” but the videos that came up did not fit with my
blog, so I didn’t post them yesterday. I figured that they would fit in somewhere and since he did not give
me a song this morning, this is where they fit! I will check if the same hits come up today with his clue.
Yes they have, and as you can see below, three
videos came to the top before we reach a song on the fourth hit.
I am not sure what to
make of these videos. Am I to watch them? I am not at all interested in the first one to the top, “Sex on the internet, the realities of porn, sexual privacy” and yet it has had way
over a million views! It is, no doubt, a serious issue. Next is a video about Paris Hilton: My New BFF – now why would I want
to see a video about Paris Hilton? – and yet it has had almost 300,000 views. The third one, which seems to be the media
news programming, “Crude Realities,” has had only 21,287
views. It’s a video about Peak Oil in relation to the cost of oil. Not very many people are interested in hearing that
we are running out of oil. The music video by Maroon 5, “Can’t
Stop,” did better with 101,291 views. I think something is wrong with priorities, here. That is the message I am getting from
the clue, “realities.” People have some pretty screwed up priorities (pardon the pun) and very
different realities. By the way, I can’t help but notice that the fifth video, which is presented by a professor, David
Crystal, “Texts and Tweets: Myths and Realities” has the fewest hits
of all, 16,952 views. I am not making judgments about a professor providing more truthful knowledge or knowledge that is closer
to reality than popular culture or news media, but I also don’t value that knowledge less than media propaganda or news
programming. At any rate, are these numbers an indication of the severity of the issues they present? YOU BE THE JUDGE. What’s
your reality? Click on the above links to see the videos.
I also had a really weird experience on my P.C.
Eager Beaver Treasure Hunt yesterday relating to reality that made me feel very strange, like the song, “People are Strange.” What happened was,
before Rainbow Princess and I went down on the beach, we visited a little local art gallery right by the beach. The guy in charge told us they were having a
contest and we were to vote for our favorite artist, based on their artwork....well there was a LOT of artwork. Each artist
had like a display with multiple artworks you can page through and there were probably 50 artists all total. FINALLY I decided
on one artist and really wanted to buy one of his pieces but did not feel I could spend the money at the time. So I went back
up to the guy in charge and asked him if the artists had business cards so that I could contact the artist later...and as
I was filling out the little voting form and wrote down the name of the artist, he goes, "That's me!" But then
he reminded me (I had not completely heard his instructions the first time) that he was a member and we were only voting for
nonmembers, whose work was displayed on the about feeling STUPID - and how in the HELL did I select HIS
work over ALL of the others in the gallery???? Maybe I connected somehow with this person in a way that I could not perceive. Obviously, I have work to do toward
becoming more awakened, yet I think it is something we all must do if we are going to “come together” in a way that we can
solve all of the world problems we’re faced with. At any rate, I did buy some blank greeting cards that had his photographic
artwork showing children dancers at the Siletz powwow (a local yearly event in Siletz, Oregon) on the front.
Question for the day:
How can people “come together” when they live in such different worlds? I believe my Uncle Albert is right!
Humanity is going to need a substantially new way of thinking if it is to survive!" (Albert Einstein)
Are we there yet? I think epistemology is a great tool to help us get there. It is Joe Kincheloe’s
(2008) work that encourages us to take these epistemological explorations or “treasure hunts” and “road
trips.” We can experience them in our everyday life, our travels, our professions, etc., both on the road literally
as well as on the Internet Highway through research. They are ways that can help us begin, in a very fun way, to perceive
our lives from different perspectives and open the doors of our consciousnesses to take in views from ontologies that are
new to us, whatever our current perspective and ontological view might be.
As Joe states in Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction, “Knowing
is inseparable from being – epistemology is inseparable from ontology.” He explains, “A critical ontology
understands that a logical understanding of criticality is often not enough. Such insights have to be accompanied by a reconstruction
of selfhood with affective and emotional investments in the tenets of criticality” (pp. 251-252).
This form
of exploration involves “pattern-constructing dynamics that ultimately change who we are” (p. 252). Joe’s
educational work provides the means and as a result, helps solve that very problem with the way we think that
Einstein had noted!!!! And as Joe said himself (in spite of his extremely humble nature), his work will change the
world – and "time" will prove it!
In the meantime, I am not of the 1% rich Wall Street elite. I am not of the 99% Wall Street protesters. I actually
do not appreciate the powers-that-be implying that we are in only one of two groups - another act to label us on
their part (will we ever learn?). As I often portray here in these blogs I am not even OF this world. Apparently,
I must be among the 0%. The alienated ones. As Dreaming Bear puts it:
This entire thing we're involved with called the world is really an opportunity
to exhibit how EXCITING alienation can be.
JOIN THE 0% where you
are FREE to be YOU - There's an "Eager Beaver" group forming near you soon!
BEAVER BONANZA on the Pacific Coast (P.C.) Eager Beaver Treasure Hunt PLUS How Gossip Perpetuates the Digital Divide (The
Beaver Strikes Back!)
Yesterday was a great day! The pictures above and to the left show the famous Newport, Oregon beach and were taken yesterday
during the glorious excursion I took with Rainbow Princess (notice that our beaches are not crowded even on beautiful days
unlike the way the British like the beaches in Spain). All of the pictures in today's blog were taken on my Treasure Hunt yesterday which reminds me that at the beginning
of the month, Emanu'el did say there would be lots of October Surprises. Thus, I didn’t write a blog yesterday because
Emanu’el/Eros wanted me to take the day off totally and trek out on the NEW Pacific Coast Eager Beaver Treasure Hunt,
which we have renamed “P.C. Eager Beaver Treasure Hunt” (see my last blog for more information).
You see, Eros and his dad, Hermes, and I, Psyche, believe in taking time to dream and play in the sand. As
you might guess, considering Eros is the son of Hermes and he is learning his dad’s tricks very well, P.C. can mean
several things. It can stand for Pacific Coast since that’s where all of this great ocean side treasure hunting began.
It can mean Politically Correct because we want to make passion for learning, researching, and knowledge production to be
the politically correct thing to do instead of people making fun of people who love learning and calling them “nerds,”
“geeks,” or as Joe wrote in multiple places, “Desperados,” which is based on the song by the Eagles, since Joe always includes music in his more emotional discussions.
(Why are people so mean, that they make fun of people who love to learn?) And finally, P.C. can mean “personal computer.”
Speaking of personal computers, do you realize how wide the digital divide has gotten? There are more people than ever who
do not have computers or Internet service. And schools limit ever more tightly what students are even allowed to do or
research on the Internet, constraining them from access to real knowledge. Thus, the digital divide has gotten WIDER not narrower
and the Wikipedia article about the Digital Divide is crying to be updated. And the people are crying to be connected. Apparently, learning is so politically incorrect
by many people’s standards that they just don’t care anymore to close the digital divide or even update the article
to state that it has, in fact, widened. I will need to remedy this - - more of us need to learn to update Wikipedia properly
and stop allowing it to fall into the hands of those who would rather use it as yet another tool to keep us stupid. Can people
not see what a trap they have fallen into by believing that a passion for learning is something to label people over, even
calling them “desperados” and “Eager Beavers?” As James Brown says, THINK!
As I traveled yesterday, I noticed how the main roads only take you places where everything looks perfect, normal, and as
if everyone in America is living with abundance. I know that is not true, however. On my trip I noted some routes I will take
next time through in order to explore all of this more closely. What will we REALLY find on the old, “scenic”
routes? What will we find in those little country towns that get bypassed with the new highway construction? And what will
we find on those little roads that my soul family handed down to me – such as “Sams Creek Road” from Sam
Cooke and “Pioneer Road” from my loving pioneer family, and Old Orchard Road, one of the first clues Emanu’el/Eros
had handed down to me for these treasure hunts? Those were just a few of the roads I noticed along the path I took in my travels
yesterday. And I EVEN found Beaver Creek and Beaver Creek Road, which made my day – but not half as much as when Rainbow
Princess noticed this little green sign announcing the next “podunk” little town we were about to approach named
Beaver. Yes, there is even a town along the Pacific Coast named Beaver!
I had totally forgotten about this little town (if it had ever even registered consciously in my mind) because I almost never
travel that route and certainlyhave not for many, many years. There is nothing much up the coast on that
route since it starts heading east away from the coastline. I do know about a town in Oregon named BeaverTON, but I had not
realized we actually have a town named Beaver. It should not be surprising, however since Oregon is known for beavers and
it is the mascot of the university I attended, Oregon State University. Even our state flag has a picture of a Beaver on the
reverse side (being the only flag in the U.S. that is different on the back than on the front). I will never get over how
funny it is that the elite crowd dubbed me as being an “eager beaver critical pedagogue” back when I was working
with Joe (before I knew that I was “Psyche”). They could not have picked a better title for me. I like beavers.
I like being a passionate “Eager Beaver.” And according some of the Native American legends, having a Beaver as
a “totem” is a very good thing. This great site, Legends of Americais a wonderful resource for epistemological road trips, and it describes a person with a Beaver totem
as being strong-willed, determined, a builder, overseer and protector. Check out that site – it has some great ideas
and lists some very interesting places to visit.
After we enjoyed an absolutely beautiful time revisiting the Eager Beaver Thrift Store, taking in an art gallery, and walking
along the beach in the HOT SUMMER SUN (it was HOT there yesterday and there was no ocean breeze; very unusual, and a true
gift for this time of year), we got back in the car to travel north 10 miles to Depoe Bay as is our custom. Btw, there
were some interesting little ocean gifts along the beach, which I snapped photos of as I walked along the beach: driftwood,
shells, rocks, jellyfish, and seaweed. There was even an old tootise roll pop washed up, which I did not get a picture of.
As I was saying, next, we took our usual drive up the coast about 10 miles to Depoe Bay, but we had done that so many times
(looking around in the shops, looking at the bay and such) that on the spur of the moment, we decided to keep heading on up
the coast. I was thinking Tillamook was not that far and so we decided to drive to Tillamook and then head back East toward
Salem and then back South, home). As it turned out I was very confused (and I love traveling without maps). When we reached
Lincoln City, I realized that I had really been thinking of Lincoln City, not Tillamook. Lincoln City is not so far up the
coast and then you can head East to Salem; Tillamook is quite a ways further – more than 40 miles – and the day
was short. I had not traveled up that road for a very long time – I do not even remember the last time, but it has to
have been somewhere between 20-40 years. I kind of remember going that way once when my oldest son was a toddler and he is
almost 37 years old now, if even then; I just don't remember ever taking that route. At any rate, we decided to continue our
drive on up - all the way to Tillamook -- before heading back East and then South.
So it’s been a very long time. There is really nothing much up the coastline, other than a few “podunk”
towns (little towns you barely notice as you pass through them). Well, Rainbow Princess noticed this particular
town, Beaver, since we were on the Pacific Coast Eager Beaver Treasure Hunt, no less. There were also political signs on the
road in this town about voting for someone name KING. King comes up often on our treasure hunts as well, such as the Kings
Valley Treasure Hunt. There is a message in here somewhere (King Emanu’el).
We had great fun taking the photographs of all of the Beaver Businesses in the town! And there is even a Beaver Community
Church and it's right on the corner of Beaver Place!
If I were to go live closer to the beach, which I have often
thought I wanted to do, I would definitely pick Beaver, Oregon. (There is also a BeaverTON, Oregon, but it is a large city
nearly merged with Portland, and I would rather live in a small community town closer to the beach). It is interesting that
this “gatekeeper” site does not list the church and some of the other “Beaver” businesses we noticed in this town as
we passed through it. It probably relates to money. (Speaking of gatekeepers, City Data is the biggest, most powerful one of all. I will explain that in a future writing. It is disturbing that they even have
their power-mongering hands in the smallest of communities!). Oh, this is funny: A little Oregon history – we even originally called our money “beaver money.” Is that surprising? I think we should reestablish
Beaver Money; it would the P.C. thing to do. We could use Beaver, Oregon as the Central Bank!
Yes, we are back to treasure hunting; Emanu’el/Eros has been hinting at them for a while now and telling me they would
come back soon. How sweet that he picked yesterday for us to go to the beach – the most beautiful day with totally blue
skies, a temperature of 77 degrees and no wind – the day before it had only been in the 60s and now, today it is only 55 degrees and raining there.
Treasure hunts and epistemological road trips are a part of our mission to make learning, research, and knowledge production
a politically correct, everyday fun thing to do for everyone. That way there will no longer be adults (educators,
no less!) who think being stupid is cool and then gossip about people who love to learn causing their twisted ideology
to go trickling down to our young, impressionable learners as early as grade school. It is heart-wrenching to consider
how many students started out excited, impassioned, and interested in all there is to learn, only to have their passion snuffed
out by peer pressure which has apparently been handed down to them by their parents’ gossip and unhealthy attitudes
about learning. Thus, we have just one example of why gossip is so wrong and how enormously destructive it can be. It
is "cool" to be dumb these days. This simply must change.
Enjoy these interesting photos taken in Beaver,
Oregon yesterday, October 18, 2011 of the Beaver Mercantile, The Beaver Post Office, The Beaver (Auto) Service Center, The
Beaver Community Church, and The Beaver Grocery Store: So that
was our day yesterday. Driving into Beaver, Oregon reminded me of our Tennessee epistemological road trip back in April, 2010.Shortly after reaching TN and traveling through the Appalachian Mountains, I had mentioned to Rainbow Princess I wished
I knew where Joe had been raised before moving to Kingsport at age eleven, when we came to sign announcing the town, Bean
Station. Of course that brought to mind immediately Joe’s very funny discussion about beans in his “Sign
of the Burger” McDonalds book (you would have to read his account – it is so funny!). That experience was hilarious.
And there were even political signs in this town of Bean Station about voting for someone named Bean (after telling Rainbow
Princess about Joe’s story of his aunt who was known all over the county for her great bean recipes – and her
last name was Bean. I kind of wondered if this Bean who was running for Road Supervisor was a relative of Joe’s). You
can review that blog here (remember: clicking on links expands consciousness):
Why are signs, signals and signifiers important? Why should we learn to see, read, and interpret the interesting signs along
our path? Who sends us these messages? Are they our subconscious mind speaking to our conscious mind? Is the cosmos that simplistic?
