for Articles for the next Issue of the JOE Journal Vol. 4:1 Topic: LOVE [our second annual Special
Love Edition] (Jan-Mar, 2014) Some Ideas: Can love be incorporated into education? Can love be incorporated
into our daily lives more? Do you celebrate Valentine's Day? What is love? What are the different forms of love? The
Greeks defined many forms of love beyond what Westerners typically understand. What are some of those forms of love and how
might they be better incorporated into our daily lives? What
are your experiences with love? What music, art, etc., represents love? What is the antithesis of love and how is it represented in culture? Please send your submissions by January 15, 2013
to Vanessa
Dear Teachers, Parents, Students, Researchers,
Artists, Musicians, Writers of all ages -- and EVERYONE who is interested in the Power of Knowledge: We are currently
accepting articles, opinion pieces, literary works of all kinds, artwork, photographs, videos, music, and more for future
issues of JOE, the Journal of Epistemology. All submissions are welcome! We
also accept voice recordings and videos for this multimedia journal. We are ALL teachers, researchers, and learners
and there is so much we can learn from each other. Epistemology is