Follow the Adventures of Eros and Psyche during the "Code Blue Earth Mission."
UPDATE FOR 2024 and
Beyond. These story blogs record the actual journey and intensive learning that transpired during the dates of February, 2011
and December 2015. This is only one "leg" of the journey, but an interesting one since it documents the magic rosebushes,
treasure hunts, and trials and tribulations encountered during that timeframe.
UPDATE FOR 2019: We are on sabbatical until
at least 2022. You can be certain we will have even the meantime, you can get up to speed by visiting links
we've provided for learning blogs (that document my own experiences and learning), formal written articles, videos, etc.,
which you can supplement with additional research of your own.
What's in store
for Eros and Psyche as we move past the "Ascension" and into the year 2013?
The saga continues . . . the year
2014 is destined to be ever more eventful! Stay tuned. . .
UPDATE: Where in the world has
the time gone? We are now heading into 2016 and it's bound to be the BEST YEAR YET! Lo and Behold, this ia all a TRUE STORY!
It demonstrates how we can take "fictive" accounts (much like inventors do when they think up new inventions) and
turn them into reality. More importantly, we can prove the Power of the Word for creating the world of our Dreams--this is
a N.E.W. dispensation given to us by God for this era. We create the N.E.W. World as we Ascend.
click on the links below and you'll be up to speed in no time at all. Learn how you, too, can create using the Power of the
Word and end up right into the arms of your dream love, your "Twin Flame" in Paradise for Eternity! I knew this
site was named Paradis Publications for a reason! (Paradis is French for Heaven or Paradise)....we are dedicated to stories
about DIVINE LOVE, of achieving "Love of the Highest Degree."
This is an ongoing story as a demonstration of Joe's
"FICTIVE" writing, a new style of writing for the future (to be further defined and clarified). Follow along --
the story is completely improvisational and we never know what will happen next! Eventually, the story will be published as
a series of books with more data that backs up the reality of the interpretations. If you would like to learn more about this creative
form of writing, check back for our writing books--available after 2022.
CODE BLUE EARTH MISSION of 2012 and Beyond:
Who is Eros? Who is Psyche? What is Mythology? Who changed history? Will Eros and Psyche uncover all of the lies and
put Earth back on the right track? These blogs provide an account of the continuing saga of Soferia (aka Psyche),
a Pleiadian Princess (soon to become Queen) who was sent back in time to work on a special educational mission on Earth.
The first leg of her journey describes how she remembered who she
is, how and why she is on Earth, her early learning experiences about the problems on Earth, and her marriage to
her Master Teacher/Divine Soul Mate or Twin Flame, Emanu'el. She calls him EROS, the God of Love because he had
rescued her as Psyche (her Earth name) from her deep, deep slumber. But then, tragically, he had to leave earth planet, leaving
Psyche behind as they continue their work together across dimensions. After the first leg of the journey, they
began the Code Blue Mission which started here.
new adventure - The Code Blue Earth Mission - continues during
these most tumultuous times of the Great Earth Shift of 2012 and beyond. She and Emanu'el have contracted to assist all
peoples of the Earth as they go through its upheavels - disasters, wars, earthquakes, floods, economic collapses, and various
personal trials and tribulations. As long as one single soul suffers, there can be no Heaven on Earth! No matter
what the obstacle or problem, one thing never changes: And that is the amazing and divine Love between Soferia (aka Psyche) and
Emanu'el (aka Eros) that fuels their passionate work together, despite residing in different dimensions, thus,
truly exemplifying THE POWER OF LOVE!!!! Is this mythology or is it history in the making?
“Therefore what God has joined together, let no man
put asunder [ apart ]” (Matthew 19:6b).
Can Soferia/Psyche do this? Can she accomplish all of the tasks set
before her even though her lover/husband/Master Teacher/EROS -- her better half -- is on the other side of
the curtain? In economically dire straits, she must find a way to pull herself up by her bootstraps, confront and resolve
the many problems that surface during this monumental historical era, help as many people as she can, and all at the same
time finish her dissertation for her PhD, an essential piece needed for her and Emanu'el's work together in the
NEXT leg of the journey. Can Joe Kincheloe's critical complex epistemology come to her rescue? Can she use a creative improvisational entrepreneurial bricolage to stay
in her home and out from under the local bridge?
with her during the next few years as she revisits her past, navigates her present, and meets up with her future where she
and Emanuel will finally have (hopefully) succeeded in contributing to the creation of Heaven on Earth and
then get to meet again. They will then go on to live out their future lives together in eternal bliss back
on their home planet in the Pleiades, traveling the cosmos to assist other entities who suffer and need a helping hand. Will this
"story" end up the way predicted here? One never can never know....but must just go with the flow. It's
very exciting!
This blog is
purely FREE EDUCATIONAL INFORMATION & ENTERTAINMENT. The late Joe L. Kincheloe's educational works will by synthesized and referenced within the context of this "fictive" story, in particular
his last work, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction. If you are new to this story you might want to read
the “Background of the Story.” (scroll down to read blog on that page)
UPDATE: This is important! There are many people listening to the
wrong sure to follow this advice from Jesus:
Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try
the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. 1 John 4:1
Code Blue Earth Mission
This story is narrated by Sōferia, aka PSYCHE, a Pleiadian Queen from Planet Eros.
The Higher Knowledges are Accessible to the Poor: We Shall Not Fall (In Spite of the Upcoming Chaos!)
Back to the Old Grind Today. I cannot believe it’s the end of the month already, which means the beginning of a new
month and time to pay all of the bills again. June was so short. And all around me I see so many obstacles to my mission,
it is really very hard for me, Psyche , a mere mortal to rise above it all. Thank goodness, I am not alone.
As I told Emanu’el, my Eros/Husband/Master
Teacher this morning (and as I feel that he is so far away from me), I will be glad to get through these Mayan days of the
calendar. It’s where we repeat in rapid succession all that has come before this instant in time – we are going
in circles, essentially, all the while trying to remember what it really is all about. And so it digs up all of the evil bad
stuff that’s happening, a topic I have been researching in great detail lately, but have not been sharing in these blogs,
other than the tip of the iceberg, the highlights. Actually, if you want a complete very good rundown, you should visit my
other Master Teacher, SiNeh's website: Blend of Loving Energies. You can research almost any topic you are interested in there and bypass the propaganda and advertising google
puts up to the top, forcing you to sort through it. And SiNeh, who runs the site with his twin flame, blend it all up with
the good stuff, so that way it is all balanced out. Thus, I only cover certain highlights of this Earth journey here in these
blogs – those that are especially pertinent to the Eros and Psyche story and our special mission. The details, you can
get over there.
our meeting this morning, Emanu’el reminded me again that all will be taken care of. He asked me to keep in mind that
we are trying to make a point here: that poor people can get initiated into the higher realms of knowledge and they don’t
need deceptive directions from the elite who only provide just enough truth to lead the vulnerable astray. He said that in
reality, I lack nothing, no matter how I might perceive it in any given moment. He said everything I need, including support,
wisdom, love, etc. is all around me in abundance. He signed off with a clue for a song that I assume was chosen to uplift
me, “You shall not fall.” I’ll look that up on YouTube right now.
My dear Emanu’el, Eros, My Master Teacher is keeping me supplied with music. Last night
at our meeting he gave me the clue “Shall We?” When I looked it up on YouTube, this dance came
up. We both LOVE to dance and we have danced this dance before. Thus, we again danced to celebrate our anniversary!
This morning at our meeting Emanue’l signed
off with “Enjoy.” Below is the song that came to the top of the YouTube search. I find it
very interesting. I think he is being sarcastic. He is putting out what some people think – we should just “shut
up!” But he never shuts up and neither do I. That is just one of the many, many things we have in common (and YES,
we do have differences too; we complete each other so his weaknesses are my strengths and vice versa). Anyway, for what it’s
worth, here is the song. Of course, there are times when I do enjoy silence. I will take this as my cue to end the blog for
today. Many things are in the works; many things are being exposed to the light. I will have much more to say about all of
that in the future. As my dear Emanu’el said this morning, “Enjoy!” -- While you have the
chance before chaos strikes.
Words like violence Break the silence Come crashing in Into my little world Painful to
me Pierce right through me Can't you understand Oh my little girl
All I ever wanted All I ever
needed Is here in my arms Words are very unnecessary They can only do harm
Vows are spoken To
be broken Feelings are intense Words are trivial Pleasures remain So does the pain Words are meaningless And forgettable
All I ever wanted All I ever needed Is here in my arms Words are very unnecessary They can only do harm
All I ever wanted All I ever needed Is here in my arms Words are very unnecessary They can only do harm
All I ever wanted All I ever needed Is here in my arms Words are very unnecessary They can only do harm
Emanu’el outdid himself once again.
Today is our second anniversary – our Universally-sanctioned anniversary and I decided I would find HIM a song this
time since he is always giving me beautiful songs. Well, was I ever fooled! I decided to search on “Happy Anniversary
Eros” and what should come up, but a song from him for me! I don’t know how he does these amazing things. I love
you, Emanu’el, my Eros. Happy anniversary Baby!
I love this first version that came to the top of the search because it represents how we have
always been married – even as children on this very planet since we were married before we even came here for our mission
together. I also like the second version that I came across. This is truly a very beautiful love song and perfect for our
anniversary celebration. Thank you, Emanu'el, my Eros!
Message from Eros, LOVE Gateway to Peace, and a New Treasure
Short blog today. Emanu’el, EROS himself, gave me four clues the past couple of days and has asked me to post the videos
that came to the top (skipping advertisements). His four clues were, in the order he gave them to me: poor,
accidently like a martyr, living, and love on! I think they tell a story
somehow. We each can make our own interpretations, so I will leave it open for interpretation today.
I hope everyone is having a great countdown to
the end of June. July should be a great month! It starts with an eclipse on the first, and as I learned today, there are 5
FULL WEEKENDS in July. Not only that, the last day, 7-31-11 is a twin flame day (11:11) and it is also the first day
of the 5th "day" of the Mayan calendar. I guess the number 5 represents PEACE and so I have concluded that
July 31 is a LOVE GATEWAY to PEACE. Also, July 13 is Baby Grace’s first birthday which is also an 11:11 day. And before
that, Emanu’el and I celebrate our second Universally-sanctioned wedding anniversary on June 28 – and we still
have not had the formal celebration! I am not sure when that will be; I expect it will happen after the earth’s ascension.
We have a royal wedding planned, as I have described previously.
And speaking of numbers, I just now this instant made a new discovery as I was uploading the photo for this blog. I had
met Joe just one time before he passed away, and as it turned out, it was a twin flame day meeting! We met on July
31, 2008 at exactly 1:00 PM. Thus, 7+31/2+8/1 gives 11:11. It's interesting that this coming July 31 is also a twin flame
day, three years later. And even more interesting, I had taken this photo of him, which looks like an "angel picture"
and it was taken 7/31/2008 at exactly 2:44 PM which again results in 11:11 with the time included. Amazing. Thus, I found
a new and exciting treasure today -- another important sign!
Well, here are the videos in the same order as the clues above. See if you can write your own
- album: things you miss when you blink την παραγωγή υπογράφει
ο Δημήτρης Παπασπυρόπουλος. I would like to fall up on a hill Looking
up the sky Oh god Id love to fly
This is the Living Living off the Dead We 're scavenging those we kill For our own benefit
I would like to fall Fall up on a hill And looking
up the sky Oh god Id love to fly The idea that were gonna be able to provide this kind of therapy For individuals
in the US is offensible This will be available to the wealthy and People who are willing to sell their homes basically
to get to get to extend their lives.