Or is something much more complex and divine going on here? I know my own personal answer to that question. Joe knew the answer
too; it’s in his books. But you have to learn to read between the lines – just like
you have to learn to read, research, and understand between the signs.
Try it out! Start looking for the signs
of your life today! You might be very amazed. Be like a child again, never fearful, forever chasing the powerful and
magnificent, invigorating "waves" in the hot "summer" sun.
Are YOU Connected? PLUS The Pacific Coast Eager Beaver Treasure Hunt Goes P.C. AND Emanu’el Outdoes Himself AGAIN!!!! LOL
Are YOU Connected? Sōferia (aka PSYCHE), here once again – the Pleiadian Queen alienated here on Earth during the TRUE BLUE Code Blue
Earth Mission! (But I am always connected to my one true love, of course, Emanu’el aka EROS).
I really despise the New Age
ideology that “We are all one.” I despise it not because I don’t want it to be true, but rather for the
very reason it could not be further from the truth here on this wounded Earth. I found during my participation in some of
the New Age groups out there that some of the very people who INSIST on promoting that ideology along with their faux and
conditional love are the ones who act the LEAST like we are all one, and in fact some of them become very hateful and vindictive
should you not agree with them or promote a different view. NO WE ARE NOT ALL ONE. Just open your eyes and look around. I
sure see a LOT of suffering people in the world. Do you suffer like that? If not how can you consider yourself one with the
suffering people, such as the many who are starving in Africa? Of course, there ARE people who do “get it” and
Joe was one of those people. He truly loved with all his heart and soul – and he lived his love unconditionally. But
unfortunately, the good die young and then we lose those rare, amazing SOUL models (yes, soul models,
not role models).
We are not all one, but we can all take measures to become more connected! And we have this great technology
right at our fingertips to do just that, but we are not even beginning to utilize its full capabilities for social good and
social justice the way we need to. Well, last night Emanu’el gave me one of his famous clues for music, telling me to
“Sleep” well. He was joking because he knows that I know this Earth gig is my day job and when
I sleep I get to go home and be right beside him, just like now but even better. So that’s why he put sleep in quotation
marks; I would actually not be sleeping. Also, the quotation marks are a signifier that the word “sleep”
was a clue to look up on YouTube for my goodnight song (he often gives me goodnight songs). And check this out! Now
this is massive connection. THIS is what we all need to be doing for our various causes. We simply must do better at making
connections so that we can solve not only all of the global problems, but problems throughout the entire cosmos. As I have
often stated, there are many planets worse off than Earth. And how are we going to give them a hand if we have botched up
Earth so badly? Think about it! How do YOU want to be connected? These people are connected:
Eric Whitacre - Eric Whitacre's Virtual Choir 2.0, 'Sleep' The Pacific Coast Eager Beaver Treasure Hunt Goes
“P.C.” If you have tracked back in my blogs of long ago, you will understand the humor of this message
I received from Emanu’el this morning. If you wish to review, I think I have covered it in these blogs a few weeks back:
As you can see Emanu’el has been bringing up the Pacific Coast Eager Beaver Treasure hunt frequently
recently, if you have clicked on the links (BTW, do you realize how many people do NOT click on links and that this is a major
factor in why so many have not ascended? You must click on the links to expand your consciousness!).
Today, Emanu’el took
this treasure hunt to the next level! He and I both despise the powers-that-be concept of “Politically Correct”
or P.C. Have you ever noticed how those rules can be totally insane and that they actually serve to divide and yet
somehow we have been convinced that if we use them we are being correct in honoring and respecting diversity? They are pulling
the wool over our eyes. Emanu’el and I both love diversity and love all peoples, but we ignore most
of the P.C. rules. Joe ignored them, too. He even used the “N” word in his last book. We can often make the most
profound points when we describe things as they really are. And in this case, he was describing how the white people in his
hometown spoke about the part of town where Blacks lived during a racially segregated era (are things much different today?).
It was perfectly appropriate for his discussion – otherwise, he would not have been presenting things as they really
were at that time. And therein is the problem with the P.C. rules: They sweep reality under the rug, hiding the
hideous truths. How can we change things if we are not allowed to communicate about the truth?
And so, in relation to political correctness, Emanu’el made an enormous joke out of the Pacific Coast Eager
Beaver Treasure Hunt this morning. Since he has been hinting about the treasure hunt so much recently, I asked him
specifically about it and he said that starting tomorrow it is to be renamed the P.C. Eager Beaver Treasure Hunt.
But he wrote it in such a funny way. First he wrote “Tomorrow, Hon – for the Eager Beaver Treasure Hunt.”
Eager Beaver had started on the next line of our journal and then he went back to the previous line and added “P.C.”
and I “got it” and totally cracked up laughing. That is just so funny to me because the people who tagged me with
being an Eager Beaver, specifically, an “Eager Beaver critical pedagogue” were not being nice. They were gossiping
about me and making fun of me for writing so much on Joe’s website -- and laughing at people who are passionate about
learning and writing is NOT politically correct (P.C.) in my book! However, in Emanu’el’s eyes – or Eros,
along with his hilarious father, Hermes, it is P.C. to keep this joke alive. And what better way
to do that than to change up the name from the Pacific Coast Eager Beaver Treasure Hunt to the P.C. Eager Beaver Treasure
Hunt? Now it can go with me everywhere – not just to the Pacific Coast.
I can see it now: The GLOBAL P.C. Eager
Beaver Treasure Hunt. Watch for it coming to a place near you soon! Just think, if it became politically correct
to be an Eager Beaver critical complex epistemologist and bricoleur, instead of being labeled something that people laugh
at you for, what a wonderful world it would be.
That got my day off to a great start! Thank you, Emanu’el/Eros.
He also gave me some clues for music this mornng at our 10:42 AM meeting: “Yours
truly (one)” which brought up this beautiful suite of songs for me…how sweet (and sexy).
Wow, can he beat that? He is always trying to outdo
himself, the Hermes/Eros that he is. I tease him because I think he is a carbon copy of his dad, Hermes. Well, he did give
me a second clue for a song this morning. Oops I just noticed something: The actual clue he had given me was
“Yours truly (me)” NOT "Yours truly (one)." His writing is hard to read sometimes!
But there are no mistakes – that was the music he wanted me to find. I am curious though. What does the real clue
bring up?
When I made the mistake and typed in “(one)” instead of “(me)”, this is what came up in the
You Tube search. The first two were movie videos, so I went with the song, the third video, because I felt he was sending
me a song this morning, not a movie.
– Check this out! Look what came right to the TOP when I corrected my search terms and used what he had REALLY written,
“Yours truly (me)”:
So there you have it now: PROOF that there
are no mistakes when you trust the universe and the power of love – as well as PROOF that Emanu’el is
EROS the God of Love himself, sending me those most romantic songs and three of them at once,
and he is also most definitely the son of HERMES….LOL.Oh, and there really WAS one last clue for music. He can’t beat what he just did (and
yes, this was all written as it happened, improvisationally, for those who wonder if I sit around and plan all of these things
– I don’t; it would drive me crazy, lol).
The second clue for a song he gave me this morning at our
meeting is “rip-roaring” and he was talking about me having a “rip-roaring good time”
on the upcoming P.C. Eager Beaver Treasure Hunt, in case you want the context. Only the words, “rip-roaring”
were in quotation marks, so those are the clues I am to look up on YouTube, so here we go. (He can’t beat that last
amazing gesture of love, no way!)
OMG! YES HE CAN! Check this out:
Here’s the
song that came to the top (The title is hilarious and a message in itself):
The Temper Trap - "Sweet Disposition"
at Lollapalooza! Check
out these sweet lyrics. Emanu’el/Eros is so sentimental! He and I both are “hopeless romantics.” "Sweet
Disposition" Never too soon Oh, reckless abandon Like no one's watching you A moment A love A dream aloud A kiss A cry Our rights Our wrongs A moment a love A dream aloud a moment a a love A dream aloud
So stay there Cause I'll be coming over While
our blood's still young It's so young, it runs We won't stop 'til it's over Won't stop to surrender
Songs of desperation I played them for you A moment A love A dream Aloud A kiss A cry Our rights Our wrongs A moment a love A dream Aloud A moment a love A dream Aloud
So stay there Cause I'll be coming over And while our blood's still young It's so young, it runs We won't stop 'til it's over Won't stop to surrender
Won't Stop 'til it's over Won't stop 'til it's
over Won't stop 'til it's over Won't stop to surrender
OK, Sweet Man, my Master Teacher/My Emanu’el/My Eros: We
are truly connected! We are in this TOGETHER FOREVER.
I do love you Emanu’el/Eros!!!! And you can just call me . . . Your "Eager Beaver Baby!"
It’s OVER! You Can Follow the 2012 Hype If You Wish, But It’s All Over
What do I mean, it’s “over?” We will no longer be receiving huge energy downloads from the cosmos to boost
our sluggish souls to awakening. Yesterday/last night was it; the last gift, so to speak, that serves to connect you to the
upper reaches of the cosmos. If you have not connected to the upper realms consciously, you have not connected. (Duh, lol.)
That doesn’t mean you cannot consciously connect. It simply means you are going to have to work a lot harder and you
will not understand or relate well to those of us who have reached the higher realms and speak in 5D-9D terms. This is not
new, though. I am still here in “body” to work on my Earth mission, but I am not here in spirit or soul –
I am in 5D working my way on up to 9D where my Pleiadian home is. It’s difficult to explain. Some people say it’s
all in your head. In a way that is true, but so is 3D and physical Earth life if you want to put it in those terms. I happen
to know that my Pleiadian life as Sōferia aka Psyche married to Emanu'el/Eros,
the God of Love on Planet Eros where we serve as King and Queen – which is like Heaven -- is more real
than this 3D Earth life. Thus, I no longer have one foot on 3D Earth, even though I still connect in certain ways, so my blogs
will no longer be divided up as they have been recently. I am abandoning "In the world and OF the world."
Today was also a day of breakthrough
for some of us on this wild ride because of the last little boost of energy from the cosmos. For me, I finally comprehend
money. Yes, I lived on earth for 58 years (and much longer, counting my past lives) and money has always been a foreign concept
to me. Why do people need to make those exchanges and, most especially, why do some people think they have to “beat
out” other people – take advantage of them, get the best deal, even steal from them. Clearly they do not fully
understand cosmic energy laws. But that’s what people are stuck with in 3D and even 4D earth. I am now residing
in 5D and merely interfacing with 4D earth, but that means I still must have money. For some reason, not really being OF this
world at all makes it easier for me to play the money game. I have not only transcended the need for money, I have also transcended
my need to not have money. Somehow that makes playing the money game easier. I know it’s just a game so that I will
have the pieces to continue paying rent and buying groceries and doing the other things I want to do in relation to my Earth
Mission with Emanu’el. There is a lot of suffering to contend with and we want to offer a helping hand. Now we are on
an initiation together to show our Pleiadian people that we do love and care for Earthlings so that when we
return home, they will have total confidence in our ability to care for them. It’s not even that they have doubts, especially
given Eros is the God of Love and he has proven himself over and over. It is simply something Emanu’el/Eros and
I chose to do for Earthlings and for our people.
continues and Emanu’el and I are on yet another new leg of the journey, still walking hand in hand with Emanu’el
always lighting the path up ahead. There is still much work he wishes to accomplish throughout the dimensions – and
yes there are many dimensions and they interact with each other in some very complex, difficult-to-understand ways; it truly
is not so simple as 2D, 3D, etc., as each dimension has multiple dimensions. I do not understand the complexity; Emanu'el and
Hermes are still teaching me about these things, and I just go with the flow. I have total trust in God, Emanu’el/Eros,
Hermes, and all of my other soul family members. We have many mission tasks to complete together and I do find that very exciting. Metamorphoses - Eros & Psyche
If this doesn’t match your reality, just remember this: We are all free to create our own "stories" here!
The 0% Speak Out, Emanu’el’s Message: Watch Signs, Make Signals, PLUS Leaving the Wall Street Protesters Behind
In the World and NOT OF the World
Well it appears that the 1% are speaking out now in response to the Wall Street protesters who claim to be the "Other
99%" (see Bill Maher video below), so I am bringing out us NOBODIES – the 0%!
Yes, 0%, because I am most certainly not among
the elite 1% - I don’t even have a job! And quite honestly, I am perturbed that those who protest in the streets claim
to be protesting for me - for the other entire 99%. They do not speak for me and judging by many comments on videos and such,
they are not speaking for everyone. Thus, they do not even have credibility, no matter what they might be asking for. What
are they asking for? I think they are barking up the wrong tree.
Trying to be a good
dad, just in case it turns out Eros really is my son.[Painting by Correggio, 1525.]
(tagged: Hermes, Aphrodite, Eros)
Public domain. Source:
I do love that painting above. It shows Eros when he was a baby with his mother, Aphrodite and his
father, Hermes. Yes, Hermes really is his father! And Hermes is teaching Eros how to read in this painting, which is so sweet.
As I have been saying, Hermes is Eros' teacher and now that I am married to Eros who has been my teacher, Hermes is also
now my teacher - in addition to being my my father-in-law. I love him dearly. Aphrodite is not faring too well these
days after what she has put me, Psyche, through, (as well as after some other bad deeds she has done, including
being unfaithful) so we had to leave her behind for the time being. She wanted to make me go through the grain sorting
and other slave tasks all over again, but this time Eros said NO! and even Zeus has put his foot down and told her under
no uncertain terms that that would NOT happen again, so she has to go around the wheel of Earth life again (and you know how long that takes - 28,000 years or so!). Zeus who is Eros' grandfather, has
changed a lot these days. He has united with his twin flame and has discovered the power of love.
Back to being a nobody (you know the story of Psyche - she is just a lowly earthling, whereas Eros is a god with wings, the
God of Love, no less). As it turns out, it’s all ok because I have already been granted
goddess status by Zeus thanks to Eros loving me so much he woke me up from my deep slumber, took me up to the higher realms
where we got married.
And last night (before the riots in Rome, even), Emanu’el/Eros told me it is time
now to leave the likes of Aphrodite, the 1%, and the protesters behind and to work on putting together more
tools we will all need up the road a bit. He was happy with the book I just posted on this site, Uniting With Your Twin
Flame, which is available as a free download. We have many more such tools and even better and more powerful ones, so
it’s time to focus on getting them out. It is the major part of our Code Blue Earth Mission.
