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FEATURED BOOK OF INTEREST TO EVERYONE And the Band Plays On: A Brief Demonstration and Analysis of Joe Kincheloe's Use of Music for Accelerated and Transformative
Learning-and a Better Life by Vanessa Paradis This book is for everyone who loves music. It is also for people interested in a new way of learning that incorporates
music in engaging, creative, and transformative ways to enhance and accelerate learning. Teachers, parents, students,
college professors, researchers, scientists, and musicians will find this book of interest. Included in the book is introductory
information for students and researchers who want to learn Kincheloe's advanced and rigorous qualitative research process,
the multidimensional critical complex bricolage. It is not your ordinary bricolage and it takes research and writing to a
whole new level. The process can be applied within all disciplines. Of interest to scientists and researchers is
the introduction to Kincheloe's critical science of complexity and how he has synthesized enactive, chaos, complexity, and
other theories. And finally, the author interprets two songs embedded in the writings of the late philosopher-educator, Joe
Kincheloe, to demonstrate how he uses music in his work pedagogically. Following his lead by incorporating music into more
facets of our lives in positive, transformative ways, we can create a better, more enjoyable life for ourselves and a better
world for us all. You will never view music in the same light again. The author has researched the late Joe Kincheloe's work
and has applied his critical complex theories for more than seven years. (Spiral bound, 117 pages). Available as a free download.
And the Band Plays On: A Brief Demonstration and
Analysis of Joe Kincheloe's Use of Music for Accelerated and Transformative Learning-and a Better Life by
Vanessa Paradis At this time in history, new dispensations of music are being provided from the Celestial
Realms for multiple purposes, including as a form of communication between Twin Flames and Soul Mates. This book also introduces
a new way of learning that incorporates music in engaging, creative, and transformative ways to enhance and accelerate learning,
and to lift your spiritual vibrations toward the Heavenlies. Teachers, parents, students, college professors, researchers,
scientists, writers, seekers, lovers and, of course, musicians will find this book of interest. Included in the book is introductory
information for students and researchers who want to learn Kincheloe's advanced and rigorous qualitative research and writing
process, the multidimensional critical complex bricolage. It is not your ordinary bricolage and it takes research and writing
to a whole new level, yet everyone can learn it and learn how to create with the word. The process can be applied within all
disciplines. Of interest to scientists and researchers is the introduction to Kincheloe's critical science of complexity and
how he has synthesized enactive, chaos, complexity, and other theories. And finally, the author interprets two songs embedded
in the writings of the late philosopher-educator, Joe Kincheloe, to demonstrate how he uses music in his work pedagogically.
Following his lead by incorporating music into more facets of our lives in positive, transformative ways, we can create a
better, more enjoyable life for ourselves and a better world for us all. You will never view music in the same light again.
The author has researched the late Joe Kincheloe's work and has applied his critical complex theories for more than seven
years. Spiral
bound, 117 pages, $22
The N.E.W. World View: What You Need To Know by Vanessa Paradis 71 pages, spiral bound. $19.00
The world is just embarking on the most rapid global change that has ever been experienced.
Some people call it the New Golden Age. Humanity is awakening, even though in many ways that does not appear to be the case.
Much is going on behind the scenes--and there's so much knowledge and truth being released. But are we intellectually and
emotionally prepared for it? Those who are not prepared will often feel caught off guard and overwhelmed.
Take this highly engaging multimedia tour where you can learn much more about these
changes and how a shift in paradigms can help us all not only cope, but thrive with them! Learn how education will be changing
almost in direct opposition to what we call education today and how you can apply powerful new learning processes in your
everyday life--including a significant increase in creativity. Links are provided where you can learn much more--TOTALLY FREE!
on the philosophical work of the late Joe Kincheloe, the author presents the new paradigm the whole world is shifting toward
and discusses why it's important to begin to understand it now. You will learn to navigate effectively through the predicted tumultuous times ahead
and how to sift through the information jungle. A problem-solving process is introduced to help confront complicated issues
that arise due to the increasing complexity of daily life. By understanding the philosophy and the principles presented, you
will make quick and confident decisions, a necessary skill for these increasingly chaotic times. <3<3<3
Hermeneutics: The Great Debate and How Kincheloe's Key Codes Catalyze Getting Out of the Endless Ouroboros Cycle
ARTICLE by Vanessa Paradis, September, 11, 2013 22 pages. $9.00
article uses as a framework a quotation from Joe L. Kincheloe’s book, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction
to examine hermeneutics as interpretation in context with the rest of his legacy. There has been great contention over the
use of hermeneutics and as all these debates tend to go, they are dualistic in nature and, as a consequence, travel in an
endless cycle of debate. This article explores how Kincheloe provides a means to catalyze the conversation and get researchers
out of the Ouroboros.
In this article you'll be introduced to key codes and how to identify and link similar key
codes in various texts to gain a greater understanding of the obscure, hidden meanings by which some authors choose to communicate.
The article also provides an idiosyncratic application, among many possibilities, of Kincheloe's Fourth
Dimension (highly intuitive) Research in order to understand the global shift of the ages, and an example of following
his recommendation to “construct knowledge and formulate action based on eros with its drive to alleviate human suffering
[that] serves as a counterpoise to the empire’s positivistic thanatos" (Kincheloe, 2008, p. 100).
The article
includes interesting photographs, links, and references for more information.
Evaluating Online Courses: An Easy-to-Use Instructional
Design Checklist by Vanessa Jae Paradis This
guide is excellent for professors, students, and instructional designers! Easily evaluate courses for quality, accesibility, and
for how well they meet diverse learning needs. Are there adequate choices incorporated in your courses that provide multiple
entry points and individualized methods for students to learn the content? Whether updating a course, converting
a course from traditional to online delivery, or designing a course from scratch, this book makes design and evaluation
easy and provides creative ideas for meeting the evaluation criteria. Students benefit from the guide as well
by learning what factors make an online courses high quality and they are then able to make
research-based recommendations based on their own preferences to better inform professors and designers how courses
can be improved. This book also makes a great supplementary text for instructional and curriculum design courses 