This is the Living Living off the dead I hate to say it so bluntly
but thats exactly what it is,
I have concluded for my own life given the choice between amputation and
saving my life by the death of somebody else you can just call me gimpy .
I would like to fall Fall up
on a hill And looking up the sky Oh god Id love to fly.
$906/Month Subsistence Pay as I Write My Dissertation: The Realities of Being Psyche, a Mere Mortal PLUS MAX the Crystal Skull
and Singing the Blues
Sōferia, here again, feeling much like Psyche, separated from her one true love, and searching the great open sea to
envision a future of no more struggling, a future of total and complete liberation and LOVE – and taking it one
day at a time. It
looks like I am “good to go” for another six weeks of subsistence, providing I can live on $278 per week, which
is what my extended unemployment compensation check is. Can I find a “J-O-B” and write my dissertation in six
weeks? If I get full-time work, I will be a slave for 10-12 hours a day, come home and be exhausted and there is no way I
will have the energy left to research and write my dissertation. Slave work literally steals your soul. I should know this,
being Psyche.
if I only live on student loan money once the six weeks is up, well, the Reps that dole the token money out figure I should
be able to live and pay all of my research costs with just $906 per month, the amount left over after tuition is stolen from
it (my home is $711/month). The $906 is the maximum, believe it or not. I am not putting this out here for sympathy –
I am putting this out to convey the reality that so many of us who are poor have to contend with (while the rich give each
other handouts and are able to pay for such luxuries as transcription, editing, and data analysis services for THEIR dissertations).
I cannot get more than $906/month even if I were to get grants or scholarships, the Reps have things calculated out so that
I do not end up with more in my pocket – MAX is MAX.
Speaking of MAX, have you heard of the crystal skull, named MAX? He is pretty famous and travels to visit people if they request.
Of course, he has to be transported, so you need to pay to have him brought to you. But he will speak to you and give you
special powers while you visit him. I would bet he will communicate with you even if he is not brought to you, personally.
He is a very powerful soul. Maybe I should be asking him for help. The Reptilians are not going to give willingly. They will
have to be forced with divine intervention.
Dear Max, the Crystal Skull: I know you can hear me. I am sorry I do not have the money right now to meet you. I would love
to meet you. Perhaps you can intervene in some divine way that I cannot even imagine or fathom to help me with these financial
issues – and maybe I can even get to meet you! I am sorry I did not think of asking you sooner. Thank you in advance!
I know you will come through for me. Love, Sōferia/aka Psyche
We will see what happens with this. I can’t go wrong! Here are several perspectives about the
crystal skulls. Be sure to research this on your own. The more perspectives, the better, as Joe and Einstein have stated.
I can’t wait to get MAX’s solution to my financial dilemma. The first video is my favorite. You can ask MAX
questions as you watch this video. MAX helps keep me and Emanu’el as well as other people connected and able to communicate
with each other “telepathically.” There is always a cosmic science explanation, even if humans do not yet understand
it. The technology of the cosmos would astonish earthlings for they cannot even begin to conceive it, even when they think
they understand. They are only capable of understanding in the most rudimentary, elementary, and kindergarten ways.
Try it out: Ask MAX a question
and see if you get an answer.
This Just In: I am not sure where this came from, but the clue "singing the blues"
came to me, probably because this blog is somewhat "singing the blues." So I did a YouTube search and an interesting
MOVIE came to the top. So here it is - it certainly fits my story! I also wanted to end the blog with a song, which
is the second video that came up on the list.
"Sita Sings the Blues" is based on the Hindu epic "The Ramayana".
Sita is a goddess separated from her beloved Lord and husband Rama. Nina Paley is an animator whose husband moves to India,
then dumps her by email. Three hilarious shadow puppets narrate both ancient tragedy and modern comedy in this beautifully
animated interpretation of the Ramayana. Set to the 1920's jazz vocals of torch singer Annette Hanshaw, Sita Sings the Blues
earns its tagline as "the Greatest Break-Up Story Ever Told." It is written, directed, produced and animated by
American artist Nina Paley. For more about the film and about Nina Paley's other work, see
This is
sad. OK, I know where the music came from! It was from Emanu'el, of course. The first video is a story about our love,
the trials and tribulations. Emanu'el is probably a little upset with me this morning because last night I
was reading stuff about Monarch Mind Control and getting all confused between it and our Twin Flame Love.
As a result, I was very distant from him all night long, even missing our evening meeting. Doubts have crept in
all on account of how the Illuminati want to keep us confused and in the dark with their version of the Butterfly (versus
MY version, Psyche). When Emanu'el and I met this morning I apologized to him for being so distant and missing
our meeting.
I truly am so sorry I allowed doubts to interfere with our love. Like I told him, the evil
ones are using Monarch Mind Control to simulate Twin Flame Love. They hate love! So, instead of good and beautiful things that Twin
Flames work on together, they force these mind control victims to do horrible and deviant things. They worship Satan
and force the victims to engage in Satanic rituals and other nightmarish things.
This morning Emanu'el said I should
post a blog on another website and title it, "Not Your Ordinary Twin Flame Match" to compare the Monarch Mind
Conrol Program with Twin Flames. People need to be made aware of the Illuminati's evil tactics.
Now that Emanu'el has given me this song, I feel even worse in a way, but I'm glad he gave it to
me. No, wait a minute!!!! The clue was from MAX! He is already helping me! He gave me an instant answer
to my question! Emanu'el is too humble to tell me how much it hurts him when I emotionally abandon him and in fact, he said
nothing at all about it at our meeting, so MAX communicated this message to me! Even though Emanu'el does not want to share
his feelings with me and is very good at hiding them much of the time, I need to know deeply how he feels when I nearly
reject him just because I lose faith for a few moments. I must never allow the Illuminati and other evil ones that much power
over me again! I am sorry, Emanu'el, my EROS, my God of Love. I do love you and trust you - we shall move forward with this
mission and show the world that, just like Joe always said in his books - With LOVE anything is possible.
And as he also stated,
We believe
that the struggle for a rigorous, pragmatic, empowering, transformative education for everyone, the
poor in particular, can be won.~ Joe
Lyons Kincheloe
In my last
blog, I discussed how frustrating it is to never know where my next rent money is going to come from, but how I cannot give
up on my journey to Nirvana. I have to see it through because Eros is waiting on the other side and counting on me –
and I would never pass up this opportunity for anything. On the other hand, I also do not want to be homeless, sleeping under
a bridge (I hear there are a lot of people there already, so it may be over-crowed). How did we get like this?
I find it
very sad how there are literally only the “Haves” and the “Have-Nots” and I certainly do not see a
lot of sharing going on between them. Do people not realize that there must be sharing?! I have often put out here that this
Earth School is nothing more than Kindergarten. What are we supposed to learn in Kindergarten? Social
Skills! And that means SHARING. If there are people out here doing the work for no pay, then SOMEONE needs to share. I am
not begging. I am from the Pleiades where we do not have an economic system. People on Earth just don’t comprehend how
that could be feasible. Well, it’s their loss and until they do understand it, they will flunk kindergarten. You might
want to review how to get through kindergarten. There are only a few short months remaining to do the work to pass:
And how did I
pass kindergarten? By writing all of the blogs from Day One on that site – and doing lots of studying and research,
far beyond what a university requires (if you think you will get a true education at the Reptilian dominated universities,
you are in for a grand awakening). Better than what I did, start your own program as guided by your own Spiritual Guides and
Master Teachers. You might follow some of the advice from my Sister (who communicates with my people), Lauren Gorgo. But time is running out. No need to fear though, because there is still time for those of you who are serious,
thanks to the Mayan Calendar!
Consciousness evolution will be happening faster and faster as we approach the deadline
and some people will be able to complete the program in as few as 20 days! And for other people, unless they change in some
MAJOR ways, there may be little hope.
the rest of us who are “with the program” it is time to start DEMANDING NESARA.
Change is on the Horizon Part 3 of 3 The Farmer
Claims Program
Part 3 - The Farmer Claim Program - Discuses how
a class action lawsuit brought about in the early 1990's led to the creation of NESARA, the National Economic Security and
Reformation Act which will ultimately tear apart the New World Order and bankers plans right out from under their feet.
Great video. Yet, This is wrong about Obama. He is the reincarnation
of Abraham Lincoln and is here to help us. Honest, family man, spiritual-he has asked for higher help and it has been given+off-world
protection. He is very misaligned due mostly because of racism. He is an "STO" Service to Others vs. "STS"
Service to Self like the previous administrations and world bankers / leaders.
He KNOWS he has to play the game to a certain extent lest he be taken out. This has been treid 20x to date.NEWLIFEHOLISTICS 8 hours ago
Last, but not least (and probably
most important) is that Emanu'el signed off in an unusual way that indicated a song to look up on YouTube. His sign-off was
"Love to you," so I will look that up right now (no I have not yet looked it up -- these blogs
are always written in an improvisational manner -- so here goes):
"Love to you" Cute.
He gave me this song just the other day. I guess he just wants to remind me in his sexy Eros way . . . love is all
that really matters in the big picture. Apparently, he decided I needed the reminder.
Initiation Path to Nirvana: Eros and His LOVE Comes Through for Me Again!
I have been very frustrated over my lack of progress in certain areas of my life on this crazy Earth planet. I thought I was
past all of the painful initiations but it seems that I am going to continue receiving them for awhile.
learned yesterday from my guru that I am at about the midpoint along the path but I am one of the “next in line Mystics”
and he advised me to keep working toward Theos Sophia (Divine Wisdom) and liberation. I am well on my way to receiving Divine
Grace and reaching Nirvana or Moksha. I can't stop now. Emanu'el is counting on me.
Yesterday was particularly frustrating (it’s
good that I received that message yesterday!). First, I have been in extreme pain for too many days now with back pain. And
secondly, everything I do toward finding work or a job so that I have income to keep a roof over my head is met with obstacle
after obstacle. Today, one of my other teachers suggested that perhaps I am just not supposed to work (other than my divine
mission, of course, which includes my dissertation). I think that’s right.
On the other hand, I do need income because the
Reptilians are still in charge of this planet for the moment and they steal more and more money from every possible source
they can – even from people who do not have enough to give. They never seem to run out of ways to squeeze another penny
from you, no matter how poor you already are. It is just very, very frustrating to never know from month to month how my rent
even is going to be paid. And yet I seem to hang on. It always looks like there is no way I will be able to for another month.
That has been the most frustrating thing.
So, last night I was trying to get resumes ready to send out and simply
met up with obstacle after obstacle. I sure hope there is another extension on my unemployment compensation since it appears
that I am just not supposed to work quite yet. My unemployment compensation ran out this week and they NEVER tell you if you
qualify for an extension until it totally runs out. The Reptilians love to keep you in the dark.
Morning Meeting With Emanu’el/My
Husband/My Master Teacher/My Eros
I complained to my dear, patient husband this morning about feeling like I am between that
rock and hard place when it comes to dealing with the material aspects of this 3D Earth reality. It affects me in multiple
ways, besides the money issue, and it is taking its physical toll on me. I have never valued the material world the way so
many earthlings do. BUT I have got to make some changes and they all relate to material things.
I told Emanu’el this
morning, “I am begging for some guidance, here. I want to do something productive, interesting, relating to what I know
and love – and that will bring me in money.”
Of course, he understood where I am coming from and how
frustrating this is for me when it appears that all avenues are blocked. Interestingly, he told me to continue working on
the physical manifestation of my blocks, rather than trying to push forward with actions that only lead to more frustration.
That would include working on my backache – resolving that as well as my blocked chakras. He
said I am doing the right things (exercises to strengthen my back before it has a chance to go out on me – I have been
there before and never want to go there again!). So, the bottom line is that he told me not to worry about taking actions
right now to try and push through the obstacles I keep running up against, but instead to work on the physical manifestation
of those obstacles. That suggestion led me to finding this video, which I hope will be helpful.