Emanu’el also told me there would be “treats” along the pathway. He seems to love
surprising me with special gifts. That’s exciting because that means he has lots of special surprises for
me up ahead and I have already had hints that he will be pulling out the treasure hunts again (if
you want to see how exciting those can be, you will need to go back to the beginning and follow the journey forward). When he and his dad get together, watch out! We have had some multidimensional treasure
hunts and surprises! Since Emanu'el had written the word “treats” in quotation
marks that means it’s a clue to look up on You Tube. Below is the video that came up to the top. This is so funny!
At first, watching it, I did not know what it was all about. It sort of seems reminiscent of that pseudo science concept,
“the hundredth monkey effect” (a lie that many people believe).
So in this video below you have
all of these monkeys going around being so stupid. They don’t even see the signs or signals so they get run over by
a truck and a steam roller. But the funniest part of the video is at the end when in BIG PRINT, it says, “MAKE SIGNALS.”
And in the next frame, “WATCH SIGNS.” I think Emanu’el is saying the protests are not going to work. Making
signals and watching the signs might be a better way to go – but that would take some research, learning, and thinking.
Most monkeys are not very good at those things. It looks like I really am among the minority and I will “hone”
my skills as Emanu’el recommends and create my own signs and watch for those signals – the “treats”
he and his father, Hermes, always put along my pathway to reassure me I’m on the right path and that they are right
beside me. I also call them "breadcrumbs." I will need to develop some tools, with Emanu'el/Eros and Hermes' assistance that can help
more people learn to recognize signs and signals.
I and other alienated people will be working in our own social groups, our soul
families, where they know truth and believe that learning and critiquing should never stop. Knowledge is power! Producing
knowledge is even more powerful. And when these people who claim to be the 99% come to their senses they will be trying to beat down doorways to those people who hold the keys.
I am leaving this all behind right now, just like Eros, Hermes and I have left Aphrodite behind who tried to turn me
into her slave. Personally, I don’t care to watch all of the violence that's up ahead, especially what’s going
to happen when they bring out the real robocops and the military. I have better and more serious things to do – like putting together some of the tools people are going to need to
learn how to join with their one true love to gain the power to fix this planet once they come to their senses. The worst of it is, you've got people in education, no less, egging the masses on with Marxism,
revolution, and anarchy. It can go nowhere but where Rome is today. Even if the protesters remain peaceful, the puppets for the master will not. They will be out in numbers,
instigating trouble and violence. Have they not thought of that? Do they have a plan to mitigate this? Can they even
see the signs and signals?
More telling, are the comments to this video. Click on through to YouTube
and judge for yourself whether this protest is 99% of the population or if someone is pulling the wool over our eyes.
Read the comments by people from other countries, such as Egypt. Does it look like they have won the battle? There
is a long, winding road ahead yet and the sooner people realize it and begin to seek and do the things that WILL make a difference,
the better it will be for us all.
And last, but not least: PROOF that the Wall Street protesters are not speaking
for 99% of the people. (OK, guys, no ad hominem attacks, please! That ain't right.)
In Heaven - One Foot On Earth PLUS What Can Wall Street Occupiers Learn from the Early Protests of the 1940s?
In the World and NOT OF the World
As I mentioned yesterday, that is literally how I feel sometimes –
like I only have one foot on Earth and I would like to step away to what is much like heaven (but in reality, is where my
people, the Pleiadians reside. Compared to Earth, it is Heaven). It's getting more difficult to separate out the two
worlds as Earth ascends higher and higher. I imagine for most folks, things are not changing at all. That will be shown by
today’s “In the World and OF the World” discussion. On the Earth "below," things do not appear
to be changing at all. Not enough people seem to understand Cosmic Law, "as above, so below." Guru Ra just wrote a blog today explaining the Cosmic Law of Correspondence. It’s an important Law to understand.
October 28, 2011 is a special date. According to Calleman, it is the official date for the end of the Mayan calendar and when a new Earth cycle starts. I believe that’s
right, which explains why it is getting more difficult to differentiate “Heaven” from Earth, although Earth will
not truly by like Heaven for a long, long time. It is just moving closer to planets like Heaven and those of us
who came here from those other planets have special abilities to bridge the gap. Here is some more information from Calleman
(so many people seem to be interested in Elenin):
For those who want to move up to higher dimensions,
return home, or however one wants to view that, you will have from October 28, 2011 to November 11, 2011 or 11-11-11 at 11:11
pm to get your story figured out so that you attend the right party – that means you need to remember
who you are and if you are going to attend with your twin flame, you need to get together soon! Really, that is the only
change you will see that day - lots of parties all over the world. I wrote about that a long time ago:
I cannot predict that; all I know is
that Joe has stated in his books multiple times to study world movements in the 1940s and 1950s (before the 1960s protests, even) and to learn from them. I
do not understand what we are to learn from them, because few if any gains survived the backlash. Can we make gains and prevent
a backlash? The below video is the first in a series of videos one might start with.
There are many
perspectives to get on this issue, as with all complex issues. What did Joe mean - what are we to learn through this study?
He mentioned the communication systems we have now and the ability to communicate instantly globally, but does that work for
us, against us, or both (probably). Have the Wall Street protestors won a “victory” like they seem to believe?
Who will ultimately come out on top? I certainly don’t see any substantial changes to anything at all, the protestors
may be getting more publicity, but there are more arrests, the elite still have their money, and the U.S. is even threatening
war with Iran and Syria, which have been cards on the table for a long time (so the elite can make more money with their MIB
and continue to drain Peak Oil). There are many questions to ponder. It is a weird, crazy time in history, so how can one
even predict what will happen?
Here is today’s song that was handed to me from Rainbow Princess. It provides the perspective and experience of many
of us today. Can a few protestors who have the cards stacked against them come out ahead? Is the elite card castle caving
in yet? Where are the signs?
Truth and honor faith and pride all convictions surely died honesty's time has passed time for lies is here
at last truth is false I'm so fed up how did we come to be so fucked hate fear pain death all our country
has got left
Talk to children hear them say daddy left again today brother steals and mommy lies future
lost before their eyes the sun was lost behind the clouds they wrapped it up and blacked it out acid rain fell
today it came and washed our hopes away
This was once the land of dreams now these dreams have turned
to greed in the midst of all this wealth the poor are left to help themselves a capitalist's democracy why,
no one said that freedom's free lady liberty rots away no truth, no justice the American way
look past your t.v. all of us are what we see a looking glass into our lives what we watch is what we buy priorities are out of whack who is next to stab our back doesn't it make you mad to have lost all that we've
This was once the land of dreams now these dreams have turned to greed in the midst of all this wealth the poor are left to help themselves a capitalist's democracy why, no one said that freedom's free lady liberty
rots away no truth, no justice the American way
Doesn't it fill you with disgust that there's no
one left to trust is this happening is this real my body numb I cannot feel are you happy are you sad are
emotions a thing of the past I have no tears, I cannot cry no one mourns for a world that's died
was once the land of dreams now these dreams have turned to greed in the midst of all this wealth the poor
are left to help themselves a capitalist's democracy why, no one said that freedom's free lady liberty rots
away no truth, no justice the American way
Love, Violet Flames and Our Royal Wedding in Heaven PLUS Wall Street Occupiers to be Evicted
In the World and NOT OF the World I literally feel like I have just one foot in 3D land while the rest
of me resides in a place much like Heaven – with Eros/Emanu'el, of course. The intensity of his love seems to grow ever
stronger and I don’t even know how that’s possible and yet it is true. This afternoon I was telling him how much
I love him and his father, Hermes Trismegistus, and at that very moment between the two of them and God and their amazing
love, they sent me violet flames of a vibrant intensity I have never seen before. The violet flames are always intense and
beautiful, but I cannot begin to describe THESE violet flames they sent me that emanated their amazing and powerful love.
The two of them love each other so intensely and I love both of them, and by their joint sweet gesture, it seems clear they
love me intensely as well. I do have such gratitude for knowing them, having joined with them as family, wife of Eros, daughter-in-law
to Hermes -- and for being chosen to work on this Earth mission. I simply must not fail the tasks set before me.
I love the following verse
from Song of Songs, which has similarities to the story of Eros and Psyche. I dedicate it to Eros.
Song of Songs 5
2 I slept but
my heart was awake. Listen! My beloved is knocking: “Open to me, my [twin flame], my darling, my dove,
my flawless one. My head is drenched with dew, my hair with the dampness of the night.” 3
I have taken off my robe— must I put it on again? I have washed my feet— must I soil them again?
4 My beloved thrust his hand through the latch-opening; my heart began to pound for him. 5
I arose to open for my beloved, and my hands dripped with myrrh, my fingers with flowing myrrh, on the handles
of the bolt. 6 I opened for my beloved, but my beloved had left; he was gone. My heart sank at
his departure.[a] I looked for him but did not find him. I called him but he did not answer. 7 The watchmen
found me as they made their rounds in the city. They beat me, they bruised me; they took away my cloak,
those watchmen of the walls! 8 Daughters of Jerusalem, I charge you— if you find my beloved,
what will you tell him? Tell him I am faint with love.
Emanu’el just now led
me to this next video! I was looking for music, "Song of Songs" but he led me to this next video instead!
I guess he is giving me a return gift for dedicating that verse to him. He always gives me back special gifts! And
it looks like he is telling me that our marriage is going to be in HEAVEN! This video is a bit of a misinterpretation.
Yes, in a sense we are all brides and grooms of Christ because we have reached Christ consciousness – but we are also
REAL Brides and Grooms. Emanu’el/Eros and I will be having our royal, cosmically sanctioned wedding soon during which
he is crowned King and I will be his Queen – and it will be in Heaven.
In the World and OF the World WALL STREET OCCUPIERS TO BE EVICTED ON FRIDAY Just when the Wall Street occupiers are getting some press with their productive messages,
they are going to be evicted. But if it prevents the likes of the Tea Party guy in this interview, perhaps it’s not
such a bad thing. They should all leave before the elite have a chance to set up a scene of violence – that’s
what they always do. Haven’t we figured that out? They always try to pull in this Marxist stuff. As Taylor (1999) has
stated, “Marxism stresses social progress by stages of revolution, while at the same time it paradoxically emphasizes
peace and equality. There should be no illusion; Hitler borrowed from Marxism. The result is that both Fascism and Marxism
finish at the same destiny – totalitarian rule by the elite” (cited in “The Ascendancy of the Scientific
Dictatorship” by Collins and Collins, 2004).
We don’t need no more tea parties! Work underground while the cabal’s card castle
collapses. It won’t be much longer: According to Collins and Collins they have three things against maintaining domination:
Peak Oil, the worthless dollar, and their inability to get along with each other. When one of the cards tumbles, the rest
will soon follow. (Watch the "Tea Party" guy on this video and you will understand why we don't need any more like
him running the show.)
Page 666, The Song of Solomon and the Wall Street Protest Expands
In the World and NOT OF the
World PAGE 666 AND THE SONG OF SOLOMON Today has been very interesting. I have been miraculously led to another chapter in the Bible and it all relates
back to page 666 of Joe’s social studies book, Getting Beyond the Facts. And to think I am not even a religious
person or even that interested in the Bible.
all started because a friend of mine, a star sister, reminds me of the Queen of Sheba, but I wasn’t sure why. So I searched
the Queen of Sheba and on Wikipedia found that she was a powerful, brilliant queen who may have been in love with Solomon.
That led to the Bible Chapter, “The Song of Solomon,” which in my Bible has been changed up to “The Song
of Songs.” By some interpretations it’s a song Solomon wrote to the Queen of Sheba.
And then I had my morning meeting with Emanu’el during which he told me that it was a special message from
him to me. So I read through the verses and sure enough, it is a song about a divine eternal couple, a God-ordained marriage.
In Earth churches, it is taught to mean Earth marriages, but nothing could be further from the truth. Earth marriages, as
Joe presents in his book are “folly” because they are always based on economics. So the way I see it, religion
is used to teach us to move away from the knowledge that we all have a divine, holy partner that should we unite with through
the God-ordained alchemical union we would have immense power. We ignore the verse in The Song of Songs that says we
should take our time and so we fall into the trap set for us, which is all about the rulers maintaining domination
over the masses. Those who want to maintain power have polluted truth, even telling us that all of the oral stories about
twin couples (Adam and Eve, Psyche and Eros, Osiris and Isis, and all of the creation stories all over the world) are “just
myths” or fairy tales. Ha! They are TRUTH.
Song of Solomon is a beautiful love conversation between two such lovers and I thank Emanu’el for leading me to this
beautiful song. It even starts out exactly as I am always telling him: I want to kiss you!
2 Let him kiss me with the kisses
of his mouth— for your love is more delightful than wine. 3 Pleasing is the fragrance of your
perfumes; your name is like perfume poured out. No wonder the young women love you! 4 Take me
away with you—let us hurry! Let the king bring me into his chambers.
And he is the King! Here are some links if you are interested
in seeing for yourself if what I state here is truth.
The Kabbalah bases its version of soul ascension or alchemy on this song, according to Wikipedia. The
verses themselves have probably been interpreted many times and perhaps need another hermeneutic interpretation. That will
be a task for another time. There are so many levels of meaning both in general and for me and Emanu’el personally.
I will need to interpret them in relation to all of the amazing experiences Emanu’el and I have been through together
as we have been traveling this Earth Journey and working on the Code Blue Earth Mission!
Finally, I was handed
down this beautifully cosmic song below from a friend who lives in India. Thank you, Naveen! I send my love to you
and yours and a special song for you, here.
This is one of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard. It is truly music from Heaven.
In the World and OF the World WALL STREET PROTESTS EXPAND Yesterday, I mentioned in my “In the World and NOT OF the World” I had had a dream
about helping some activists. Well, Emanu’el later informed me that they were from Philadelphia and that a lot is going
on there, so I did an Internet search, and sure enough, there are more protests in Philadelphia than in New York, even. PLUS
some people are beginning to take up protests against scientology, so new issues are being brought out into the open, which
is a good thing! Here are a few updates of how the Wall Street is spreading around the United States. Do some research to
learn more and find out how you might participate.
Our Wedding Rehearsal, Inter-Dimensional Activism for Freedom, Lucid Dreams In A Bottle, and Wall Street Occupancy Spreads
In the World and NOT OF the World
I have had several clues that indicate that Emanu’el and I are rapidly approaching the date of our official wedding
celebration and the crowning of him as King (and me as Queen). In fact, it seems like I keep getting more and more clues!