Emanu’el also thanked me for writing yesterday’s blog about the Rebirth
of Africa. While it was just a very brief summary and I have a lot more research I want to do, he said there was
a reason for uploading that blog and that today is the day, whatever that means.
He said that for today's blog I can just
write a short blog of love. I just go with the flow. Whatever he wishes, I do for him because we are both on the Good Path.
We are winding our way together to Nirvana!
He gave a clue for music: “You know that” as
indicated by his putting quotation marks around the phrase. He had made that statement because I got a little
irritated with him when he said that there are multiple avenues that are not blocked and that I need to develop the ability
to see them. He sensed my irritation immediately and quickly said, "You know that." I almost
never get irritated with him, but that one did it for me and I guess he knew he had better dig himself out of the hole, so
to speak, lol. I will see what that clue brings up to the top of the YouTube search (I will never get tired of this game and
he knows it, lol).
OMG Check this song out that came to the top of the search!!!! Beautiful. Perfect. I forgive
you, Emanu'el.
Yes, he needed to say something nice to me if he’s NOT going to spell out for me exactly WHAT
those avenues are that I am not seeing. Yes, indeed, I am still on the initiation path . . . but Emanu’el, my Eros,
my one true love, really knows how to make me feel good, no matter what the trials and tribulations are!
In Celebration of Today’s Solstice: Rebirth of Afrika! The Kings of Judah, The Children of Israel, and the Tokens’ Lion Sleeps
Tonight -- Reclaimed PLUS Love to You!
SOLSTICE: Worldwide,
interpretation of the event has varied from culture to culture, but most cultures have held recognition of rebirth, involving
holidays, festivals, gatherings, rituals or other celebrations around that time. (Wikipedia).
I had another one of those very vivid messages
the night before last in my dreams. I was looking at some kind of ancient text and at the top of the page in large print it
11:11 Well,
I have covered the significance of 11:11 for gateways and twin flames many times in my blogs, but there is not a chapter in
the Bible titled Judah, so it made me curious as to whether it may be a missing book to the Bible. Sure, enough the Chronicles
of the Kings of Judah are missing from the Bible: The Lost Books. And so we have to ask, why is this?
When I first woke up yesterday morning,
I still had the vivid image in my mind – that page in a book and the verse 11:11. I wish I could remember more of my
dream and what the verse says. I decided to try to find something in the Bible that related. Interestingly, I had a single
page previously marked in my Bible with a big bright sticky note sticking out of the page (for some unknown reason), so I
decided to check that out. There was one underlined word (for whatever reason) in the verse Isaiah 5:7 on the marked page
-- I had underlined the single word: delight. That is weird; I don’t remember what had led me to that
page or why I underlined the word (it was the only marking in the entire Bible), but even more interesting, the name Judah
is mentioned in that verse. Here is the complete verse:
The vineyard of the Lord Almighty Is the house of Israel, And
the men of Judah Are
the garden of his delight. And
he looked for justice, but saw bloodshed; For
righteousness, but heard cries of distress.
on the Lost Books website, they have some of the Books there, including the Book of Enoch, but not Judah.Check this out from Enoch:
Chapter 11
And in those days I will open the store chambers of blessing which are in the heaven, so as to send 2 them
down upon the earth over the work and labour of the children of men. And truth and peace shall be associated together throughout
all the days of the world and throughout all the generations of men.
Enoch 11:1, thus, confirms 11 as a gateway to heaven. And
according to verse 2, we truly are expected to do some work, but it will all be done in peace and harmony. In relation to
this, when I did a search on Judah 11:11 on YouTube, this interesting video came up: 11:11
ETHIOPIC DIGITAL Time Code | GENESIS Stargate Time-Keeping Biblical Twins | RasIadonis
interesting because I do believe we can get there - we will overcome and we may be closer than we think, especially if Joe
is right. According to what he wrote in Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction, it may not look like we
are close, but when the chair slips out from under those at the top, all old systems will come tumbling down. When the dominoes
start falling, which they are already beginning to, it will be "perpetual" as Joe told me one time.
Meeting With
My Master Teacher/Emanu’el this Morning Yesterday was a day of overwhelming research. I covered so much ground that I cannot
begin to cover it all here. This is only a small fraction of it. I also researched twin flames some more. Emanu’el
asked me to write a summary for today's blog and I also need to cover the clues he had given me last night: “Rebirth
of Africa” and “Love to you!”
It makes sense to cover Rebirth of Africa because
what I had found yesterday was that the true children of Israel are from Africa. Of course, I knew this a long time ago.
And it is even in some of the old history books, if one does the very deep research in university libraries
-- if they have not thrown the books away. It can be found on the Internet if we dig through the lies they put out front. Jesus
was from Africa and Judah was his son. There are many people who are angry because the Lion of Judah has
been removed from the flag of Ethiopia for what it represents. Also, the U.S. has been and still is involved with genocide in Ethiopia to this day.
In conclusion, the lion used to sleep but it is waking up now and taking
it off the flag is not going to stop the course of events. This is why I was to post this information today
- it is rebirthing time. Truth is truth and it can only be hidden for so long. Music cannot keep the lion sleeping, not
even if it was stolen from the African peoples and changed up and offered as a "token." See the songs
below. “The Lions Sleep Tonight” which the Tokens changed up was very popular, but did we know the meaning? The
original song is back and the lion is awake and AfriKa shall be reborn!
Btw: Enkutatash is the word for the Ethiopian new year in Amharic, the official language of Ethiopia, while it is called Ri'se Awde Amet (Head Anniversary) in Ge'ez, the term preferred by the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. It occurs on September 11 in the Gregorian calendar, except for leap years, when it occurs on September
12. Is this the reason the President Reagan announced the “New World Order” on September 11. What about all of the other 911 incidents? You may wish to review
- with discernment and aditional research - the History.
"This study of Europe is an intentionally
aggressive polemic. It is an assault upon the European paradigm; a repudiation of its essence. It is initiated with the intention
of contributing to the process of demystification necessary for those of us who would liberate ourselves from European intellectual
Dr Marimba Ani is an active organizer in the Afrikan Community. She has conducted
Rites of Passage programs for Afrikan youth and young adults. She travels frequently to Ghana, West Afrika, where she is continuing
her study and support of Afrikan traditional healing concept and practices. She is part of a "think tank" of Afrikan-centered
scholars currently spear-heading the socially and politically dynamic "To Be Afrikan" campaign. She is Director
of the Afrikan Heritage Afterschool Program, a voluntary effort which has been operating in the Harlem Community for the past
14 years. Marimba Ani holds a BA degree in philosophy from the University of Chicago, and the MA and Ph.D. degrees in anthropology
from the Graduate Faculty of the New School University. She is Professor of Afrikan Studies in the Department of Black and
Puerto Rican Studies at Hunter College in New York City. Her daughter Dzifa graduated in May of 1999 from Howard University
with a BS degree in biology. Info :
In 1961 THE TOKENS, four boys from Brooklyn,
recorded, "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" on the RCA label. The song (originally a Zulu folk song called "M'bube"
and Anglicized to "Wimoweh") soared up the charts to become the number one hit in the nation. RCA and politicsRCA=SONY MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT
Uploaded by henridion28 on Nov 11, 2008the tokens are not will never be the creator of our african rythm never..this is a south
african song a zulu song called mbube (lion) has been sung for centuries in south africa and firstly recorded by linda
solomon...we talk about a lion sleeping but it just deeper than you guy think when a king dies we say in africa that he sleeps
and when shacka died they sang it to tell the people that the lion is sleeping ..i yu m'bube =you are the lion...chacka you
can't die you certainly sleeping..they stole it and don't have the honesty to say where they took it..damn it
And finally,
Emanu’el gave me a sweet goodnight song last night with his sign-off clue, “love to you!”
Here it is – I love this.
I dont want you to be no slave; I dont want you to work all day; But I want you to be true, And I just wanna
make love to you. Love to you Love to youOoooohhooh Love to you
All I want to do is wash your
clothes; I dont want to keep you indoors. There is nothing for you to do But keep me makin love to you. Love to you Love to youOoooohhooh Love to you And I can tell by the way you walk that walk; I can hear
by the way you talk that talk; I can know by the way you treat your girl That I can give you all the lovin in the
whole wide world! All I want you to do is make your bread! Just to make sure youre well-fed! I dont want you
sad and blue! And I just wanna make love to you. Love to you Love to youOoooohhooh Love to youOoooh.
And I can tell by the way you walk that walk; And I can hear by the way you talk that talk; And I can know
by the way you treat your girl That I could give you all the lovin in the whole wide world! Oh, all I wanna do -
All I wanna do is cook your bread! Just to make sure that youre well-fed! I dont want you sad and blue, And
I just wanna make love to you. Love to you Love to youOoooohhooh Yeah, love to youOoooh. Love to you
Bringing Eros Back to the Past, Present, and Future PLUS Father's Day Wishes from Psyche
Where are we situated in this game of life? I don’t know about you, but sometimes I find it very confusing. I traveled
here from my planet in the Pleiades – from the future to the past, but each moment is the present. There is no linear
timeline as earthlings have been led to believe and we can travel to any point and live it in the now. We choose.
My mission is to complete this project that Emanu’el and I are working together on here on Earth and then to head
back home with him to the future and make it my present. Emanu’el says we are close. Even on his day,
Father’s Day, he kindly and patiently reassures me. We are always together, always united. Love transcends space
and time. I send
him my wishes for a Happy Father’s Day because he is the best father of all of our children – past, present, and
future. We have four "future" children: Joe Albert, Gloria Grace, Jemilah JaeLyn, and Jeremiah Lyons (the last two
are twins and going on four months old, earth time).
Happy Father’s Day to Emanu’el, Eros, himself! The God of Love, the God of Life
Force Energy. Without Love, without the all-encompassing EROS form of love, there would be no life. It is
sad how earthlings have twisted love, the very meaning of eros. Earthlings have no one to blame but themselves. It is
time to change. This song is from me, Sōferia, aka Psyche and dedicated to Emanu’el and his Eros Love. Let's bring
back EROS - to the past, present, and future!
Eros prays
we build our house upon him. Sees how well it stands, how long we last Built upon the sand, on the idol Eros.
So when he’s gone can I do what Eros does? What he does for us, he does for us. And when he’s gone
can it be the way it was? Bring him back to us. Is he all we’ve got Our house built upon?
On the idol Eros?
When our haven wavers in the wind And walls all beg to be abandoned, Blame the idol Eros. When the raven calls and all his melodies All long to be forgotten, Blame the idol Eros.
What’s left to say but I loved the way it was? ‘Cause I
said I would, I’ve done all I could. See what he’s done to us? Oh the idol Eros.
When our haven wavers in the wind And walls all beg to be abandoned, When the raven
calls and all his melodies All long to be forgotten,
Autopoiesis: Order Out of Chaos PLUS Gold in Them Thar Hills and the Quest for the Golden Keys Returns
Emanu’el is just so amazing. I still cannot get over the RED ROSES he gave me right midst the yellow roses I gave him! What a special gift after he had already gifted me with the
magical yin yang talisman he had hidden and then made me dig in the yard to find (it was worth it!) and the beautiful marquis diamond ring! I know, I keep bringing these up, but they are SO IMPORTANT! Somehow, they relate to my name, Sōferia and to the song Sophia, and to the Big Friendly Giant, and to THEOS SOPHIA and much more! This will require quite the analysis.