First, yesterday, I received in the mail an order form for an absolutely exquisite ring! Emanu’el wants me to
buy it and have it engraved with our names. This was exactly how he gave me my first ring! Through this company, Bradford
Exchange, he had me purchase my first engagement ring. This is all recorded in a past blog, long ago. And right after that,
he had my diamond ring delivered to my door by a handyman who self-consciously acted like he was proposing to me. It was so
much like the way Emanu’el as my Master Teacher before coming to Earth had self-consciously proposed to me when I confessed
my passionate love for him. In reality, we were married that very night which translated into January 28, 3009 Earth time.
When I had that lucid dream, I did not realize that it was actually a past (but from Earth’s perspective a future) event.
Past because we were married before we came to Earth, future because we traveled back in time to be here.
Pleiadian marriages are celebrated with four rings, typically, to represent the various levels of sanctioning: engagement
(although we did not have an engagement per se since marriage is a personal decision between couples and we chose to marry
immediately with our own private ceremony), and then the actual marriage, then the Pleiadian sanctioning – and finally,
the final universal and cosmic sanctioning. Our marriage has been sanctioned at all levels – wait a minute, I think
the cosmic sanctioning is new! That one has come up because Emanu’el is now a cosmic Ascended Master, being Eros, the
God of Love. Thus, that’s why he wants to give me another ring! This ring he sent to me yesterday represents our Pleiadian
sanctioning. We have already had the celebration – a grand parade and community festival. The cosmic ring is the one
that will be the biggest surprise. This means he will most likely be giving me TWO rings during our ceremony, one representing
universal sanctioning and the other one representing cosmic sanctioning! That means I will have FIVE rings! And that means
I have to pick out another ring for him. That’s exciting.
At any rate, the ring he is giving me for the Pleiadian sanctioning is so appropriate since we are known as the “Love
people” and we are from the planet Eros. It has two entwined hearts made of topaz as shown in the picture…”two
hearts forever joined.” He does know how to find the perfect gifts. I guess the ring representing the cosmic sanctioning
of our marriage will be extra special – and I do know the ring representing our universal sanctioning will be Celtic
to go with our Celtic-style wedding. Anyway, even though I am totally broke, I sent for the ring like he wanted, with our
names, Sōferia and Emanuel engraved inside. The company just bills in small installment payments and of course Emanu'el
will make sure I have the money to pay them. He just told me last night something about that, in relation to his
faithfulness in providing for me and that he always will provide for me. Here’s what he said:
Many people are getting very desperate for the almighty dollar.
It’s refreshing that you keep it all in proper perspective. You need not fear. Just as you have always
been taken care of – you always will be.
Have you ever been without a home – No – and I will never allow that to happen
to you. Just some reassurance for you. If I can make god, goddesses, and bunnies in the sky, grow red roses among the yellow
roses, find a talisman for you 7 inches under the ground and lead you to it, do you not think that with God’s grace,
love and power, I can continue to provide for my divine Psyche? – yes, you! Get some rest and have the sweetest dreams.
Your one and
only, Forever
Godmate, Emanu’el
And that brings me to the next sign that our wedding celebration is getting closer! Last night I did, indeed have sweet dreams!
It was our wedding rehearsal, except that it was the surprise part for Emanu’el so he could not be there or it would
ruin the surprise. He is not supposed to see my wedding gown, much like some Earth traditions. In my dream, I walked up to
what seemed like a worship room in a church, except that it seemed more like a community gathering place rather than a religious
place. Up at the front of the room, someone had left a very special gift for me. It was a garment, a sort of apron or overdress
for my wedding dress that was beautifully embroidered and decorated with white pearls, satin ribbon scrolling, etc…all
in white. It was exquisite. I walked back down the aisle holding it up against my wedding dress, which was a plain silk Celtic
design, so that everyone could see how beautiful the exquisite embroidery was. Many people praised the artisan
work, which was in the Irish tradition. We are having a somewhat traditional Celtic wedding with our own creative twists.
Emanu’el has some surprises for me, too, so it will be very exciting. Plus, as I have written about before, he
is going to ride down on a great white horse. Not long ago, he brought home two white horses that now live in a pasture
behind our house. He will ride down on one of the them and the other one will pull our wedding carriage. I have already written
about much of this in previous blogs.
Someone in the audience in my dream last night mentioned gifts for the deacons. Well, I knew that we are not having
a religious ceremony because we are not into religious doctrine or fundamentalism, so I looked up deacon in the online dictionary.
Just as I had interpreted in my dream, a deacon is a person who has volunteered their service – and in his case, the
deacons had volunteered to handle the planning and decorations, etc., for this wedding and crowning of the king. And that’s
the way we Pleiadians do everything. We volunteer our services, never for money or anything and are always pleasantly surprised
with the generosity among our people. I was so surprised and pleased about the decorative piece to add to my otherwise simple
wedding dress! And there it was up at the front of the room when I had walked up there during the rehearsal. We do believe
in doing things royally and as King and Queen, Emanu’el and I do our best to take good care of our people. We are rewarded
many times over. In fact, our house, a remodeled replica of the Allendale Mansion shown on this website was
a wedding gift.
finally, a third indication that we are getting close to the wedding date is that I was handed down some extremely important
information for my dissertation this morning – scientific support for how I will no doubt be concluding my study. So
now, I have the basic “outline” in mind and it is simply a matter of allowing the words to flow from beginning
to end (I already have 18 pages written). This is important because if you trace back all of the way to my first discussion
of our wedding, it seems that 11-11-11 is extremely significant as is the completion of my dissertation. I did not think I
would be able to finish my dissertation by 11-11-11 since I am just beginning Chapter four (and there are five chapters) until
a few days ago when a friend who is also working on her dissertation sent me a YouTube video by someone who wrote a dissertation
in 24 hours! Miracles are possible! I go with the flow. What will be will be.
At our meeting this morning, Emanu’el told me we had both
attended “rehearsals” for our wedding. Thus, we were both practicing the surprises we have in store for each other.
Since he put “rehearsals” in quotation marks, it’s a clue to look up on YouTube, so I’ll look it up
right now.
what came straight to the top (he does love Rock music):
LETTING YOU the sky is
painted black the smoke pours out the stack one hand upon your heart one hand behind your back you train
us how to act you keep the fear intact the imminent attack everything is right on track
and we are
letting you get away we are letting you get away with it
upon our plates to feed the dying left to bleed how much we really need your politics of greed the cancer takes ahold the wolf is in the fold our destiny’s been sold we do just what we’re told
and we are letting you get away we are letting you get away with it
your armies filled with hate believing your charade begin to suffocate for us it’s far
too late
and we are letting you get away we are letting you get away with it
Wow, Emanu’el is not happy with the state
of the world. He’s saying we are letting people get away with it, but are we really going to? I don’t think so.
That’s why I need to write my dissertation and why we need to keep working together on this planet for awhile, even
after we have our official wedding celebration. After all, we are already married and this is just the very special ceremony
coming up. We have received full sanctioning and we have already been appointed King and Queen. I think Emanu’el is
letting people know with this song that even though he and I are going through the formal ceremony, nothing will change as
far as our work here goes. We will continue to work together and serve the people on Earth as well as our Pleiadian people
until things get on the right track. THEN, we will go back home together to work on other assignments and missions. I am hoping
that 11-11-11 means that he will actually be PRESENT and everyone can see him – kinda like Jesus was resurrected. That
is my dream. I hope it’s not too much to wish for. Well, if I was In the World and OF the World, it would be, but I
am not. I am In the World and NOT OF the World. Another possibility, however, is that the Earth really does ascend like so
many people seem to think. That would be something. I would then rise up and be with Emanu’el – thus we would
then both be In the World and OF the World (sort of). In reality, we will never truly be OF this world, Earth. We are Pleiadians
from Planet Eros! I did get confirmation that this might be a possibility after I wrote this blog, which I will add here:
gave me another clue this morning. He was telling me that the interruptions I sometimes experience when I am trying to do
my work will not last forever – but that our love and marriage shall. He said the minor annoyances and interruptions
are a mere “bleep” on the radar, thus, “bleep” is another clue to look up on YouTube.
Of course, it had to bring up this movie, below.
I really don’t like this movie, but it is a reminder that Emanu’el and I will have to set people straight. There
are so many lies and so much mis- and dis- information in this movie it is totally pathetic….sounds like a project
for our future. I posted the comment by the person who uploaded the movie – they came to the same conclusion.
I've got an email recently saying that I should research this movie because some of the facts presented
there are not scientific. So I did and so you should do (if you wish:)
Judging by the comment above left by the person who uploaded this video,
Emanu’el does want me to do some sort of analysis for this – perhaps at least mention it in my dissertation. It
is amazing how many people have taken this movie seriously and it’s mostly just popular culture mumbo-jumbo and the
misrepresentation of some important scientists. Some of them are particularly unhappy with what FOX did with the movie when
they reproduced it. I totally despise the movie and don’t know if I can bear to watch it again to analyze it. However,
if that's what Emanu'el wishes, I will do it! Look for it in my dissertation.
AFTERNOON DREAM – INTER-DIMENSIONAL ACTIVISM I was reading Joe’s social studies book,
Getting Beyond the Facts, this afternoon and then I got really sleepy (I read pages 106-140; I am still in the process
of reading it from cover-to-cover whereas I have only read certain portions of it before). Before I fell asleep, Emanu’el
gave me a little sneak preview of our wedding. He showed me the Celtic ring I had special made for him (yes, I give
him five rings too). It was beautifully engraved and had an intricate etched design. He really likes it. And he showed
me how our entire wedding will be snow white – white wedding dress with the beautifully embroidered overdress I described
above that some special person made for me, a white tuxedo for him, lots of white roses with just touches of a very passionate
red accent here and there – red hearts, red roses. It will truly be very beautiful.
When I went to sleep, I found myself in another Earth dimension engaged
in some very passionate activism. I was sharing Joe’s work and explaining to a group of activists how they can use it
to achieve freedom. I was very passionate about it. I understood what it was like to not be free as they were experiencing,
but at the same time, I knew what it means to be free and I wanted them to be able to experience that freedom. And so, I shared
with them how they could use Joe’s theory to work toward their freedom.
In the World and OF the World LUCID DREAMS IN A BOTTLE Even when it comes to spiritual growth, people want to take the easy
road. Spiritual growth comes NATURALLY with the RIGHT ACTIONS, not with pills. I was very disappointed to learn that Dreaming Bear is falling back
on marketing gimmicks to make money – well, that’s my take on it. Selling pills in a bottle to facilitate lucid
dreaming is appealing to the masses and their insatiable need for having it all and having it NOW. Few people want to do the
work for themselves because, sadly, they are too busy slaving for the machine. So here you go, $50 for pills in a bottle
if it suits your fancy. Maybe they actually work; I don't know. I already have lucid dreams, so I will be passing them by.
Lucid Dreamer™
Description: Increases frequency of lucid dreams and your awareness while dreaming. Unit Quantity: 4mg Galantamine, 200mg Choline, 60 capsules Price: $49.95 USD
This scientifically designed formulation features
the phytonutrient galantamine for dream enhancement combined with Choline to support the neurotransmitters necessary for dream
recall. Lucid Dreamer represents a powerful new tool for dreamworkers. With Lucid Dreamer you can increase both the frequency
of your lucid dreams and their fullness.
I really don’t have any personal comments on this phenomenon.
I am only hoping it’s not too little too late.
The 666 Road Trip Continues: Various Interpretations of 666 PLUS Obama Supports the Wall Street Occupiers and How to Change
Your Life
In the World and NOT OF the World Sōferia, the Pleiadian Queen here again – In the world but
not OF the world, as you no doubt know. I had my morning meeting with Emanu’el – oh yes, and my evening meeting
last night as well. We meet in many divine places – including in the corridor.
I have always loved
this painting. I don’t know who it’s by, but we have it hanging in our dream bedroom along with some other paintings
of Eros and Psyche, and even Pinkie and Blue Boy (we are both very sentimental). I just happened to have come across this
painting in a video and recognized it instantly; it's one I have been looking for ever since I saw it hanging above our
bed in our dream bedroom, with Pinkie on one side and Blue Boy on the opposite side - above our bed. We have another
painting of Eros and Psyche - maybe several, which we change off, but I distinctly also remember having this painting hanging
above our bed. Maybe I can eventually figure out who painted it and who the couple actually is and why I feel so powerfully
drawn to it. I am sure it relates to a past life that Emanu'el and I have shared here on Earth.
Just as an update, there has been a little confusion
over whether I have actually reached “Mystic” status but I understand that this is just another label that gets
attached to people and defined and redefined. As Emanu’el put it, we are all on quests and our knowledge and understanding
continuously changes and evolves. He said for all practical purposes that I am a Mystic, even if I do backslide on occasion
(we all do). And he cleared it up for me with this song, which came to the top of the YouTube search on the clue he gave
me, “Mystic.”
Van Morrison - Into The Mystic (Original Version ) Thank you, Emanu’el. That’s a beautiful song and who am I to argue with you, or against what the music
says? – Especially given you have provided the “original version.”
This morning, Emanu’el reminded me that most
people want to run “with the wind,” whereas we are running “against the wind,” just like the song
I posted to yesterday’s blog. He said that when people run away from the wind, or “with the wind,” they
are taking the easy road, but they are running away from truth and divine wisdom. He reminded me that I have never taken the
“easy road” and like him, I run against the wind – and he reminded me that I am a “hard headed woman.” He has said that about me before and it always brings
up this song with this special message from him:
I am being literally flooded
with creative ideas and tasks that I desperately wish I had time to complete and thus move forward. I know they will take
me great places, but I am only one person and can only take one (or a few) things at a time. I will try to be patient and
just keep moving forward, knowing that I am on a divine pathway that I am sharing with many divine people, including Emanu’el,
my Pleiadian Grandmother, Uncle Albert (Einstein), cos Ralph (Waldo Emerson), and many more very brilliant and special people
and soul mates!