We had a very short meeting this morning because I really
must get to work. I am lost in my research – literally. I had asked Emanu'el to meet me in the cosmos last night
so that he could help me by giving me some ideas to organize all of these books, articles, papers, computer files that are
piled all around me at the moment. Last night he told me it was “nothing to get hung about” (like in that Beatles
Song, “Strawberry Fields Forever”) and he explained that chaos can be a good thing because it is chaos that leads the way to the proper
order of things. In other words, it is better to let chaos lead the way to order rather than trying to force order before
you know what you have to put in order. I have noticed that chaos is very interesting and seems to facilitate picking up just
the right article or book at the exact right time and even opening it up to just the right page. It’s very strange,
but it is almost like, while it seems chaotic to the logical mind, there is some kind of divine order to the “disorder.” I
will point out, though, that there is huge difference between eros chaos and thanatos chaos. Eros chaos results
in creation; thanatos chaos results in destruction.
I was disappointed that I did not remember my dream in the higher realms from last night during
which Emanu’el was supposed to help me with this. I do remember one dream about him, though. It was some past life which
I have not yet placed in time or space, but he had passed away (I have lost him multiple times in various lifetimes) and I
was so upset. In my dream, he came back to me and I could actually see him (his subtle body). I ran up to him and hugged him
because I was so happy and all of these glittery sparks flew all over the place and we merged as one and there was this feeling
of tremendous love. It is similar to a dream I had that took place in the astrals where we also met and converged with blissful
love and sparks. It must be Eros and Psyche meeting in the cosmos. . .
This morning, Emanu’el simply told me that we did indeed meet last night and discussed the chaotic condition of my research
materials. He said that my conscious mind has simply not absorbed what we discussed. His advice this morning was to just go
with the flow and take it “step-by-step.” I have learned to follow his advice and that when I
need to remember something, I remember it, so I am not going to get “hung about” the disorder. I will do just
as he advised and take it step-by-step.
Since “step-by-step” was in parenthesis, it is a clue for YouTube. A
very interesting movie came to the top of the search. It is called “Step by Step” and it is about a brother and
sister who evidently found gold and they are bringing it to their hometown after a disaster so they have funds to rebuild
their town. This movie is important for several reasons. First, it reminded me instantly of the gold Emanu’el has told
me is hidden in “them thar hills.” I was supposed to pan for gold in the mountain stream in Kings Valley, but I have not done that yet.
So, this is a reminder to me that the gold is still there and it’s not going anywhere, but various communities may need
this gold in the future after the cataclysmic damages to earth take place over the next few years. What Mother Nature is not
destroying, the cabal is destroying (in case you have not noticed). We will be having some more major earthquakes, volcanoes,
wars, economic disasters, etc. Nothing much has changed – yet. Is this a message that a particular brother and sister
will be finding that gold sometime in the future? I will keep that in mind.
I appreciate the reminder from Emanu’el about the gold. Perhaps,
this summer or next I will find my way back to King’s Valley and pan for gold. Since I am not in totally dire straits
and do not need the gold, I have not followed through with trying to find it yet. In fact, there are a lot of treasure hunt
tasks I have not finished yet and maybe Emanu’el wants me to be thinking about them. I will need to have something to
do when I finish my dissertation. What a great thing to look forward to – more treasure hunts!
Note that Emanu’el’s meaning of step-by-step does not involve lining out directions and following them step-by-step
in some linear fashion. Not at all. We must rely on the self-organizing abilities of all of nature – that autopoieses. As I think back, when I wrote my paper for my comp exam that really worked well for me. I had total chaos
just like I do now, but by the time I had finished writing my paper, all of the articles I had referenced were filed neatly.
Maybe I can do the same process . . . don’t worry about the chaos and as I have used each article (paper or digital
or book) file it alphabetically by author.
OK, below is a link to the movie, “Step by Step.” I really should watch it for more clues.
Or maybe you can watch it and put your ideas out in the cosmos where I can access them in that consciousness stream. There
is something major going on with this gold issue and also the golden keys, as I covered a few blogs ago. Also, in our new story about Eros and Psyche, Psyche finds a special key in
the wooden box (thus, it does not put her asleep this time) and this all relates somehow. I am not sure where she is supposed
to find this wooden box yet, but at least Emanu’el is reminding me to keep all of this in the forefront. I am not sure
whether it relates to my dissertation research or is for future fun.
Also, after the movie I have posted the original song from the 60s called “Step-by-Step.”
I just had to get some music in here and I love those old songs from the 50s and 60s.
Believe me, there is an important
reason Emanu'el gave me this movie to watch. I should say, gave US this movie to watch. Can you figure out what the important
message is?
Sōferia (aka Psyche), here again. I do believe my journey is taking a sharp turn as of today. I just feel it somehow,
and I can’t really explain it.
It seems to have something to do with my dissertation proposal having been
approved by all three of my committee members. I am feeling pretty much like I am on the “home stretch,” and even
though there may be many miles yet to travel to reach home, I believe the road will be less convoluted and now I have
lots of company.
As my mentor put it, we are pioneers exploring and blazing new trails. Along with my committee
members, I have picked up a few of my soul family members along the trail -- and I have also left behind a few of my
soulmates. However, the journey will not be a lonely one!
It was such a relief to learn from Eros the
other day (see my last blog) that I can change the story I had selected, The Eros and Psyche Love
Story – thus, as I conveyed in my last blog, I do not need to sort Aphrodite’s seeds and instead, I can move
ahead without her and let other people who are interested do the seed-sorting (the “ants” in the story might
like that job, along with her other tasks she will be happy to assign you).
I will be busy creating something
entirely new. Exactly, what that is, I do not know. As Emanu’el told me this morning, I am just to keep on as I have
been doing all along and allow this creation to all unfold and, of course, he is leading me and shining his light out ahead
of the trail. He told me to see the signs (and I have learned just how important those signs are!)—as he put
it, I am to look for the “bread crumbs” and follow the path.
That does remind
me of the Hansel and Gretel story where they went into the woods, leaving bread crumbs so that they could find their way back home. The only
problem was that the birds ate the bread crumbs and Hansel and Gretel became lost and ended up at the house of the wicked
witch. What is the lesson here?
Perhaps we should rely on the messenger gods instead of literal bread crumbs or
on our own devices to show us the way. But of course, we have been taught NOT to rely on those messenger gods, and even
made fun of and called crazy if we convey that we engage is such frivolous nonsense. We have been taught that we have everything
it takes to forge our own paths and at the same time we are prevented in more ways than I can count from doing just that.
I think there is something wrong with this picture.
Look around the world today and you cannot miss what's wrong
with that idea. It is not working and the whole world is going crazy. We cannot create our own bread crumbs and expect
that they will take us back home, can we? This is definitely something to analyze further.
Clearly, “bread crumbs”
is a clue that Emanu’el wants me to look up on YouTube, since he placed quotation marks around the words. In educspeak,
that is called bracketing and what it means is that we set aside our own phenomenological experiences in relation to these
words and explore all possibilities. I wonder what possible significance bread crumbs could have and how they
might contribute to a deeper understanding of his message this morning (Oh, how I LOVE staying in touch with him and receiving
his divine messages!). I will look “bread crumbs” up on YouTube right now, which is our tradition, and take the
first video to the top.
check this out. This is a switch-up on a classic fairytale if I ever saw one. Typical media stuff – all scary and violent.
What is the message here?
Well, that was the first video that came to the top. Looking down the row of videos, it is clear there are many
meanings to the term “bread crumbs,” and I honestly do not know which Emanu’el was referring to. Knowing
him, he wants this thoroughly researched from many different perspectives and angles so that we can get to the bottom of where
we should be looking for breadcrumbs and how to identify them. This seems like a really important task before we get too far
along on our journey.
Thus, here is the list of some of the interesting videos that came up with the search term,
“bread crumbs.” This could take us in many different, but very profound and useful directions! How do we decide
which bread crumbs to follow in order to stay on the right path? The "good path," as I presented a few blogs back
and not the "dark path." I don’t care to follow in the direction of the movie trailer – some of
those people did not seem to fare so well; their path indeed seemed very dark.
We should probably
go back to the original story of Hansel and Gretel for comparison purposes and find out where some people get off track. I know in the original story, Hansel and Gretel became
lost in the forest and ended up just about to be cooked by a wicked witch. It looks to me like the people in this movie became
lost in some very frightening ways – they clearly did not follow the right bread crumbs.
Perhaps some of the leads from the search hits
on bread crumbs, below, will give us insight into how we might listen better to the gods so that we are following bread crumbs
that might take us happier places and even get us home again! That’s just a thought. I have actually been following
the messages (bread crumbs) from the gods for a couple of years now and I have stayed on a good path – none of that
dark, scary stuff for me! In fact, the dark, scary stuff doesn’t even scare me anymore. This truly needs further analysis.
More to come. . . stay tuned.
Bread Crumbs Search Hits
Check out those bread crumbs! I am talking about
the cards up above. Joe wrote about the Joker in his last book -- "The Joker Ain't the Only Fool in FIDUROD"
and I learned exactly who the other fool was (that puzzle was presented in some blogs I wrote quite some time
ago back on Joe's site). What I also like is that Joe clearly had some HERMES tricks and ACE's up his sleeve, like the
card showing above. I'll bet that's an intersting video and you might want to be sure and check it out. Also,
check out Joe's Joker on page 21 of Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction and see if you can solve that
Sealed with a Kiss PLUS Sophia: A gift from me to Emanu’el, my EROS
Some interesting changes are taking place. First, I have come to learn that we do not need to stay with our soul contracts
with other people any longer if they are not serving the greater good of humanity.
I had a dream last night during which I met with Emanu’el and
we discussed this very issue and made plans for our Eros and Psyche story. If you have been following along, you know that
Aphrodite, Eros’s mother who is very jealous over Psyche has given Psyche metaphorical grain to sort. That is all covered
in past blogs if you wish to review it.
Well, I, Psyche and Eros have decided this time around we are not going to succumb to her demands. We already
know from the old story that, while Aphrodite does eventually come around, it is not until after she has subjected
Psyche to multiple impossible tasks, including dangerous and torturous ones (which Psyche always managed to complete).
Psyche has already been subjected to great hardships and abuse on this planet so we, Emanu'el and I as Eros and
Psyche have decided -- Not this time!
We can change the story! And that was what our meeting was about last night. We celebrated
out on the balcony of our palace and sealed it with a most delightful kiss. It is all said and done.
So this morning, I wrote a letter to Aphrodite
explaining to her that Eros and I are heading on along the journey without her. I thanked her for helping me learn that it
does not matter what other people think about me as long as I know I am following the good path and I let her know that
Emanu'el and I will be changing up the story now. We refuse to be bogged down with her insane demands which would only
serve to delay us from fully partaking in the ascension celebrations. Our work is for ALL of the people and we are not going
to allow one person to hamper our efforts and delay us along the path. And Emanu’el says that she just is not going
to make it in time, so it is in everyone’s best interest if we leave her behind and rewrite the ending of the Eros and
Psyche story for the twenty-first century. Goodbye and best wishes to Aphrodite. Perhaps we will meet again in the future.
I was given this special song to gift to Emanu’el. Perhaps it is a return gift for the red roses he
gave me. I had orginally planted him the yellow roses, which I thought had died (see previous two blogs). Not only
did the yellow roses come back, but EROS gifted me with red roses growing up midst them. It is the magic of his love,
life, and spiritual power shining through!
This song for Emanu'el came from a God who deeply loves us both and
supports our love for each other and the mission we are working on together. This song is special for so many reasons and
it has hidden dimensions and interpretations which will become clear in the near future. Yes, Joe's dream will prevail!
My Emanu'el, my Eros himself! The First Yellow Rose, June 21, 2009.