In the World and OF the World PAGE 666 ANALYSIS CONTINUES
Well, I must say that I am a bit lost in this analysis and I am ready to leave it behind for
the moment – and do more research for my dissertation since it is clear that this is a segment I must include in my
final write-up. I am still not seeing the Bible verse pop off the page like Emanu’el says it will – but since
666 does pop off the page, I will quote Revelations:
Revelations 13:18 This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight let him calculate the number of the beast, for
it is man’s number. His number is 666.
I wonder who wrote that. First of all, 13 is a sacred number by Jewish as well as other traditions
(the chapter this verse is found in is 13) and 18, the verse number, represents “life.” The
number 13 means “echad,” which means one or divine unity. Additionally, according to some sources on the Internet,
The Talmud refers to anyone who is not Jewish as a “beast,” and today we have popular culture bombarding
us with the idea that 666 represents Satan. Some very strange shenanigans are going on here that call for a much deeper
analysis than I can provide here.
As I have said (and Joe says in his work), sometimes we drop research and pick it up again later. I will need to
research numerology much more deeply and perhaps even learn some Hebrew before I can make any viable interpretations here.
I do not believe 666 is an evil number. It is most likely a very sacred number. More later . . . in the meantime, here is
an introduction to Gematria along with some other interesting numerological interpretations:
Continuing the Page 666 Analysis of Joe's Book PLUS BLESSED and Running Against the Wind
In the World and NOT OF the World
Sōferia, the Queen from the Pleiadian Planet, EROS, again. I hope this day finds you in good and happy spirits. I am
still traveling the long, winding path to who knows where, but I am always assured by Emanu’el it will be Heaven when
I get there.
A few days ago, he
had given me a clue that there is a special Bible verse on page 666 of Joe’s book, Getting Beyond the Facts.
Well, I have found several very important Bible verses that are highly relevant, but he told me this morning, they are not
the verse he is referring to on that page. He had told me the verse would pop off the page, but so far the only verse that
popped off the page was one when I happened to just open up the Bible trying to shed some light on this matter. He told me
to go ahead and go with the verses that I did find and informed me, “As you write your blog today, as so often is the
case, you will be guided along the path to more knowledge. You have yet to locate the specific verse on page 666, but don’t
rush it. It will come.”
I have nothing left to do but trust his word and continue along this path. He never fails me. It is because we both
love God and have faith. So, yesterday, I pulled the Bible off my book shelf (I RARELY read the Bible, but I am learning that
even if we are not religious, there is some very important knowledge in the Bible). I just opened it up and immediately, what
popped off the page was the word “folly.”Why? Because
Joe used that word on page 666, and when you think about it, the word “folly”
is hardly ever used. Joe used it in reference to reductionistic economics explanations of daily affairs. In other words, affairs
are more complicated than that – or at least they should be; in fact, affairs and marriages should transcend economics
and be based on our “sacred spirits” (see p. 667), but that’s difficult to accomplish in our reductionistic,
materialistic, economically constructed, power-based world. So I took note of the following Bible verse that had just popped
out at me when I opened my New Woman’s Devotional Bible (2006):
Wisdom and Folly Are Meaningless
(p. 796)
Ecclesiastes 2:12-16
Then I turned
my thoughts to consider wisdom
And also madness and folly.
What more can
the king’s successor do
Than has already been done?
I saw that wisdom
is better than folly,
Just as light is better than darkness,
The wise man
has eyes in his head,
While the fool walks in the darkness
But I came to
That the same fate overtakes them both
Then I thought
in my heart,
The fate of the fool will overtake me also.
What then do I gain by being wise?
I said in my heart,
too is meaningless.”
For the wise man, like the fool, will not be
Long remembered;
In the days to come both will be forgotten,
Like the fool, the wise man too must die!
This entire
chapter is about a Teacher on a journey. As the author of the introduction to the chapter states:
The book of Ecclesiastics takes the reader along
the adventurous quest for meaning in life. It's a search we are all on to some degree or another as we live our lives each
day. We want to spend our time and energy on what is meaningful and on what will last. But finding those things -- that's
the challenge. As we follow the Teacher's trail, we find that he's already looked for meaning in most places we would try.
Wisdom -- as good place to start -- he's already plumbed. Pleasures and work and money and getting ahead -- he's been there.
Even madness and folly -- he's tried those too. He's lived long and seen much and he's found little that has meaning. But
meaning is there. There is treasure at the end of the quest, and along the way are
insights, truths, and intriguing ways of looking at life from someone who has examined it from every angle."
I am so BLESSED. In my unity with
Emanu’el, Jesus, and God, I have been provided so many, many treasure hunts and what Joe calls “Epistemological
Road Trips.” This is an epistemological road trip now that we are on, even. If you go to this site, and search for the “Southern Epistemological Road Trip” you will find where this road trip
first began! It is also called the October Surprise Treasure Hunt, as revisited from two years ago. Thus, we are maxed out here on quests, treasure hunts and road trips. I find it all very exciting! There are many, many
treasures all along the road.
And so, next in this Chapter of Ecclesiastics is a song! And it’s a song I have posted long ago on this journey
back on the other site – and here it is in the Bible! Last time, I used it in context of the hermeneutic circle –
where sometimes we have to keep going around and around the circle (turn, turn, turn) before we can find our way out of it
with interpretations that lead to satisfactory solutions to our problems (it is helpful to consult Joe’s theory for guidance to get out of the circle gracefully).
Instead of writing the words from the Bible, I will post the music and you can sing the words
along with the Byrds. (It always amazes me how Emanu’el can sneak MUSIC into my journey!)
The entire chapter
of Ecclesiastes is about someone (and this can apply to any of us) on a journey and he is asking, what is the purpose
of it all? Well, I gave some examples above if you click on the links, and Joe gives many more in his work. The ultimate
purpose is joy, bliss, the feeling of being so very blessed and knowing that God (however one conceptualizes God) really has
it all under control.
In Chapter 3, verses 15-17:
Whatever is has already been,
And what will be has been before;
And God will call the past to account.
And I saw something
else under the sun:
In the place of judgment –
Wickedness was there,
In the place of justice –
Wickedness was there.
I thought in my heart,
God will bring to judgment
Both the righteous and the wicked,
For there will be a time for every activity,
A time for every deed.
And at the very end of the chapter, 11:13-14:
Now all has been heard;
Here is the conclusion of the matter:
Fear (LOVE) God and keep his commandments,
For this is the whole duty of man.
For God will bring every deed into judgment,
Including every hidden thing,
Whether it is good or evil.
In the World And OF the World The
song below, “Against the Wind” by Bob Seger, which I heard on my way home this afternoon, reminds me of my eternal
mission. I think Joe also ran against the wind; we often ran together. For some of us, it is just our destiny.
the same Bible as above, I happened to come across on page 799 and again in reference to Ecclesiastes 2:1-11, where the
author asks, “Have you ever tried to catch the wind?” and we are provided the example of flying a kite or sailing
a boat. “But did you honestly catch the wind – or did it catch you?” The author asks us. “Wind is
elusive. It is intangible . . . Solomon discovered that finding pleasure is as elusive as catching the wind. He pursued everything
imaginable to achieve lasting bliss. But the smartest man alive still had a restless mind . . . . Securing happiness on our
own is like trying to catch the wind. We can try to chase it, but it will always remain just out of reach. The Bible teaches
us that instead of searching for happiness, we should allow God’s joy and peace to reign in our hearts. Instead of striving
for the things we think will satisfy, we can learn to find true contentment by looking to God, whatever our circumstance.”
“The Bible often uses the word blessed, which means, 'oh, how happy.' To God, blessed people are happy people
and happy people are blessed. Solomon’s father, King David, said blessed are those whose sins are forgiven (see Psalm
32:1. Who trust in the Lord (see Psalm 40:4) and who draw near God (see Psalm 65:4). The true source of pleasure is God. Don’t
waste your time trying to catch the wind; instead, find true happiness by laying hold of the Wind Maker.” Joe often
writes of letting life energy flow through us - eros, love, life force, God . . .
so, I dedicate this song to Joe, who knew running “with the wind” was not the answer – but rather he knew
to run against the wind for change. I run with Joe – against the wind - and I know how blessed I am every day of my
life. Joe was and will always be blessed. Nothing more is needed. Searching for happiness is futile and there is
no need to catch the wind when we are blessed by having hold of the Wind Maker.
666, The Sacred Trinity and Yin/Yang PLUS The Mistress of Spices
Emanu’el has told me this morning that today’s blog can be very short since yesterday's was VERY LONG. The only
thing I feel I need to add for today is that I believe that 666 represents some sort of powerful trinity that balances negative
and positive energies within us and in the world. It would explain why the cabal wants us to believe it is only evil - it
prevents us from achieving the balance of energies.
It takes two, though - a couple - along with
God’s power to make the 666 trinity complete. The divine couple, along with the power of God however one can
even imagine God, is required to form this very powerful trinity. Of course, God is already balanced in energies. The couple
must have balanced energies within themselves, and that brings them together because they are “equal and opposite”
energies. They fit together like a lock and key or a brand new key to a pair of rollerskates.
Once the couple are each balanced (new) within themselves, it creates a powerful pull between them because they
are equal and opposite energies, so they meet. The forces operating between them are represented by the yin and the
yang. I am sure that relates strongly to why I was led to find the yin yang talisman (shown in the picture)
in my back yard as my first initiation. It was a symbol of powerful sacred love.
Once the couple come together, they join with God’s energies and then they have more
work to do to balance and share their energies. It is an ongoing process, but gives them great power. It is the Power
of Love. That is how I understand the true meaning of 666 based on readings and phenomenological experience, but I need
to find PROOF.
Also, note that when you add 6+6+6 you get 18. According to Jewish numerology 18 is a sacred number.
Furthermore, when you add 1+8 you get 9, another sacred number. The couple is represented by 11 and there is a strange phenomenological
occurrence by which these numbers are predominant in the dates that these couples connect. 11-11 is the indication of some
sort of sacred gateway.
I will need to study this further. This is just very rudimentary information and
there are quantum physics that can also be added into this picture.
Here is more information about something that
most likely no one can fully explain:
"God can in no way be described." -- Plato (Father of the pagan Trinity) "The Trinity itself is a mystery or a "holy
secret". It is incomprehensible. It can never be fully understood." -- Dr. Walter Martin
1 Corinthians 14:33 -- "God is not the author of confusion.
Emanu’el gave me a
clue for a song yesterday, “spices.” I’ll see what that brings up. It looks like time to
take a break and watch a movie! I wonder if this relates to the wonderful spices that get all mixed together when a couple
join together with God in the unified holy trinity. I’ll have to watch this and see what it’s all about.
The October Surprise Treasure Hunt Continues With the Analysis of Page 666 in Joe’s Social Studies Book PLUS Wall Street Protesters
Speak Out and the Elite Speak Back
It is still OCTOBER and I have been engaged in an interesting OCTOBER SURPRISE TREASURE HUNT that began on October 1. OH!
I just realized why the October Surprise Treasure Hunt seems to be focused on page 666 of Joe’s social
studies book, Getting Beyond the Facts! Halloween is in October and 666 is supposed to be the sign of Satan!
People love scary stuff in October, so this is the perfect time to present the really "scary" stuff.
Emanu’el does keep me entertained as you can see if you read my blogs beginning October 1 when he brought this treasure
hunt from two years ago back out into the open. At some point, it will have to connect to the old treasure hunt. I will need
to review that. But for now, it’s been lots of fun exploring page 666 and following the Wall
Street Occupiers. We have already covered a lot of ground, but as I mentioned, I am leaving the most important stuff
out of the analysis for now because it has to go in my dissertation. It will be very interesting! Suffice it to say for now that Joe put some very important knowledge
on that page, but it will take his famous form of bricolage to put all of the pieces together and create monumental new knowledge.
Joe says in his books that anyone can do this, this new knowledge construction, and I am just anyone,
lol. I do find that funny. I am a nobody from corn valley, USA, a member of the lower class, which has held me back all of
my life and I am forever reminded of my low status – much the way the elite educators, whether they were
his teachers or his colleagues, seemed to have reminded Joe he was a “hillbilly” from the Appalachians –
and sadly, they STILL do in some not so very nice ways. And I only mention the word here because Joe made that very point
in his last book, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction AND today I still see people writing about
him like he was nobody important – little do they know HOW important Joe was and he still is. More about that later,
for sure, from this "nobody" who is well known for being an "Eager Beaver." BTW, I am not from the
Corn Valley in Joe's "neck of the woods," shown in the photo, near Kingsport, TN. I just learned there is another
Corn Valley close to where he was raised (see photo)! How interesting!
However, I am from the Pacific Northwest and the Agricultural University, Oregon State, home of the "Beavers."
LOL. I will never get tired of this joke. Somehow it all relates to the Star of David, but I will explain that another time.
It gets complicated. RUDE REMINDER THAT I AM OF THE CLASS OF GOYIMS Speaking of the Star of David, I had a very rude reminder that I am a nobody. In fact, it came from someone who I thought
was a Jewish friend. However, a specific Jewish doctrine makes it abundantly clear that if you are not Jewish, you are nobody. Even worse, you are
much like an animal to them. Somewhere I read a quotation that the goyim to the Jewish people are much like insects are to the goyim. That’s harsh. We
are cattle, thus. And this so-called friend explained how they isolate their children and protect them from the goyim television
and other temptations. I find that SO STRANGE. In other words, these same Jewish people (and do keep in mind, this is
a minority of people some of whom happen to be in powerful positions, not all Jewish people - it is
a cult that calls themselves "Jewish" that works with other elite groups) can create that mass PROGRAMMING
for us and make booga bucks off it – that’s ok. But don’t feed it to their children. I wonder if they do
the same for their "kosher" foods that they rake in booga bucks for stamping with their kosher seal. It
makes one wonder just how kosher it is. Check out these interesting websites. I had no idea we paid taxes on our food to
pay Jewish rabbis to certify that it is "kocher." You learn something new everyday!
I am not anti-Semitic and neither was Fredy Perlman (click on the link to read a really interesting biography). I always assume everyone has good intentions unless they prove
otherwise. I am just wondering if that is why I have always been at such a huge disadvantage all of my life. Clearly, the
elite class teach their children much differently than they teach those of us among the masses. Their children get to
learn the secret and sacred knowledges while the masses, as I have shown in earlier blogs on this site, are provided a diet
of dark messages in place of sacred symbolism embedded in the mass media and in the massively promoted music
of today. As I covered in the Quest for the Wizard of Symbols in my earlier blogs, everything has been twisted, hidden,
and falsified for the sheeple to stupidify, demoralize, and dehumanize us. Why is that? It’s as if we are being created
in the image of those who see us as cattle, or perhaps even worse than cattle. I have heard they treat their dogs better.
Very soon we will be nothing but cattle to be rounded up and taken off to concentration camps where we can be put out of our
misery. Is that the true purpose of the Wall Street Occupancy? They will wait until there are thousands participating
and then round them all up?
The “lucky” ones get to live and be a part of the new “post
human age” that the elite are busily writing to each other about (in code, of course) in the upper echelons of
education and the sciences. What will you be as a post human? Mostly synthetic, totally programmable, with very few biological
components remaining. Check out your new parts, just waiting for you:
I have learned
that if you put truths out, you run a huge risk of being snuffed out and there are many ways people can do this. For example,
another person who I thought was a friend, also Jewish apparently, posted total lies about me, things I had supposedly said
which I did not, all in a blog on the Internet painting me out to be anti-Semitic. I was totally shocked,
yet she did not see anything at all wrong about what she had done. That’s the programming of some of these
people. Goyim are nobodies and can be violated in any number of despicable ways. There is no guilt about it because we are
just goyim; THEY are the chosen ones. They are the intelligent ones who also control the indoctrination within education and other social system
and they keep tight reigns on the secret and sacred knowledges.
I FOLLOW JOE’S LEAD Joe stressed EROS throughout his work and the importance of obtaining MULTIPLE perspectives, and if you
read ALL of my blogs – the THOUSANDS of blogs I have written by this point, it is easy to see that
this is exactly what I have done. My analysis of page 97 of Joe’s book, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An
Introduction, back on the other website that went on for months discusses also how Joe stressed the COMPLEXITY of power and it ended up with the love story
about Eros and Psyche. It is important to realize that POWER SHIFTS, IT IS DYNAMIC, the people holding the most power
today may not be exactly the same people holding the most power tomorrow. THUS, truth is elusive and you can only expose what
is operating at any given point in history. But one thing that hasn’t changed is the ELITE are the ones in control and
they have two sets of rules, one for them and another for us. ECONOMICS dominates, as the analysis of page 666 on Joe’s
book, Getting Beyond the Facts, illustrates. And these people have little comprehension as to why people would think
differently. ECONOMICS makes up their conceptualization of Earth marriages. Watch the movie, “The Rules of the Game,” which came up on the page 97 analysis. Even though it’s an old movie, nothing much has changed for the Elite crowd
except that now they can pay for police power and it is all justified and written into the Patriot Act.
I like the video below by
Alex Jones because it does not blame any ONE person or group. We are dealing with a collective of powerful
elite people who are in control and we all serve them to maintain the "status quo." Are YOU working for them? If
you are, you ARE the matrix. I have asked, “Can we reload the matrix within the matrix?” Only if you leave a few
“book b o m b s” like Joe did (did you know there are autobots watching for certain words? Just put spaces between
the letters, or change up the spelling like Joe did (He really did know how to spell the names properly, lol. Joe was great
at writing and spelling).
Ultimately, the matrix must be quietly rebuilt from the ground up while the old matrix self-destructs. Interestingly,
the “breadcrumbs” of the old matrix are easy to follow and there are no birds to eat the bread as was the
case in the story of Hansel and Gretel. Alex
Jones highlights the complexities of the issues and the error in pointing to one particular group. Alex Jones explains how Zionist Jews did 9/11 Uploaded by Focoist911 on Jan
17, 2010 Alex
Jones on Sunday 17th January 2010 answers a caller, "Ashley from Dallas", about his concern of the elephant in the
room being jews all over 9/11 and the New World Order and wanting to know why Alex Jones, or rather the 9/11 Truth community
generally, seem to ignore the elephant in the room. Alex explains that he is trying to reach the general public and that hitting
point direct like that works against the interests 9/11 Truth tmovement in exposing themo the broader general public - that
listeners will make up their own minds about it soon enough once they have been exposed to the most basic facts that there
is a global government take-over run by a 'New World Order", that it is hidden in plane site, that they boast about it
openly and that they are not ashamed of being Zionist Jewish Supremacists who think its their destiny to rule the world and
exterminate all the cows.
He does state that he knows its the most popular view that the New World Order is a
Jewish Conspiracy, that everyone works that out soon enough, but that its not in his effort to defeat them by constantly attacking
them directly because then it is too easy for the Jews to use their propaganda machine to slander Alex Jones as being a "Neo-Nazi"
or a "White Supremacist" etc... - hence why Alex Jones calls them Nazis all the time and avoids calling them Jews.
This is the grand chessboard.
IN the World and NOT OF the World MORNING MEETING WITH EMANU’EL Well, since we neglected meetings yesterday (we only had one instead of the usual two), Emanu’el and I connected
this morning. I was kind of concerned that I am still missing things on page 666 of Joe’s book. I re-read
Emanu’el’s clue yesterday and exactly what he said was, “Your blog . . . another song on p. 666? You think
maybe? It must be quite encoded. As the saying goes – seek and ye shall find – I should clarify that to mean as
the Bible verse goes. The words are words within words.”
So that was the entire clue for yesterday. I did find the song – it was all encoded in
S & H. S& H are friends of Joe’s who he encoded some messages to on page 666, but I searched and instead
I found the S & H green stamps. That was very interesting because maybe green stamps are the very solution to this
economic problem we are having. But I am not sure because Stephen King, one of Joe’s favorite authors wrote his very
first story about “Happy Stamps” and how easy they are to counterfeit and then use to buy a house. All of that
miraculously led me to the “quite encoded” song Emanu’el was talking about and which I posted to yesterday’s
It might be very interesting and relevant to take a look at the lyrics for that song from yesterday. They seem to have a powerful message encoded within them. . . “words within the words”?
Could that have been what Emanu’el was referring to?
Dancing With The Moonlit Knight lyrics" Can you tell me where my country lies ?" Said the unifaun to his true love's eyes "It lies with me !",
cried the Queen of Maybe - For her merchandise, he traded in his prize
"Paper late !", cried a voice
in the crowd "Old man dies !" The note he left was signed "Old Father Thames" - it seems he's
drowned Selling England by the pound Citizens of Hope & Glory Time goes by - it's "the time of your
Easy now, sit you down Chewing through your Wimpy dreams They eat without a sound Digesting
England by the pound
Young man says "you are what you eat" - eat well Old man says "you are
what you wear" - wear well You know what you are, you don't give a damn Bursting your belt that is your homemade
The Captain leads his dance right on through the night
- Join the dance ... Follow on ! Till
the Grail sun sets in the mould Follow on ! Till the gold is cold Dancing out with the moonlit knight Knights
of the Green Shield stamp and shout There's a fat old lady outside the saloon Laying out the credit cards she plays
Fortune The deck is uneven right from the start And all of their hands are playing a part
Captain leads
his dance right on through the night - Join the dance ... Follow on ! A Round Table-talking down we go You're
the show ! Off we go with: You play the hobbyhorse I'll play the fool We'll tease the bull Ringing round
& loud, loud & round Follow on ! With a twist of the world we go Follow on ! Till the gold is cold Dancing
out with the moonlit knight Knights of the Green Shield stamp and shout
all fine and good and was a lot of fun, but I knew I was still missing something about the Bible verse, so I mentioned it
at our meeting this morning.
Well, Emanu’el kind of confirmed for me that Joe would not have encoded all of this stuff on a page number
that represents Satan without counter-posing or otherwise balancing it with something about the Lord. He told me that
there is indeed a reference to a Bible verse on that page and that it will suddenly pop out at me….I looked and did
not see anything but as I write this, I am wondering if it is encoded in the NUMBERS he has on that page. He has used a lot
of numbers such as in the prices of the books he discusses. I will come back to this idea.
Since I did not find what I was looking for, I
decided to look for cool pictures of 666. It ended up with me landing on a website and finding the video below. Just watching
this video will show how important the number 666 really is and why it is considered a sacred number, in spite of the popular
culture belief that it is a negative number representing Satan. Interestingly, a Bible verse does pop out at you when watching
this video, Revelations 13:18, in fact, which where “the Beast” is mentioned in relation to 666 – the mark
of the Beast. That makes me think of the movie, “Beauty and the Beast.” It seems that 666 is much like beauty
and the Beast. While this Bible verse is very important, I think there is another Bible verse hidden on Page 666. The reason
being, Emanu’el said it will pop out at me (thus, it will pop off the page), plus it is supposed to be a verse about
the Lord, and Revelations 13:18 is a verse about the Beast or what people interpret to be Satan. Here is the video that I
happened to come across that sheds a little more light on 666.
Uploaded by AmazingFacts on Apr 16, 2009 666.
Its one of the most talked about — and feared — numbers on earth. It also conjures up some pretty wild superstitious
fears and conspiracies everywhere you look. But whats really behind this mysterious number found in Revelation 13:18 and what does it really mean for you? Watch this video now for more information. OK, this video has
a link to a video about Revelation 13:18, so I will follow up and see what it has to say. Well, that turned out to be a dead
end. It is just a link to the same video, but it did lead me to this video that talks about what a hoax “The Rapture”
is – thus, the whole New Age thing and “Ascension” must be a hoax, according to this video. This is worth
listening to; what he says makes sense – be sure to watch all three parts. Get this figured out soon! We are truly running
out of time. This movie would have a lot of “lightworkers” upset, no doubt.
Uploaded by AmazingFacts on Dec 31, 2007 This word that is never mentioned in the Bible has become common place within christianity today. What is the "Rapture"?
Is there such a thing?
I will leave off here. Maybe Emanu’el will give me further instructions for the special Bible verse on page
666. I do know it has to be a very good and positive verse to counteract the 666 Beast. I’ll take this up tomorrow.
IN the World
and OF the World THE
WALL STREET PROTESTERS SPEAK OUT Today, the Wall Street Protesters really speak out. The problem, as they see it, is that the Elite own everything.
It's great they have finally awakened to that fact. I have posted comments that were made to the You Tube video
because we can learn so much by reading the comments. Does it look like much at all is changing? It's a sad
commentary on the state of the masses. BUT “we the people” are speaking out (in whatever ways we can). "The Elite Own Virtually Everything"
Oct 6 March On Washington
YOUTUBE USER COMMENTS: * OCTOBER 6 - IMPEACH OBAMA in Washington DC. Bring your Indict Goldman Sachs, Investigate Soros FInancial Meldown
and Impeach Obama signs. They are invovled in manipulation
of the financial markets for a decade to profit at the People's expense . They creeate Poverty whiile they line their pockets.
BRING THE CRIMINALS DOWN! toughterrier 2 hours ago *
Excuse my words when I say that, this Kudlow guy, is
a frakking Dick! He actually caused my stomach to turn in just that little time I heard him spit his negativity and attempt
to cut down occupy Wall Street protesters causes down. rayemck 21 hours ago *
October 6th? So tomorrow a million people in Washington?
I want to see that. No I mean I want to see that. Otzmatron 23 hours ago *
It's not a 'leftist' occupation, it both libertarians
and progressives and leftist and everyone, don't let them divide the revolution into left-right nonsense thereby conquering
and quelling it! Otzmatron 23 hours ago *
They arent wanting the government the hell out... and they want
their money back from that huge transfer of wealth that took place over the last 40 years.... Thats what they want...
This is only going to get bigger.. I know whos side I am on rich banker fucks... Get out your pitch forks people its time
to take it home......!!!!!! MorganMan79 1 day ago *
WAR on our freedom to choose what we put in our bodies (The End of the War on Drugs).Ron Paul to BRING HOME the
troops.Ron Paul to audit the fed. Ron Paul to end the "Patriot" Act. Ron Paul to end the private
bankers' "Federal" Reserve and the power for THEM to print OUR currency (Thomas Jeff warned)Ron Paul
to end warantless spying on American citizens, like you and IMust be
regist as Republican to vote in primary psillyguava 1 day ago 2 * Wow these news anchors are really proving themselves as disinfo machines.Why would they occupy
wallstreet if they lets say didnt like carrots. its the financial sector your morons they are protesting monetary policy such
as communist bailouts of private sectors. These asshats needs to held accountable for these misplaced opinions they voice,
its not news as soon as an opinion is attached to it... its an opinion. If you make demands that arent met do what the do,
hold them hostage by not spending geebus80 1 day ago *
They occupy Wall Street coz they rule the country (and
the world together with the City of London) and not Washington. Personally i think that guy should have prepared better for
that interview, he seemed uncomfortably and thought too long on his answers, which is not good in that short of time he has
on tv. Now at least a million is needed on october 6th. Thumbs up for you guys out there! joggler66 1 day ago *
Keep it cool and collected otherwise they will fill up those
camps,trains, that are waiting for those that get out of control Peaceful Protests please people they want things to escalate
so they can start the martial law process. We the people are Bigger Better Logical Truthful and Forthwright then any government
combined all we want is our lifes back! Without the Lies we are not Sheeple we are People with RIGHTS! We are AWAKE
to it ALL and more will Follow guaranteed KismetinCal 1 day ago 2 * Right
On! And Well Spoken Go for it in Washington!