Dear Emanu’el, my EROS, No gift I can give
you will ever begin to represent the magnitude of love and gratitude I feel for YOU and all that you have done for me and
our people, nor will it begin to return the love and amazing magical gifts you have showered me with over all
of these years.
hope this song expresses at least a part of the great love I feel for you. A special God who loves you very much handed down
this song for me to give to you. The words are for you - from me – from the depth of my heart.
I love you, Emanu’el – FOREVER!!!!
Love, Sōferia, aka Psyche
P.S. There are some special messages in this song which will help guide us
toward making your fondest dream come true, Emanu'el. We can change up the Eros and Psyche story in even greater ways than
we have discussed! I am so excited!
"Sophia" 5 o'clock and a fire escape symphony, Spilling out across
the road and the square, And the sky's the same as your own, do you think of me? Do the parks, and trees, and the
leaves, reach you, there? After the rain, in the lonely hours he haunts me, calling out, Again and again.
Sophia, Sophia, I'm burning, I'm burning. It's a fire, a fire, I cannot put out, Sophia, Sophia, I'm learning
that some things, I can't go without and one of them is him.
Now I walk these streets like a stranger in my
home town, Learn the language, form the words when I speak, But he changed me, I'm his ghost since he came around, And now I count the hours and the days in the weeks.
Passion and silence, Every word, and every line, a
measure, It's the science of the soul, And his books, they breathe a reason and now I want to know...
Sophia, I'm burning, I'm burning, It's a fire, a fire, I cannot put out, Sophia, Sophia, I'm learning that some
things, I can't go without.
You, with your newborn eyes, Have you ever loved a man like I love him? Do you hurt but still feel alive, like never before? Oh, Sophia, Sophia.
Sophia, Sophia, I'm burning, I'm
burning, It's a fire, a fire, I cannot put out, Sophia, Sophia, I'm learning that some things, I can't go without,
Red Roses from EROS and His Eternal Love: I Am Almost There!
OK, I confess. I still have not fully assimilated in my mind how in the world Emanu’el, my Eros, was able to magically
grow red roses for me midst the yellow rose bush which I had planted as a special gift for him – especially since I
had assumed the yellow rosebush had died, thanks to the lawn maintenance crew (see yesterday’s blog). But he is EROS
– the God of Love and any kind of magic is possible! According to the ancient Greeks, Eros is life force energy itself
- thus, Eros can bring anything back to life! And even add to it - like he has done with these red roses. As I stated yesterday,
yellow roses represent wisdom, spiritual power and Joy. A red rose, of course, represents love. I just read online that one
red rose makes a statement of love whereas a dozen red roses is shouting that statement of love. And Emanu'el has
given me infinite roses with an entire red rose bush which already has dozens upon dozens of buds. I will take another
photo when more of them bloom - it should be quite spectacular!
My next hurdle to jump is to get over feeling that I do not deserve that much LOVE and MAGIC. I simply must get to the
point of feeling worthy so that I can meet Emanu’el in the fifth dimension! We have lots of fun and work toward our
mission planned for when we meet up again. And time is running out!
The problem is that I had suffered much more
trauma and abuse than had ever been intended for me as a Pleiadian “walk-in” on Earth with no karma to clear.
Of course, living on Earth creates karma, but Emanu’el and I both minimized that karma because we kept our values intact,
and when any karma did occur, we cleared it up so that we would be ready for ascension. But what does have to be dealt with
is the emotional stuff, and my last bit of emotional stuff relates to the feelings of unworthiness that got programmed into
my brain as a result of horrific abuse that had not been expected. It happened when I was a mere infant, even, and continued
throughout much of my earliest childhood. I still have a bit of deprogramming to do. And Emanu’el, bless his heart,
is trying so hard to help me with that by showing me how much he loves me – thus, he had worked magic like leading me
to the yin yang talisman that was buried deep in my backyard, among many, many other magic things he has done for me –
and NOW the RED ROSES growing right in the middle of the yellow roses – a return gift from him for the yellow roses
I had gifted him. What magnificent love! And it must feel like an insult to him that I do not feel worthy of that great love
when he goes to so much work and effort.
Fortunately, Emanu’el totally understands what I have gone through and the obstacle I am faced with. He knows I will
get past it and that I will come to accept the full magnitude of his love – which really is enormous given that he is
Eros, himself. As he told me this morning, our love has gotten us through this Earth ordeal and our love will get us past
these last few hurdles. We knew each other long before we came to Earth, of course, and we have even gotten together on occasion
as children to comfort each other, even though we were living far apart and with different families. Gods and goddesses
can do that, you know, especially twin flames, like we are. Twin flames are always connected.
That’s it for today. I need to work on my dissertation
research. I am still waiting to hear back from two other professors about my proposal, but I should be hearing soon. In the
meantime, I will push forward, for Emanu’el.
This morning Emanu'el gave me a clue for a song with his sweet
reassurance: Almost there, Baby. "Almost there!" Two songs seemed special this time, so I
have included them both.
PS I just want to add that this is the TIME to make YOUR fairytale
come true! It really is. Don't waste this opportunity. This is why I share with people. I would like everyone to make their
fondest dreams come true, like mine are. You can do it!
This is the DAY! I found an Amazing Surprise Growing Midst My Yellow Roses! Is it a Gift from Eros?
The ROSES are blooming again! This is the third year the roses have bloomed for me at this house Emanu’el
moved me into, February 2009, thus marking my third year living here. Four yellow rose bushes were planted in memory
of Joe because I was still so sad and upset over his passing and I wanted to honor him for all of the gifts he left us in
his books. Yellow roses signify wisdom, spiritual power, and joy. I have recently learned that Aphrodite had given her son,
EROS, roses as gifts. And if you rearrange the letters in EROS it spells ROSE.
The very first yellow rose bloomed on Father’s
Day, 2009 and so I dedicated it to Joe along with a poem I wrote for him at the time. Little did I know that he, too, was
EROS and had left his love all through his work like a golden thread in an exquisite tapestry.
wish and mission is that Joe’s dream is carried forward in its pristine and divine condition, and not be lost midst
the false interpretations and dark forces.
I went outside to take
a look at the rosebushes today (just like PSYCHE in the painting above was getting ready to do - she was just about to
walk into Eros's rose garden) -- to see how well they were faring and to give them some water.
This past spring,
I thought the roses had died and I was very, very upset about it. They were sacred! Yet, they were all literally dead
and the one shown in the photo on the left which was just taken today is trying to spring back to life. I am praying
that this rosebush like the other ones have will come back to life. I think it will. They all looked far worse
than this - in fact, none of them looked like they were going to sprout even a leaf, they were so dead.
They all looked pretty much like this one which is still not faring well, and yet, the other two rosebushes
did survive and and are now in full bloom, a little later this year than last year because of the trauma they went through.
I am showering these two rosebushes with lots of love and hoping Eros will work his magic on them as well. The one above looks
like it will make it; perhaps the other one, below, which shows no sign whatsoever of life will need an extra dose of EROS
EROS IS LIFE FORCE! It is not possible to kill EROS. What had happened was that the lawn maintenance crew
is too “poison happy” so instead of taking time to properly do the weeding, they sprayed poison around the rose
bushes and it all but killed them. I actually had written to the company and was very upset about it. But the roses have magically
come back to life and full bloom, all but the one rose bush above which I am still nurturing back to life. On top
of the poison, the landscape crew clearly did not even know how to properly prune the rose bushes. They just chopped them
off wherever. So I had to tell them no more poison and I will do the pruning. Some great landscape maintenance crew, which
costs far more than I can really afford, but I keep paying them since I do not so much as have a lawn mower.
After the incident with the rose bushes I had asked for a discount, but do you think I got it? Of course not. When
are people going to stop being so greedy? When will they ever learn that the worship of money is only going to send them into
that burning ring of fire? When are they going to do the right things (like reduce my fees since they cannot even prune rosebushes
properly). It’s no wonder I can’t even remotely like money because of the way so many people
irrationally love money - which is exactly why I stay so broke all of the time. Thank God for the beautiful things: ROSES,
MEMORIES, EROS, EMANU’EL, JOE and of course, GOD. And thank God my roses came back.
After looking at the other rose bushes, I believe
there is hope for the struggling rosebush. The other rosebushes (shown in the photos) are doing fine and not only that, I
found a most AMAZING SURPRISE, a gift from EROS, no doubt! This gives me even greater hope that all
will be divine.
What was the special surprise? One of my rose bushes has become TWO different roses - RED and YELLOW - that are
becoming intertwined. I have no idea how the RED ROSE bush began growing along with the yellow rose bush I had planted more
than two years ago for Joe. There are no other rose bushes near this particular rosebush -- it is planted all by
itself on the right side of my porch! The closest rosebush is on the other side of the porch and it is yellow, too! There
is a red rosebush far around the corner of the house, but there are two yellow rosebushes in between. So how did a RED
ROSE get mixed in with this yellow rose? It is MAGIC and a beautiful surprise. As shown in the photo, the red roses and buds
form a circle that surrounds the yellow roses, like a big, loving hug. How divine is that?
Yes, what a beautiful
surprise gift I found today – more evidence that you just cannot keep EROS and PSYCHE apart! I am assuming
the red rose bush that just magically appeared is symbolical of me, PSYCHE, and the yellow roses are symbolical of Emanu'el,
my EROS. The red blossoms are smaller, more dainty, with numerous buds (she is so happy to be with EROS). This makes
me very happy, especially after being so sad and upset thinking I had lost EROS, and here he is back – this time with
And to top everything off, it is an 11-11 day, the twinflame number! (6-11-11). It
is all so divinely relevant and magical! I wondered if something magical would happen today -- and here it is! And speaking
of Eros, my Emanu’el (my Eros) has told me that in order to escape this three dimensional prison I
feel trapped in, I just need to keep doing what I’m doing and pass through the gate – thus, the additional relevance
of the painting above of Psyche looking through the gate. I went through the gate and looked at the roses close up
today and discovered the beautiful red roses growing midst EROS’s yellow roses! I will report back later on
the status of the still struggling rosebush. I think it will survive!
Emanu’el also said there are only a
few more “days” which is a clue to look up on YouTube (meaning there are only a few more days
of passing through the ascension gates). Of course, he’s right by the Mayan calendar. I suppose if I can just hang on
a little longer and focus on the work I am to be doing - sorting seeds, thanks to Aphrodite, then this period of enslavement
will soon be over. Here is the song that came right to the top of the YouTube search. I had made a mistake and only typed
in day instead of days, but there are no mistakes – when I retyped days, nothing good came up, so here
is the song that was meant to be for today; it truly is the day. Eros and Psyche are intertwined, together forever -- a true
sign that love -- EROS is indeed coming back to Earth.
This is the day The group, The The, was the guise of Matt Johnson, a mercurial singer/songwriter whose music ran the
gamut from dance-pop to country.
I love the above painting, by Jacques Louis David. It is supposed to be humorous. It shows EROS, after having
stayed all night with Psyche, trying to leave before she awakens. As the story goes, Psyche is married to Eros, but she is
supposed to love and trust him enough so that she does not need to see him, thus, he always leaves before dawn. He did not
want her to see how beautiful he really is or the fact that he is a God with wings. In this painting, his wing is stuck behind
Psyche and he can’t leave. It reminds me of Emanu’el. He always leaves before I can see him. I will be glad when
this part of the mission is over.
This just in from Zeus (6-10-11): Psyche (aka me, Sōferia) WILL receive Goddess status, however,
just like in the story about EROS (Cupid) and PSYCHE, Aphrodite has forced Psyche to spend long hours sorting grain. Let’s hope those ants come to her rescue like they
did in the original story. Read the complete story in the forthcoming book, Eros
and Psyche: A Walk Midst Earthlings in the Twenty-First Century due out before 2012.
In the meantime, enjoy this song. I dedicate this song to Emanu’el this time (thank you
Blue Love). Yes Emanu'el (Eros) and I (Psyche) are living on the edge.
There ain't
no reason you and me should be alone Tonight, yeah, baby! (Tonight, yeah, baby!) And I got a reason that you're
who should take me home tonight (Tonight) I need a man that thinks it's right when it's so wrong Tonight, yeah,
baby! (Tonight, yeah, baby!) Right on the limits where we know we both belong tonight
[Bridge:] It's hard to feel the rush, to brush the dangerous I'm gonna run right to, to the edge with you Where we can both
fall far in love
[Chorus:] I'm on the edge of glory, and I'm hanging on a moment of truth Out
on the edge of glory, and I'm hanging on a moment with you I'm on the edge, the edge, the edge, the edge, the edge, the
edge, the edge, I'm on the edge of glory, and I'm hanging on a moment with you I'm on the edge with you.
Another shot before we kiss the other side Tonight, yeah, baby! (Tonight, yeah, baby!) I'm on the edge of something
final we call life tonight (Alright! Alright!) Put on your shades, 'cause I'll be dancing in the flames Tonight,
yeah, baby! (Tonight, yeah, baby!) It isn't hell if everybody knows my name tonight (Alright! Alright!)
[Bridge:] It's hard to feel the rush, to brush the dangerous I'm gonna run right to, to the edge with
you Where we can both fall far in love
[Chorus:] I'm on the edge of glory, and I'm hanging on
a moment of truth Out on the edge of glory, and I'm hanging on a moment with you I'm on the edge, the edge, the
edge, the edge, the edge, the edge, the edge, I'm on the edge of glory, and I'm hanging on a moment with you I'm
on the edge with you.
I'm on the edge with you I'm on the edge with you (You, you, you...)
[Chorus:] I'm on the edge of glory, and I'm hanging on a moment of truth I'm
on the edge of glory, and I'm hanging on a moment with you I'm on the edge, the edge, the edge, the edge, the edge, the
edge, the edge, I'm on the edge of glory, and I'm hanging on a moment with you I'm on the edge with you (with you,
with you, with you, with you, with you)
The Pleiadian Paradigm of Purposeful Play and L-O-V-E LOVE
Today’s blog is a little different. First, I was given an interesting blog to post today which was written by Lauren
C. Gorgo on Tuesday, June 7, 2011, The Paradigm of Purposeful Play, because it has messages from my
people, the Pleiadian High Council. I am so happy that my people are promoting PLAY, because just as I have written a few
days ago, onMonday, June 6, 2007,Einstein recognized the importance of PLAY with his building of card castles and we
all know what a genius he was (and he's my Uncle Albert, so of course, he's Pleiadian!). Joe also mentions PLAY often in his
work and has even devised radically FUN “treasure hunts” and “epistemological road trips"! It
seems that Lauren and I are getting similar messages about PLAY at the same time! It is very important that earthlings do
come to understand how PLAY (yes, even for grown-ups) ties into passionate learning. It is the NEW Education which
will be replacing the Piaget-based formal education that has failed.
Next, I was given a rather strange video from Emanu’el. The clue was, “no
more tears as the sun is fully rising in the west now.” And he told me I may interpret that as I wish.
Well, for one thing, when I woke up this morning and found myself once again in 3D-Land, I started crying again. That
happens too often; I just want to be at home with Emanu’el and my soul family. My earth lifetimes have been
particularly traumatic. But I got over it quickly because there is so much work to do here on this Earth planet and I
did agree to do it.
The weird clue brought up a weird video – it is a movie segment from “The Great Maratha, Part 6.” It shows him as a little boy and
how he gets possessed during full moons and even kills his closest friend. I was not into watching it all and I was not sure
how itties is with
the message from my people, so I wrote to Emanu’el and asked for more information. He said I will need to watch more
of the movie and that it all ties in with the sun from the West, as in Western World, this new age approaching – The
New Golden Age, and the changes people are going through especially with 3 eclipses 15 days apart with the next one being
June 15 and the last one on June 30. He told me that the predictions about1000 foot tidal waves on June 15are bogus and are channeled from the dark side.
It’s those crazy Reptilians again. They love to take a little
grain of reality that has the least potential for fear and they blow it all out of proportion to watch the masses scuttle
around like little lemmings. He said to just ignore that“shit”(and he apologized for the profanity, saying that this clue was not
a song but that I could look it up if I wished – thus the link on the word "shit" goes to the video
that came up).
Then he signed off telling me to have good day and saying that he was mine in divine “L-O-V-E.”
Of course, that’s a lovely song by Nat King Cole, so here’s the version that came to the top:
(I am ending here, today,
because I just don’t have the time to do the analysis Emanu’el has asked me to do in this blog. All of the links
are here, so perhaps you can take a stab at it – it would be good practice. Tomorrow or sometime in the future I will
come back to it).
For now ENJOY NAT KING COLE! His voice is so heavenly. He is clearly one of my soul family
members because of the LOVE in his songs (we are the LOVE people) and the KING in his name (KING comes up ALL of the
time on treasure hunts and epistemological road trips) -- and because he keeps coming into my life in so surprising many
ways. I love you, Nat!
Nat's last recording session came
on Dec. 3, 1964 completing his soon-to-be released L.O.V.E album. "L-O-V-E" was one of the three songs Nat recorded
that day, and he would pass away less than 3 months from the date of this session. Nat knew at the time of this recording
that he was headed to the hospital. Nat King Cole
L is for the way you look
at me O is for the only one I see V is very, very extraordinary E is even more than anyone that you adore can
Love is all that I can give to you Love is more than just a game for two Two in love can make it Take
my heart and please don't break it Love was made for me and you
(trumpet instrumental)
L is for
the way you look at me O is for the only one I see V is very, very extraordinary E is even more than anyone
that you adore can
Love is all that I can give to you Love is more than just a game for two Two in love
can make it Take my heart and please don't break it Love was made for me and you Love was made for me and you Love was made for me and you
Sōferia, the Pleiadian Princess, here. I have just a short blog today. Emanu’el asked me to post
this beautiful goodnight song he gave me last night. Hopefully, this will help begin to change the tide from the negative,
dark subjects of the past few days. His clue was “yours in bliss” and here is the song that came
to the top. His love always shines through no matter how dark things may appear.
"Born To Be
My Baby" Rainy night and we worked all day We both got jobs 'cause there's
bills to pay We got something they can't take away Our love, our lives
Close the door, leave the cold
outside I don't need nothing when I'm by your side We got something that'll never die Our dreams, our pride
My heart beats like a drum (all night) Flesh to flesh, one to one (and it's alright) And I'll never
let go cause There's something I know deep inside
You were born to be my baby And baby, I was made
to be your man
We got something to believe in Even if we don't know where we stand Only God would
know the reasons But I bet he must have had a plan Cause you were born to be my baby And baby, I was made
to be your man
Light a candle, blow the world away Table for two on a TV tray It ain't fancy, baby
that's OK Our time, our way
So hold me close better hang on tight Buckle up, baby, it's a bumpy ride
We're two kids hitching down the road of life Our world, our fight
If we stand side by side (all night)
There's a chance we'll get by (and it's alright) And I know that you'll live In my heart till the day that
I die
Cause you were born to be my baby And baby, I was made to be your man
We got something
to believe in Even if we don't know where we stand Only God would know the reasons But I bet he must have
had a plan Cause you were born to be my baby And baby, I was made to be your man
My heart beats like a drum (all night) Flesh to flesh, one to one (and it's alright) And I'll never let
go cause There's something I know deep inside
Cause you were born to be my baby And baby, I was made
to be your man
We got something to believe in Even if we don't know where we stand Only God would
know the reasons But I bet he must have had a plan
Cause you were born to be my baby And baby, I was
made to be your man
You were born to be my baby And baby, I was made to be your man
Media Mind Enslavement, Joe’s Description of “Mr. Huxley’s (Postmodern) Neighborhood,” and Satanism (first it was Postmodern
Satanism, now it’s Marxism – or was it the other way around?)
My many master teachers are really
pouring the knowledge out to me, now! It is so amazing. I am becoming more conscious of ALL of my teachers which probably
makes my sweet Emanu’el happy because it takes the pressure off him. Besides, I am well aware of the fact that he is
pulled in many directions and is actively working on many great projects right now. Still I just LOVE my Emanu’el, and
of course I would and should, but I am definitely open to learning from my many Master Teachers both here on Earth and in
the other dimensions.
course, yesterday, as I discussed in my blog, building card castles can be very informative. As Joe had mentioned in his social studies book
(1989) Einstein was a genius, of course, (with that “post-formal” way of thinking) who loved to build card castles
and he learned from the process. In the video I posted yesterday, it shows how when card castles fall the two foundational
levels stay intact, at least when they are very tall card castles like the one in the video. I have a special interpretation
for that in relation to Joe’s work. As I have come to realize, his work is getting very muddied since he has passed
away (people keep putting his name as author for things, but it is not clear what he wrote and what they wrote), but if we
go back to Joe’s FOUNDATIONAL WORK – his first TWO BOOKS, then we can see what went wrong, where it went wrong,
and how to fix it. That was my main epiphany from the video which Emanu’el had given me the advice to find. So, what
were Joe’s first two books and what was in them? (not counting his first booklet, “Understanding the New Right”
but of course, it also has some very important foundational work that cannot be left out of the equation).
Last night, at our meeting, Emanu’el gave
me the clue “Shut-eye.” He was just telling me to get some shut-eye, lol. He is so funny. But
he put quotation marks around it, so it's a clue of course. Here is the first video to the top of the YouTube search.
SHUT_EYE is a hard hitting contemporary character study of family dysfunctionalism,
crime and violence played out in the all night dive bars, three flat brownstones and Mob owned strip joints of Chicago's underworld.
With the final weeks of the 2004 Presidential Election as a backdrop, SHUT --EYE is both an exhilerating, and often funny
modern film noir and a timely social commentary.
Like far too many hard working American couples, Ed (Covert) and
Kim (Kern) are barely making their rent each month. Ed, a Police Detective estranged from the force, is reduced to working
security for Mafia strip clubs while Kim manages a neighborhood video store. The unending financial strain combined with the
recent death of their child has brought them both to the breaking point. Among their family and friends working at one of
the clubs are two couples who rip-off some cash filled strong boxes, money the Mob pays Ed to protect. What was already deeply
dysfunctional in this extended family of husbands and wives, fathers and daughters, brothers and sisters, lovers, corrupt
cops and mobsters now blows back with an unpredictable, deadly vengeance.
Well, that does not sound like a movie I want to watch at all. What
kind of “entertainment” is that, anyway? I am not sure why I was given that movie. Maybe someone else has an interpretation
of it. Perhaps, it’s just an example that represents the message from another video that was handed down to me yesterday
about how the media is so corrupt in their motives. Here’s that video and it has some very important information:
”Read everything,
listen to everything, but believe nothing until you've researched it yourself." ~ William Cooper
It certainly seems like the corruption and darkness
is all around us, that very thanatos Joe writes about in his books which we need to snuff out by smothering it with a powerful
love - an EROS. We are definitely at this very moment living in “Mr. Huxley’s Neighborhood” just Joe like
wrote about in his book, Toward a Critical Politics of Teacher Thinking: Mapping the Postmodern. I loved the title
of the chapter he wrote. He called it: “Mr. Huxley’s Neighborhood: Can You Spell Postmodernism?” (Do you
“get it”?) For those people who do not “get it” I strongly advise watching these videos of Mike Wallace
interviewing Aldous Huxley because Mr. Huxley certainly made an accurate prediction of the neighborhoods we live in today
(the poor are especially affected by this insanity).