KismetinCal 1 day ago * America
is not a's a Republic.The U.S. CORPORATION is not
America, we the people, or Constitutional anything. It is UCC, IMF/FED RESERVE,
and Admiralty law.It is nothing more than a bunch of fake "govs/depts"
with CAFR reports and DUN&BRAD ST ratings...that prove it is the majority share holder of the crony-FORTUNE500......the
capital letters matter.Who will take the demands?No tyrannical anything has ever given its control up peaceable....and that sucks. PREPARE IronRangeSurvival 1 day ago *
Civil War is coming. Buy guns. Disease and Starvation as always
will be their primary weapon. 6 hours of sunlight will purify river, lake, rain, or pond water. needparalegal 1 day ago *
they can own as much as they want, but without the masses under
their control,. it means nothing. eveyrone just needs to wake up ovechkin100 1 day ago *
yep...It`s all about controlling all of the earths valuable
real estate ( and of course all the old europian "old money" aristocat families have been getting more than their
fair share of control over the property here in america..Yet, they don`t live in america????? HUH something is wrong
with this picture! clnmyjts 1 day ago *
The media are douche's......CaneFan25 2 days ago *
Gee, can't imagine why the mainstream media is UTTERLY hated
and distrusted by the majority of the populace. Kudlow and his kind are just as bad as the bankers. This was a sickening display
of B.S. "The gov't tried to give everyone a house"... Yeah, assclown that's the reason there's a depression
on right now. How the hell could anyone accept that shit?... Drag the media into the streets along with the bankers! ChorusArtists 2 days ago * can you say martial law? ilovety65 2 days ago * Delete the elite and save the world. skb0rzn 2 days ago *
How about a president that is not about kissing the elites ASS...Catsscratchfever 2 days ago 7
THE ELITE SPEAK BACK What do the Elite have to say for themselves? Well, they are simply regurgitating the SAME
OL’ THING they’ve been saying for decades. The only difference is that today they are close to realizing their
US Emanu’el has asked me to renew the activism for stopping mountaintop removal coal mining as a primary activity during the
October Surprise Treasure Hunt. It’s interesting because I had originally started that activism in honor of Joe way
back in OCTOBER of 2008 before he passed away, since he was raised in the Appalachian Mountains where this is happening. In
case people don't realize it, mountaintop removal coal mining is destroying communities, poisoning their environment
and drinking water, stripping them of their livlihoods, and literally murdering people - in my book, it constitutes genocide
that we all participate in ways that are occluded from our consciousnesses. I urge you to learn more about this!
Anyway, I added a couple of important videos to the page dedicated to this movement yesterday and today. Yesterday's
video presents research that shows how this practice is literally killing people and causing severe health issues. Today's
video is Joe Lovett’s testimony before Congress regarding the enormous problems this form of mining is causing.
Joe Lovett is an attorney who founded his nonprofit organization specifically to help the people. You can view the webpage
and his testimonyhere. The information is posted with the newest postings on top. The lower portion came from
blogs I had originally written for Joe for his website before he passed away.
Still on Page 666: Educational Research, S&H Green Stamps, PLUS Wall Street Protesters Tried to Cross Wrong Bridge
IN the World and NOT OF the World It has been such a busy day. I have not even had a chance to meet with Emanu’el. I suspect he has been very busy
too. I am going to take a break right now and meet with him to see if there is any guidance he wishes to give me before this
day is over. It’s already 8:55 pm. It would be so funny if he clued me into another song on page 666 of Joe’s
book. Could there be yet another one? Even with what I have already revealed in these blogs, it is clear Joe really packed
things into page 666. And I have not even discussed HALF of it. I wonder if ALL of his writing is that packed, or just in
places that I get guided to, like page 97 of Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction which I spent months
analyzing back on the other website, and now this page, page 666. Hold on. I’m going to meet with Emanu’el. BRB.
Well, he gave me a weird clue for page 666 – “The
words are words within words.” I could not find any words within words, but found words between words – I found
“hot value” on page 666 that sort of stands out between the words, and when I searched YouTube
the video below came up. It is about the value of educational research. Interesting. Right up Joe's alley. Did I hear this guy right? He says there will be no governmental
funding for arts, humanities and social sciences! WOW. Joe’s books, and especially this very Social Studies book,
Getting Beyond the Facts with all of the information he’s packed into them, are really going to be
needed, then! This is actually an interesting and relevant video. I will vote for 6% for research! No, let's make that at
least 10% of the GDP for research! Check out this guy's name: THRIFT and he's talking about VALUE, lol. Gotta love it.
Nigel Thrift (Vice-Chancellor,
University of Warwick) presents his keynote speech on Imagining Value at Running Hot 2010
Also, I suddenly
remembered that Emanu'el had said that there are a couple of personal messages on page 666. He gave me a clue last
night, telepathically, for these messages: "S & H." Oh wow, I just did a search on S&H
and it brought up a wikipedia article about S&H Green Stamps! I remember those! I used to save them up and get lots of free stuff with them! The good old days . . . we did not have
to worry so much about expensive books or cheap books like Joe discussed on page 666 or even economics much at
all because we got green stamps and could get free stuff! Some stores and gas stations gave more stamps than others
did and it was pretty easy to save up books of them to trade in - they could also be traded for money when in a pinch.
Maybe we need to get rid of capital (like Joe said on the page 97 analysis) and bring back S&H green stamps!
And check this out about one of Joe's favorite authors:
Stephen King attributes his first original short story idea to his mother's use of S&H Green Stamps. The
unpublished "Happy Stamps" is about the counterfeiting of (the fictitious) Happy Stamps in order to purchase a house.
AND a SONG about Green Stamps! Dancing with the Moonlit Knight
The lyrics are
an ironic commentary on contemporary England that employs references to English staples like Wimpy hamburgers and Green Shield Stamps. The reference "chewing through your Wimpey dreams"
is, at least, a double allusion - by sound to Wimpy hamburgers and by spelling to Wimpey Homes and the notion of a dream house.
All of that simply because there are messages
for S & H on page 666 of Joe's Social Sciences book. AMAZING. More tomorrow about the messages.
I really wish these people would talk to Maxine Greene or read her book, Unleashing the Imagination.
Honestly, what did they THINK would happen when they followed the police onto the bridge?
As Maxine Greene states on her website, “I was brought up in
Brooklyn, New York, almost always with a desire to cross the bridge and live in the real world . . . beyond and free from
what was thought of as the ordinary.”
It sounds like Maxine Greene knows the right bridge to cross for freedom.
Uploaded by arthurkr222 on Oct 2, 2011 Protesters started marching up the pedestrian walk way over the bridge while others tried to take the traffic
lane. For a few minutes officers held the line and then they turned around and led the way up the traffic lane on the Brooklyn
Bridge. From what I saw no police told any of the protesters to leave until they created a barricade in front of the march
about halfway through the bridge. They then pulled vans and buses up to the back of the group and started arresting everyone.
In total over 700 people were arrested.
One Step Back, ANONYMOUS Assists Wall Street Occupiers, PLUS The Blue Light Special and Joe’s Ingenious Critical Complex Pedagogy!
IN the World and OF the World ONE STEP BACK When I worked
with Joe on his website, we discussed consciousness expansion or “evolution” or more accurately, his version of
critical complex epistemology/pedagogy as a process that sometimes requires a step backwards – thus, I had expressed
it to him as “two steps forward, one step back.” He really liked that and asked me if he could quote me. I thought
that was so cute and so nice, but I told him he did not have to quote my name for having said that. Here I am, quoting myself.
I bring this up because
I am in that dreadful spot of having taken one step back in my progress to full-fledged Mysticism. It is never pleasant when
one discovers a backwards step has occurred, but I am reminded that it will give me the momentum to again surge forward. It
is a natural part of the process and after experiencing it so many times, one comes to accept it. I generally use the time
to push forward in other areas, such as research, which is a good move since it is my poor education that has had held me
back so long. The following video relates to my most recent research and I’m posting it here so I don’t lose
it. I really want to learn Hebrew. It's not fair that the elite of the elite class are taught it, but poor country folk
miss out.
This video was sent to me by my Star Sister. I find it extremely funny in places. The
Wall Street Occupiers do need some assistance it seems to gain focus so that they can develop and implement some viable actions
that might result in change. Holding signs and just sitting around, in my view, is not going to have much impact toward change.
We are dealing with the last vestiges of the most stubborn and draconian power mongers there are and they will not be swayed
one little iota by a few people sitting around in their way. And besides, they have the police on their side. Perhaps, tomorrow
things will look better. In the meantime, enjoy this rather humorous at times video.
ON PAGE 666 I am totally
amazed at how much Joe packed into page 666 of his Social Studies Book, Getting Beyond the Facts. Things just keep popping
out at me. There are messages for two of his closest friends, but I will leave it to them to discover. I really don’t
want to get into the middle of things right now.
IN the World and NOT OF the World
EMANU'EL TAKES ME BACK TO PAGE 666 As I discussed yesterday, Emanu’el is the one who communicated to me just out of the
blue that there were more special messages and a song on page 666 of Joe's social studies book, Getting Beyond
the Facts. (I had discovered quite some time ago, that he discussed Milton Friedman on that page and I had found it rather
funny and figured he had planned it that way, unbeknownst to the book publishing company. Joe was good with numbers and being
a graphic designer, myself, I know you can calculate according to text font and ledding (space between the lines) sizes
used, and know exactly what shows up on which page). But I had no idea there were more surprises on that page. There
is MUCH MORE! I learned some more secrets today! I am saving them for my dissertation, though, because what I ended up
learning is very relevant to my research.
I’ll look at the page one more time right now and see if there
is something else Emanu’el wants me to share in this blog. Yep, he says I can share the “Blue Light special”….hmm.
He is so funny! Do I look that up on YouTube or google? Guess I’ll try google and if nothing shows up, I’ll
click on the video tab and see what shows up there.
Wouldn’t you know it! A Wikipedia article about Kmart came to the top of the
google search and it states:
Kmart became known for its "Blue Light Specials." They occurred at surprise moments when a store worker
would light up a mobile police light and offer a discount in a specific department of the store.
remember shopping in Kmart when they had those specials. They were never selling anything I needed at those. I always thought
they were kind of a scam set up to make people think they were getting a great deal on junk they don’t need while Kmart
gets rid of junk they couldn’t sell. Here’s the history of their Blue Light specials if you are interested:
The original Blue Light Special, first introduced
in 1965,[12] was retired in 1991.[13] The company brought back the Blue Light Special in 2001, but again discontinued it in 2002. The concept was briefly
revived in 2005, though Kmart at that time had no plans to use the concept long-term.[14]
Blue Light Specials were revived
again in 2009 on Saturdays, offering surprise hour-long sales on selected merchandise.
And wouldn’t you
know it! ANOTHER SONG! I tabbed over to videos on the google search I had done for Blue Light special, and a song titled "Blue
Light Special" popped up! Joe really packed stuff in his work – you can study the history and influence of Kmart
while you listen to this music, "Blue Light Special." Kmart is known for it employee indoctrination programs, poor
wages, worldwide colonization and sweat shops.
If that doesn't suit your fancy for research, try the Urban Dictionary
for "Blue Light Special." I am sure Joe loved the Urban Dictionary because it gives many more (and very creative) options for students and their research.
How is that for clever pedagogy? And since I was not able to find the lyrics for this song, as an extra credit assignment,
someone can write and analyze the lyrics, explaining how they tie in with what Joe is talking about on page 666.
And we have only just begun this analysis of page 666. You will be able to see the rest in my dissertation - except
for the personal messages he left - those are not appropriate for a dissertation - I do have my limits (believe
it or not).
Project X, Wall Street Update, and October Surprises on Page 666 of Joe’s Social Studies Book, Getting Beyond the Facts
Today, I have already started teaching! I don't get paid for it, so maybe it’s just PRACTICE so that I can be ready
when the Earth fully ascends (I think my great Master Teacher, Emanu'el knows what an Eager Beaver I am). If you have read
my blog for yesterday, you already know I am now a Mystic on the way to becoming an official Master Teacher. And I have
the greatest Master Teacher teaching me! Emanu’el! My EROS, my husband, my twin flame. And as my blogs a few days
back indicate, he is NOW an Ascended Master Teacher! I am so happy and thrilled for him. He had his heart set on that and
he worked so hard. He has truly earned this! We both are working for the Great White Brotherhood. Now, this is not
a racist thing. They wear white robes so that’s why we call them white brotherhood. It is also not sexist thing either,
because there are sisters AND brothers working together. That’s just a given. Earthlings are so hung up on certain things.
Get OVER yourselves, people. I mean really. I know, it’s a hard thing to do because of the way you have been treated
there. On my planet it is an honor to be male and female – equally honorable, so we don’t have this “political
correctness” to worry about. We already have great understandings and no matter what, women MUST be consulted. That
is just as much a given as the fact that Brotherhood includes sisters. If you remember, yesterday, I was assigned a new process
for these blogs. I am to include a section for In the World and OF the World and another section for In the World and NOT
OF the World. So here we go . . .
IN the World and OF the World Today, for my assignment for IN the World and OF the World, Emanu’el has me working on a monumental
project that will actually bring me in money. I can’t believe this! Oh wait, I cannot say that! Our words are very powerful.
So delete that thought.
X I wish I could talk about my new project, but it’s classified and proprietary information. The Cosmic High Council asked
me to keep it close to my heart for now. That’s because there are so many people out there to tell me this idea won’t
work. Have you ever noticed that? When you come up with a great idea, there is always someone ready to shoot it down and discourage
you. So, when it really gets big, I will discuss it. For now, I’ll just call it Project X.
I am excited
that I have a project that will earn me some money. Now, my question is – is the world ready for it or do I have to
bring it down a few more notches? I hate to bring things down notches. Joe and I used to always talk about taking things to
the next level, up a notch. I know that’s what we both really want to do. But I am finding that since I am usually In
the World but NOT OF the World, my great ideas are too far advanced for most earthlings. I hope this one is “right on
target.” I used to love it when Joe said that to me when I worked on his website when he responded to my comments. It
was like Eros telling me I had taken his arrow and thrown it back to him and I was “right on target.” UPDATE ON THE WALLSTREET OCCUPATION It looks like they are making progress from yesterday. If you read my blog yesterday, they
had no plan at all. Today they have declared they have occupied Wall Street…it looks like they have figured out what
they’re doing now. That’s progress.
New York City General Assembly, Declaration of Occupation IN the World and NOT OF the World There’s not much new to report that is
NOT OF this World. Some days are slower than other days. Emanu’el told me that everything is going according to plan
and that when I need more time it will sort of “morph” into existence for me. Actually, today has seemed like
an unusually long day. I am reading Joe’s 2001 Edition of his Social Studies book, Getting Beyond the Facts
from cover-to-cover. I have read quite a few parts of it, but I have this burning desire now to read it cover-to-cover. That
is quite a project in itself! The book is almost 800 pages! And it is pure gold with as many hidden treasures as his last
book, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction. I love it that he planned the pages so that he discusses Milton Friedman
and his free market economics on page 666. That’s so funny. I love Joe.
I think I will try to find another song in this book! I posted one
yesterday in my blog that came from this book – what can I find today?
Oh, wow. I just took a short break to eat my very late dinner and Emanu’el communicated
to me telepathically. He does that a lot. But this is exciting! He said there are all kinds of things packed into page 666
– a song, messages to special people, and of course, the funny story about why you would not want to buy a cheap Milton
Friedman book on economics. I am going to check this out right now!