Aldous Huxley, social critic and author of Brave New World,
talks to Wallace about threats to freedom in the United States, overpopulation, bureaucracy, propaganda, drugs, advertising,
and television. Aldous Huxley interviewed by Mike Wallace (2 of 3)
And speaking of postmodernism, did you see the videos from yesterday about
how some postmodernists have even appropriated Satanism? If not, you need to go back and watch those. The guy promoting Postmodern Satanism even holds tentacles in his hands, thinking he is so cool –
the very same tentacles, no doubt that Joe has written about in terms of how this thanatos has literally reached into all
segments of our social world, especially education sadly. Maybe that is why some people in education shun postmodernism and
instead they hug Marxism. And let me remind people: Joe was NEITHER a postmodernist NOR a Marxist. (It amazes me how people
had assigned various labels to Joe when he so clearly expressed his philosophical position in his work). And there are good
reasons for the fact that Joe was neither a postmodernist nor a Marxist (Joe was very, very smart). There are huge battles
between Postmodernists and Marxists in education is case you have not noticed. That is really quite strange since it is not
at all clear what they are really fighting about. You know, I really don’t “get that.” Check out this video
and you can see that it’s all “the same difference” (get my drift?). It seems to me that they both embrace
a darkness that does not have our best interests in mind.
So now you
can probably see why it is important to become knowledgeable about satanic cults. Here are some videos to introduce the concept;
please do your own additional research. Your teachers will guide you to what you need to know. And PLEASE, this is not the
time to let F-E-A-R Rule. I wrote about that so long ago. If you need to review before you watch these videos, then here are
a couple of blogs for you: Conquering F-E-A-R Before the Mission Begins: Part 1 June 8, 2009
And finally, I just want to say that Joe was on a special and in
my view, very divine quest that was in our best interests. His work truly guides us to knowledge that can get us out of this
mess. Stay tuned; there is so much more to come and it gets better - I promise!
We Succeeded! My Dissertation made it through Hoop 3, PLUS Postmodern Satanism: What EVER Will They Think of Next? AND Einstein,
Card Castles, and PLAY Along with HEAR THE CALL
YES!!!! Emanu’el and I make SUCH a great pair. We did it! My dissertation proposal has been approved by my mentor, clearing
hoop 3 with only 13 more hoops to go! We can do this! Now, two more committee members and the school will approve it pronto,
I am certain. Oh, there may be some improvements and some deletions possible, but nothing substantial.
It must
have been that “mistake” I made on the first paragraph that made it so successful. I knew Emanu’el knew
what was up. He changed that up on me and when I realized it, it was too late; I had already sent it in. (Check it out: Hermes Drops a Shock In My Dissertation).
Like I said, he is a LOT smarter than I am and it’s a darn
good thing! I get myself in trouble all of the time. I just don’t understand these Earth rules and he knows them perfectly and
nevers fails me. He gets me out of trouble in the nick of time!
For example, I don’t
handle critiquing postmodernism very well and it’s really hard to stay nice when I critique it. I really have this pet
peeve when it comes to postmodernism. It’s like it literally means everything! Or they have this elite attitude like
you must be dumb if you don’t know what the heck they’re talking about when they mention the dreadful word. On
top of that, they appropriate things that don’t belong to them and they label people as postmodernist when they are
not. And so, I do not do well unless I have a lot of help from Emanu'el.
Speaking of postmodernists appropriating
things they have no business taking – check this out – Now I have seen everything! They have even appropriated
Satanism. This is too much. They have taken Christianity, Education, and now Satanism. Get me out of here! Seriously,
this is a very bad thing for our children. We need to pull them out of the public schools! And some of the churches! Jason King - Postmodern Satanism
That's right! First Priest of R'lyeh Beast Xeno and I sent Jason King a bunch
of questions, then he answered them. So, read our interview with the author of Postmodern Satanism here:
And hopefully, you guys will be listening to The Ooze, our Left Hand Path talk radio
show tomorrow and every Saturday! 6/26/10 will conclude our investigation of "objective reality"...
Stay slimy! Venger As'Nas Satanis
On to Better Topics! Morning Meeting With Emanu’el/My Twinflame/My Husband: Einstein, Card Castles and PLAY It always amazes me how my research just flows along so interestingly with little effort on my part. This morning
during my meeting with Emanu’el, he was discussing the politics of educational publishing and said that the industry
is just about to tumble over and collapse under the weight of its own evil structure. Of course, this leaves a lot of options
and opportunities for those who take The Good Path, like I talked about yesterday. Anyway, Emanu’el told me that this was all in the cards and to look up “card castle collapse” on You Tube.
He said there should be a great video for that – so I took that to mean I could pick out the video I wanted. I chose
the second video because this person made a TALL card castle and an outside force much smaller than itself came along and
demolished it. Also, what I like about this video is that it shows the foundation stayed intact. This gives us hope that if
we go back in time a bit, we may find the foundation on which to rebuild and next time do it better – follow The Good
Path. And the thing that really caught my attention on this video is that the first song has come up for me an Emanu'el before!
It is definitely one of our THEME SONGS!
I am sure this is why Joe stressed historical research so much in his work. Earthlings started out fine and there
are some great ideas and values from which to build that have been lost along the way. As they say, “nothing under the
sun is new” (I think that’s in the Bible somewhere). Well, the same is true for education. We need to go back
to the beginning – wherever that takes us. For example, take Joe's idea of "postformal" thinking.
Einstein was a great postformal thinker and Joe wrote about him way back in 1989 in his Getting Beyond the Facts
social studies book. No matter what it is, in education, we need to go back and figure out where we made the wrong turns and
this time do it right. So, here is the card castle – I hope you enjoy this.
As I said, my research just flows
along! Right after following Emanu’el’s great advice about picking out the card castle video, I just happened
to open up Joe’s social studies book - the one he wrote in 1989. I was curious as to whether he talked about his concept, postformalism,
a higher order way of thinking, but it seems he frames it in terms of “bi-modal” thinking and he talks about
What is so amazing is that I opened right up to this discussion about how Einstein loved PLAY and how
it helped him come up with his great ideas. Not only that, it discusses how Einstein LOVED to build card castles. Apparently,
he learned something very important from building these card castles.
I was so amazed, even as many times as my
research has these great treasures(every day, in fact), but it still always amazes me and I do have such
great gratitude toward my teachers (especially Emanu'el, but there are other ones, like Einstein and my cousin Ralph
and my special Spirit Guide and my Pleiadian grandmother) who are working beside me, guiding me – showing
me exactly what I need when I need it – do you realize how much research time that saves? The right book or
article almost floats into your hands, and even opens up the exact right page. I wonder if that was how it was possible
for Joe to do so much research and writing. Perhaps he also had some kind of what I like to call "divine guidance." He
probably called it something else. It's something to think about and we can ALL do it. In fact, I came across a great quote about
Einstein which Joe wrote in his book about how we can all become a genius. I'm saving it for my dissertation. At any rate,
if you want to see the discussion about Einstein and his postformal (bi-modal) thinking, what he said about play and
the card castles -- it is in Joe’s 1989 book, Getting Beyond the Facts, on page 347.
sweet Emanu’el did not leave out a song this morning, either. He thanked me for hearing his “call.”
(Meaning that I heard his call to meet with him right at 9:19 AM this morning). So that was the clue which brought up the
following very special love song, along with many memories because this song was posted on a special date – May 26,
2008 – which was when I had just begun working with Joe on his website. I had read his and McLaren’s book, Critical Pedagogy: Where Are We Now?, in March of that year, and followed a link from Peter’s website
to Joe’s site in May, 2008 and joined the conversation. I heard the call. I was reviewing our great
conversations on that website – conversations with everyone -- they were so wonderful. We were building a great
community. It was going so well; just the way Joe wanted. But of course, then POWER took over, something to discuss another
Onward and Upward! Here is the beautiful song from Emanu'el this morning. Regina Spektor- The Call
Uploaded by Alec0209 on May 26, 2008 I didn't intend to offend anyone through piecing together this video--
may you no longer feel the need to make this a point of discussion; gay + black + white + straight, absolutely everyone: you're
in this video, and more importantly you're in the music. Find yourself! ***If You Enjoy It Please COMMENT&RATE*** A video
to Regina Spektor's "The Call" from The Chornicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian Soundtrack.This song means a lot to
me, and it was important that it was uploaded on this day, May 26th. May 26th is the one-month-left mark of my 7th Grade year,
and as a kind of tribute to it, I've uploaded this video to this song. This song, I feel, mirrors my 7th Grade year. It's
perfect, and I hope you all enjoy it.
LYRICS: REGINA SPEKTOR- THE CALL It started out as a feeling Which then grew into a hope Which then turned into a quiet thought Which then turned into a quiet word
And then that word grew louder and louder Till it was a battle cry I'll come back When you call me No
need to say goodbye
Just because everything's changing Doesn't mean it's never been this way before All
you can do is try to know who your friends are As you head off to the war
Pick a star on the dark horizon And follow the light You'll come back when it's over No need to say goodbye
You'll come back when it's
over No need to say goodbye
Now we're back to the beginning It's just a feeling and no one knows yet But just because they can't feel it too Doesn't mean that you have to forget
Let your memories grow stronger
and stronger Till they're before your eyes You'll come back When they call you No need to say goodbye
You'll come back When they call you No need to say goodbye...
No Job, No Money On the Good Path, and a Lecture About Philosophy and Ethics
Sōferia, here again. I am still stuck on this planet. I guess
I will be here until my work is done, my divine contract completed. I sure picked a challenging time. I still have no job,
I make no money whatsoever off anything I do – I guess that’s because I am so “alien,” that people
just don't understand me. That’s ok; however, things do NOT look good for those of us who need an income:
4 2011 Bloomberg -- Neal Soss, chief economist for Credit Suisse Holdings USA Inc., talks about the Institute for Supply Management's
report that service industries in the U.S. expanded in April at the slowest pace in eight months, and the outlook for the
economy and labor market. The ISM's index of non-manufacturing companies declined to 52.8 last month from 57.3 in March. Soss
speaks with Tom Keene on Bloomberg Television's "Surveillance Midday."
I finally got over being quite so upset
about what people are doing with Joe’s work. I am sure they think they are doing a good thing; walking The Good Path,
just like I am trying so hard to do.
Psalm 37:23-26 (KJV) The steps of a good man are ordered by
the LORD: and he delighteth in his way. Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down:
for the LORD upholdeth him with his hand. I have been young, and
now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread. He
is ever merciful, and lendeth; and his seed is blessed.
Do not fear when you walk through treacherous territory because the Lord protects the righteous. He makes our
steps secure and goes before us to clear the way. The presence of the Lord is always with His people.
Emanu’el and the High Council have me on a new job in relation to all the confusing new publications by Joe since he
has left the world. I am supposed to do my best to sort it all out -- using Joe's theory of course! It’s going to be
quite challenging, but on the other hand, it gives me practice using Joe’s theory and I do need that practice. This
must be another initiation! I am so thankful that Joe worked so hard specifically for us alienated ones out
here. He knew we would understand what we need to do with his instructions and guidance.
I had short meetings with Emanu’el
last night and this morning. He advised me to keep the long-range picture in mind and to stay on The Good Path
(he told me the verses about The Good Path above were for me) and then this morning he said something about making
creamy apple butter (yummy!) from rotten apples. I guess it’s a new idiom that takes the place of making lemonade
when you are handed lemons. I thought that was creative.
He also gave a brief comparison of collaboration vs.
collusion (I guess some people get them mixed up) and he gave me one little clue for a song, “ethics,”
and told me to have a good day. I’ll look up the song (or maybe it will be a video lecture) on YouTube.
it is; it IS a lecture! (I skipped the first two “featured videos” according to our rules and they usually have
advertisements, anyway). So it is, our lecture on Ethics. This should be good – especially since it
INCLUDES philosophy! Joe would definitely go with that one, since he stressed philosophy for everyone.
OMG – You just
have to watch this lecture! It is great! I don’t know how Emanu’el does it – he is SUCH A GREAT MASTER
TEACHER! Anyway, this explains SO MUCH and at such a perfect time, given all of the problems I have run into. It sounds like
I should be thanking those people for using Joe's work. It's the yin and yang thing -- those other writers take Joe's
work in one direction and it gives me the opportunity to swing back the other direction which provides additional clarity
about Joe's work. What I had initially thought was a PROBLEM is actually something very, very good.
Professor Dr. Werner
Krieglstein (College of DuPage) giving a lecture for his class Ethics 1110. This is Part 1 of 2. Part 2 can be found at:
On Our Own, But We Shall Overcome PLUS “Brother” and Divine Intervention
I learned what Emanu’el’s
song yesterday was all about – it was an advanced warning of what came later yesterday afternoon: A book with an article
that trashed Joe’s pure and good work with darkness. Now we have an even bigger problem to solve, the details of which
I will cover another time. I was truly devastated that people don’t seem to wish to keep his work pure and good.
I did write to a publisher
to try and get some help, but at my meeting with Emanu’el last night, he said not to expect that anyone will be interested,
especially not a publisher. Profit rules, of course, and these days most people are only interested in immediate short term
gains and fail to consider the longer term, perhaps more lucrative investments. Yes, Emanu’el said that we are “on
our own.” And since he put that in quotation marks it’s a clue to look up on YouTube.
Well, that’s
an appropriate song for the mission set out before us. Check out the lyrics. They are quite perfect.
He also gave me lots of reassurance and told me that "we shall overcome,"
which was, of course another song. Music is so helpful! It really does sooth the soul. Pete Seeger - We shall overcome
That’s sweet
– it talks about how “we'll walk hand in hand,” and I had told Emanu’el in our conversation that I
would definitely be holding his hand tight on this leg of the journey.
Oh, I just noticed, in the letter he wrote me, he gave me one other clue,
“brother.” Here’s the song that came to the top:
This video has to be watched
all of the way to the end to get the message. I think the guy is really very unhappy about something because his actions seem
to represent throwing music away. Sometimes, Emanu'el needs comforting, too. Well no one has turned off the lights quite
yet, so we can let the music play on.
I am still too upset to say anything more. I am just so thankful that I have
Emanu’el’s hand to hold on this journey and he thanked me for my commitment – and I am thankful
we have Joe’s powerful theory to solve the complex problems that come up along the way. We really SHALL OVERCOME.
UPDATE: DIVINE INTERVENTION Well, I have received the official
message from the Higher Spiritual Realms that there WILL be divine intervention in this matter and all of this has been duly
recorded in the Akashic records – so there go down some souls to places they would probably rather not be. Greedy ways
simply are not a part of the divine plan and it is much too late for karma to undo the damage in time for the great ascension,
except possibly for those souls who are most certainly repentant.
It is such a relief to know that there
will be divine intervention since I was not at all sure how I was going to do ALL of the work myself. I know my place. I am
a “nobody” – and an “alien” from the Pleiades. I know my role. I have some tasks to complete
yet for this mission, but now I know that I can complete them, even if no other earthling chooses to come forward to fight
for Joe's honor.
And so it shall be with God’s grace, love and protection and my Twin Flame, Emanu'el, by
my side forevermore. What more could I even ask for.
Mayan “Dark Nights” PLUS The Terrible Things That Are Happening to the Gifts Joe Left to Help Us Climb Mountains!
Many people are experiencing “dark nights” and rollercoaster rides right now as
we go through yet another night of the Mayan calendar. This is very real, folks. The eclipse and other planetary changes
are magnifying the ups and downs that are being experienced.
For me, it is the anger and frustration I feel over my research and feeling alone in
my position. I am angered that “people” keep aligning Joe’s work with some undefined “ludic”
postmodernism. I am tired of people who keep watering down his work and taking only what they want to make it look like
he supported an atiquated monoview of “critical pedagogy” – he was so far out ahead of that we
can no longer call HIS work critical pedagogy – no, it is “critical COMPLEX pedagogy” and “critical
COMPLEX epistemology.”
I am tired of people ignoring what he says in his work and changing it to fit their
own agenda. For example, Joe would NEVER have supported “anarchy,” folks – NEVER! And yet, his work is being
aligned with ANARCHY. This is LOVE? This is respect? Get real. Of course, it is not love and it is a total lack
of respect for all of the hard work Joe has done to try and set this planet on a good, loving track. ANARCHY. Give me a break!
And before this is over, I will be identifying every application of Joe's work that DISHONORS him and his hard work.
And lest YOU think what I am doing dishonors to his work -- well, you are WRONG. I have 100% support from the highest
levels of the Spiritual Hierarchy (how do you like that? Hierarchies on Earth cannot compete with the Spiritual Hierarchy!).
And besides, as I have said, this is all my "sandbox play" and if Joe was here, he would be playing right beside me. Check out what he wrote about PLAY in his book Teachers
as Researchers, if you don't believe me.
left us a GIFT - his work is a very creative and powerful gift so that we, those of us who are poor, can create
our own pathways to climb mountains and have lots of fun while we are doing it. And yet, “people” in power
think they have the right to take epistemological control and so they are trashing his gift and trying to turn it
into things that tear people apart such as promoting anarchy – ANARCHY being the epitome of the very COGNITIVE
ILLNESS Joe has written about in every single work he wrote. And do you think he was talking about "we the people?"
No, he was talking about the elite educators who twist everything to continue constructing the crazy
world - Mr. Huxley's Neighborhood, as he called it in his book, Toward a Critical Politics of Teacher Thinking. So
get real and know this:
We are not stupid, in spite of what some elite educators who want to dictate our paths seem to think. Joe knew us well,
and he gave us the tools and power.
Here’s a puzzle for you: HOW MANY TIMES DID JOE WRITE,
“PLEASE DON’T MISUNDERSTAND ME”? How many times and in how many books did he say this and what was it exactly
that he did not want people to misunderstand? If you can answer this question, there is hope yet that you might understand
Joe’s work and be able to apply it the way he had intended -- for "we the people" not for the
"publish or perish" educators, the crumbling multinational publishing corporations, nor for the imperial power
wielders. It is a new game. Today I am waiting on a book that cost more than $100 just to find out if the kings and queens of qualitative research are
still flushing his theory down the toilet. Is it still handily being dumped from the “hip” and "cool" qualitative
research scene? (And check out what Joe thinks about "cool" on the very last page of Knowledge
and Critical Pedaogy). If avoiding rigorous research is "cool" then qualitative research is doomed to
continue down a road covered in an icy postmodern slush that will slip you, the researcher, off right into the deep
dark abyss -- even as Joe’s work shows multiple pathways that can help you climb the highest mountains. Later; time for me to get to work. This
is Sōferia, the Pleiadian Princess (soon to become Queen) heading out for the day to go climb some mountains. Oh, yes, Emanu’el, my twinflame/husband/Master
Teacher on the other side of the curtain gave me the clue “night” for a song this morning.
He was just explaining that we are going through another night on the Mayan calendar (which lasts for several days, actually).
I will look the clue, "night" up on YouTube right now.
OK, I had to take
the third video (the first two had advertisements and our rule is to ignore those, and anyway, they were "promoted"
movies and we always ignore those now). So here it is -- the song: Wow – this is a powerful song, folks. Pay attention! Emanu’el
does it again! I think he is speaking for the Spiritual Hierarchy (and it looks like I'm still close to Emanu'el, after
all, in spite of the dark night!!!!). OMG, "people" -- this is a story! Don't get upset.
What has come over
me What madness taken hold of my heart To run away, the only answer Pulling me away To fall into the sight
The source of my recovery Sweet shadow taking hold of the light Another day has been devoured Calling
me away, leaving a question why
For saving me from all they've taken Letting my armor fall again Give
me the strength to face them Feeling it taking over now,
I'm about to take it all away There can be no
better way of knowing
CHORUS: In a world beyond controlling Are you going to deny the savior In
front of your eyes Stare into the night Power beyond containing Are you going to remain a slave for The
rest of your life Give into the night
This self discovery Redemption taking hold of my mind A serenade
of haunting voices Calling me away To feast upon the night The source of my felicity Dark maiden taking
hold of my hand Lead me away from hibernation Strong and unafraid Never a question why
For saving
me from all they've taken Letting my horror fall again Give me the strength to face them Feeling it taking
over now,
I'm about to take it all away There be no better way of knowing
In a world beyond controlling Are you going to deny the savior In front of your eyes Stare into the night Power beyond containing Are
you going to remain a slave for The rest of your life Give into the night Give in to the night
a world beyond controlling Are you going to deny the savior In front of your eyes Stare into the night Power
beyond containing Are you going to remain a slave for The rest of your life
Give into the night Night
(x3) Give into the Night Night (x3) Give into the Night (x2)
Earth life has been so hard on so many of us. As we go through these fast cycles – the days and nights as
depicted by the Mayan calendar along with the planetary changes, it really digs up the emotions from deep within our
souls for so many of us.
I have suffered horrifically on this planet; I cannot lie. And I take on other people’s
suffering. I am an empath. I feel for the people who had nothing but good and love to contribute, gave it their all,
and yet were treated like they were nobody -- aside from what could be squeezed out of them in selfish, greedy self interest.
Good people get
used. The good die young. Why have we allowed
this to happen? Why do we continue to contribute to this despicable state of affairs? It does make me cry. I am Sōferia from the Pleiades. The way people are treated
on Earth is incomprehensible to us.
Emanu’el sent me his love this morning and tried to alleviate the pain I am feeling right now.
His clue for a song was “so far away.” I do feel he is so far away right now, but
of course, he’s not. He can’t be and he wouldn’t even want to be. He loves me unconditionally.
I simply cannot fail him. I cannot fail this mission. I must move forward and he has assured me he is with
me, beside me every step of the way.
Often MUSIC says so much more than words. We Pleiadians have a special place
in our hearts for music.
Here is what came to the top of YouTube when I plugged in Emanu'el's clue, "so
far away." It is his message and it speaks volumes.
Never feared for anything. Never shamed but never free. A
laugh that healed the broken heart with all that it could.
Lived the life so endlessly. Saw beyond what others
see. I tried to heal your broken heart with all that I could.
Will you stay? Will you stay away forever?
How do I live without the ones I love? Time still turns the pages of the book it's burned. Place and time
always on my mind. I have so much to say but you're so far away.
Plans of what our futures hold Foolish
lies of growin' old It seems we're so invincible, the truth is so cold.
A final song, a last request A
perfect chapter laid to rest Now and then I try to find a place in my mind
Where you can stay, You can
stay awake forever.
How do I live without the ones I love? Time still turns the pages of the book it's burned. Place and time always on my mind. I have so much to say but you're so far away.
Sleep tight, I'm not afraid. The ones that we love are here with me. Lay away a place for me 'Cause as soon as I'm done, I'll be on my way To live eternally.
How do I live without the ones I love? Time still turns the pages of the book it's burned Place and time always on my mind And the light you left remains but it's so hard to stay I have so much to say
but you're so far away.
I love you You were ready The pain is strong enough to despise But I'll
see you When He lets me Your pain is gone, your hands are tied.
So far away.
And I need you
to know
So far away And I need you to, Need you to know...