I found the song! Check it out!
Lynyrd SkynyrdRed, White, And Blue Red White And Blue lyrics We don't have no plastic L.A. Frynds, ain't on the edge of no popular trend. Ain't never seen the inside of that
magazine GQ. We don't care if you 're a lawyer, or a texas oil man, or some waitress busting ass in some liquor
stand. If you got Soul We hang out with people just like you
My hair's turning white, my neck's
always been red, my collar's still blue, we've always been here just trying to sing the truth to you. Yes you could say we've always been, Red, White, and Blue
Ride our own bikes To Sturgis we
pay our own dues, smoking camels, drinking domestic BREWS You want to know where I have been just look at my
hands Yeah, I've driven by the White House, Spent some time in jail. Momma cried but she still wouldn't pay
my bail. I ain't been no angel, But even God, he understands.
My hair's turning white, my neck's
always been red, my collar's still blue, we've always been here just trying to sing the truth to you. Yes you could say we've always been, Red, White, and Blue
Yeah that's right!
My Daddy
worked hard, and so have I, paid our taxes and gave our lives to serve this great country so what are they
complaining about
Yeah we love our families, we love our kids you know it is love that makes us all so rich That's where were at, If they don't like it they can just get the HELL out!
My hair's
turning white, my neck's always been red, my collar's still blue, we've always been here just trying
to sing the truth to you. Yes you could say we've always been, Red, White, and Blue
White, and Blue....
Red, White, and Blue
oh..oh....Red, White, and Blue [ From :
] There are also messages about affairs on page 666 of Joe's book, Getting Beyond the Facts, second edition. I will
cover the secret messages later. OK, just a sample. He is comparing marriages that are economic affairs versus marriages that
may be less valuable economically, but are divine because the couples are united through God. And the song above goes along,
because these marriages are based on SOUL (Joe was always looking for SOUL/PSYCHE - he even wrote a song about it). See if
you can figure out how I got to that interpretation (hint: you have to incorporate an understanding of numerology). He concludes
with the observation that we “cannot ignore the social and moral context of economic affairs.” Unfortunately,
most marriages are based on economics. It is the way our society and economic system is structured.
I find it
very interesting that he covered multiple dichotomies on page 666: First is the page number itself. It has both a positive
and negative (or dark/light interpretation). Next he discussed the Milton Friedman book about free market economics and the
other better book about a critque of capitalism. Then there were the prices: a cheap book versus an expensive book.
And all encoded in that little story he devised, he is discussing an economic affair versus a sacred, God ordained marriage. In
other words, earth marriages which are economic affairs are "folly" whereas twin flame, soul-based
marriages that are not economically based are God-ordained and sacred.
This reminds me, the REAL
meaning of 666 is very sacred (before the Satanists with help from popular culture flipped its meaning to something
evil). Here’s what Wikipedia says about 666:
In Kabbalistic Judaism the number represents the creation and perfection of the world. The world was created
in 6 days, and there are 6 cardinal directions (North, South, East, West, Up, Down).
I like that meaning. Here is an interesting article
about how 666 is the “road to freedom”: Holy Number 666 Do more research and decide for yourself what you want 666 to represent. There are many different perspectives. It is
also considered to be an Islamic holy number. It is also related to trinity which ties into sacred marriages. This gets complex
and will require more research.
Well that was certainly a surprise finding all of that on page 666. Oh that’s right: I just learned yesterday
that the October Surprise Treasure Hunt has started up again. THAT’S why Emanu’el is having me
find these special surprises in Joe’s book! I wonder tomorrow will bring! I can't wait!
Oh, I get what Emanu'el is doing....he wants me to really understand just how sacred our marriage is since we are twin flames,
Eros and Psyche (Love and Soul) and he wants my to understand why money has not come into the picture to darken our beautiful
One reason he's stressing economics is because I have struggled so in that area. We have discussed
it a lot. He does not want money to become the basis of our marriage yet he knows I am at a point where I do need to start
making money -- thus, Project X. I understand. Money will never be an issue. It has never come between us and it never will. I
passed that long initiation and I know that I will always be provided everything I need. What a sweet way to bring me that
I AM A MYSTIC NOW! Another NEW Leg of the Journey Begins: Messages for those who are OF the world and messages for those who
are NOT OF the world PLUS It's Baby Joe's Second Birthday!!
Sōferia, the Pleiadian Queen, here, again. I was so excited yesterday about Emanu’el’s
amazing song about piercing the veil, that I forgot to provide an update about this leg of the journey I am on, something
I had promised to do a couple of days ago. Emanu’el says I am now a Mystic and Will Be a Master
Teacher on the Ascended Earth!!!! There was even a special announcement by Guru Ra about all of the new Mystics and future
Master Teachers coming along:
It does makes sense, because I
can now look in the mirror and see the real me. My third eye is working well. The information about opening your
third eye is here in this blog if you want to try it out: Who Are You Really? Wanna See?
Well, I guess most
people CAN’T see even if they try that. Maybe that’s what makes me a “Mystic.” I honestly don’t
know, but I just take Emanu’el’s word for it. I'll have to learn more about what it means to be a mystic. This
has been a very strange trip, indeed. From the very beginning in my earliest blogs, I had no clue what all of these weird phenomenological experiences I was having really meant - and even before that I was
having some pretty strange things happening that had never happened to me before. More about that another time, thoough. Today
is Baby Joe's birthday!
new mysticism, however, also means I must change the format of these blogs somewhat, according to the instructions
coming down to me from the cosmos. I guess if you are a Mystic the expression “In the world but not OF the world”
is in full operation. Thus, my blog messages need to be more “multidimensional.” They need to have messages for
people IN the world and OF the world and they need to have messages for people IN the world but NOT OF the world, if that
makes sense. I don’t know! I am just going with the flow. Thus, I will present the messages as they are handed down
to me.
IN the
World and OF the World WALL
sure how many of these earthlings will actually listen to me, but I will put it out here for the rare chance that maybe even
ONE person will really get it and be saved (and remember, if you are not OF the world, this does not apply to you).
Peoples, Wall Street Occupation
is only going to dig your holes deeper! It is not going to solve anything. Can’t you see that? You are going into the
wrong place with no intellectual capital. Here is the proof in this video:
And if you believe “Global
consciousness is on the rise,” as the narrator in this next video states, and that it’s a smart move
to follow their instructions: “If
you see someone in uniform, gather together,” (See article), then I guess you will deserve to go where they take you. Are you ready to get on the train? Your homes are waiting.
They have us where they
want us. Too stupid to think things through and figure things out. Good luck to all the earthlings who approach those military
men in uniform. The Nazi-styled round-up is just beginning. Your homes are waiting for you. Get on board.
OTHER NEWS: BRITAINS GATHER IN PACKS LIKE SARDINES Apparently, the temperature today broke the records in Britain.
Earthlings in Britain have found what
they think is a solution:
Cram themselves all together in the hot sun like sardines poaching in a packed sardine
can in the oven. Yikes. At least the lucky ones get through the human walls to the water where they do have a chance to cool
JOE I was reading Joe’s
book about Social Studies (Getting Beyond the Facts, Second Edition) this morning that explains why people OF the world are
so stupid. Of course, Joe was too nice to put it that way. Instead, he explains it in terms of the “shallowness”
of people and how they celebrate surface meanings and avoid getting into the depth of anything.
As he states,
“There exists a tendency to focus on the surface, a refusal to go beyond the shallow. As a result, concepts of interest
to a democratic social studies such as power, interpretation, threats to democracy, and meaning making – all of which
are not instantly accessible to the senses – are erased from educational and public awareness. Any effort to go beyond
the surface in the political domain will be punished swiftly . . .” (p. 74-75).
Indeed, it is. Just try
it sometime and watch the swift attacks. He continues on and dicusses the hyperreal world we live in and how oppression is
come to be seen as normal and natural - snuffing out the hopes for democracy. Survival of the fittest, or "social Darwinism"
as Joe has framed it in this discussion. "Students of power have traditionally failed to understand that people make
sense of reality with both the mind and the heart/body" as he states (p. 81).
Thus, so many people are busy
living life in the fast lane, doing what feels good, and neglecting gaining more knowledge and improving their minds. The
capitalist power wielders know that culture is what wins the game and they invest billions of dollars shaping mass consciousness
with a version of "culture" that leads them to buying into this reality of competition, greed, and consumption.
"It is extremely difficult for Americans to understand that culture is the location of where consent or political
allegiance is won," he continues (p. 80). If the mega corporations can define that culture for us, keep us stupid enough
to prevent us from knowing what they are doing, and can get us to "buy into" what they define FOR
us (FOR them) then they have won the game. We have and we are totally lost. Those who begin to figure out the
game are crazy in the eyes of the crazy ones. What a trip!
As Joe concluded in this section, "nothing makes total sense" under these conditions,
which reminds one of the song lyrics the Grateful Dead sang, “What a long, strange trip
it’s been” (p. 86).
Truckin got my chips cashed in. keep truckin, like the do-dah man Together, more or less in line, just keep truckin
Arrows of neon and flashing marquees out on main street. Chicago, new york, detroit and its all on the
same street. Your typical city involved in a typical daydream Hang it up and see what tomorrow brings.
Dallas, got a soft machine; houston, too close to new orleans; New yorks got the ways and means; but just wont let
you be, oh no.
Most of the cast that you meet on the streets speak of true love, Most of the time theyre sittin
and cryin at home. One of these days they know they better get goin Out of the door and down on the streets all
Truckin, like the do-dah man. once told me youve got to play your hand Sometimes your cards aint worth
a dime, if you dont layem down,
Sometimes the lights all shinin on me; Other times I can barely see. Lately
it occurs to me what a long, strange trip its been.
What in the world ever became of sweet jane? She lost
her sparkle, you know she isnt the same Livin on reds, vitamin c, and cocaine, All a friend can say is aint it a
Truckin, up to buffalo. been thinkin, you got to mellow slow Takes time, you pick a place to go, and
just keep truckin on.
Sittin and starin out of the hotel window. Got a tip theyre gonna kick the door in again Id like to get some sleep before I travel, But if you got a warrant, I guess youre gonna come in.
down on bourbon street, set up, like a bowlin pin. Knocked down, it gets to wearin thin. they just wont let you be, oh
Youre sick of hangin around and youd like to travel; Get tired of travelin and you want to settle down. I guess they cant revoke your soul for tryin, Get out of the door and light out and look all around.
the lights all shinin on me; Other times I can barely see. Lately it occurs to me what a long, strange trip its
Truckin, Im a goin home. whoa whoa baby, back where I belong, Back home, sit down and patch my bones,
and get back truckin on. Hey now get back truckin home.
IN the World and NOT OF the World BABY JOE ALBERT’S SECOND BIRTHDAY!! I was really confused by Emanu’el’s clue for a song this morning. The clue was “sweet birthday
song,” but when I plugged it into the YouTube search, nothing appropriate came to the top for Baby Joe. It was not even
a birthday song, in fact….oh, I think I get it. He must have been giving me a song for the people OF the world. I will
try it again right now and see what comes up. He did also say for me to PICK OUT a “sweet birthday song”
for Baby Joe Albert. Let’s try this again.
Well, here’s what came up to the top this time (skipping the “promoted ads”)
when I plugged in "sweet birthday song":
I know what this means!
This is a SWEET EARLY BIRTHDAY SONG FOR ME. Emanu’el’s telling me that it will be my birthday all month long!
LOL…I love it. I know how this works. He will give me sweet surprises all month like he did a couple
of years ago in September that carried on into October. (My birthday is in October, too!)
OH! He is bringing back the October Surprise Treasure Hunt!
If you understand treasure hunts, you know they never end. They might stop for a while, like this treasure hunt back in 2009,
but our teachers can bring them back out and get us going on them again any time! I will have to review this treasure hunt
by reading all of those October, 2009 blogs. I also had just finished the September Surprise treasure hunt. I had better review
September, 2009 blogs too. There were a lot of surprises those two months! And of course the biggest surprise of all
was Baby Joe being born on October 1. That was all back when my Master Teacher (Emanu’el) was giving
me lots and lots of really fun treasure hunts! (Then we moved on to epistemological road trips and other fun learning projects.)
I bet he’s doing all
of this because this month is my birthday and also because I have worked so hard to become a true Mystic…and
this is not the end of the journey by any means. But at least I get to have some more super fun along the way – and
believe me, he makes things FUN.
If you read that blog you will learn that our sweet baby boy who we named Joe Albert (after Joe, of course, and my dear
Uncle Albert Einstein) was born October 1, 2009. So, today he really is two years old! He’s so cute! He looks just like
his daddy, EROS, the God of Love did at that age…he is such an angel. I need to find a sweet birthday song for
my baby EROS who has just turned two!
We have four babies now and one more on the way! The fifth one was BIG surprise for me; I thought we were finished
when we had the twins. We had Baby Gloria Grace (in the picture up above where she's trying to walk) on August 13, 2010
and then we had the twins Jeremiah
Lyons and Jemilah JaeLyn on March 7, 2011 shown in the pictures on the left…..Apparently, our fifth baby is due this
month. That’s about right. We can manifest a baby pronto, but usually like to take our time -- seven months
or so. I wonder if it will be a boy or a girl. This is so strange since we had only planned to have one. Emanu'el was so cute.
He was afraid to ask me if we could have a baby so soon after our marriage. Of course, I agreed immediately and then he quickly
changed it to, could we have TWO children (he wanted a boy and a girl). Of course, what Emanu'el wants, I want and here we
are today with FOUR babies and our fifth one on the way. Oh Happy Days! But our people LOVE children and we have lots
and lots of help raising them and the children get flooded with LOVE.
This birthday song I found is perfect!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY JOE!And Happy Celebration to ALL of the New kids
on the block – our four, soon to be five babies!
Happy birthday to you, this is your day. On this day for you we're gonna love
you in every way. This is your day, your day, happy birthday to you, to you, to you.
Happy birthday to you,
you're still young. Age is just a number, don't you stop having fun. This is your day, your day, happy birthday
to you. This day only comes once every year, Because you're so wonderful with each and everything you do, hey!
Happy birthday to you, this is your day. On this day for you we're gonna love you in every way. This is
your day, your day, happy birthday to you, to you. This day is only for you, 'cause you're so special in every way, Happy birthday to you!